Oh and it has great modern mobile clients as well ( for example conversations.im and xabber).
More and more games come with some sort of player account system
We know how to solve all these problems.
Single identity provider to avoid creating many accounts
Lyberta {l Wrote}:I think XMPP is a bad idea because XMPP uses DNS for account names and DNS is centralized which is bad.
eugeneloza {l Wrote}:E.g. by using gravatar you accidentally find your image and e-mail exposed to everybody in unexpected places where you just (forced) typed in your e-mail.
eugeneloza {l Wrote}:And unless you typed in a non-standard password (do you honestly have a unique password for every single-time login?) you're left at mercy of honesty of the site owners, who can easily try the password you provided them on every site they'll find you registered gravatar image.
eugeneloza {l Wrote}:Otherwise hackers will do that, as they did to pascalgamedev recently, getting password hashes & e-mails for all the forum users.
charlie {l Wrote}:Maybe you don't, but others do, and it's not for data mining. So don't strawman the discussion.
Duion {l Wrote}:So you want to create a datamining platform that is not used for datamining?
Duion {l Wrote}:So you want to create a datamining platform that is not used for datamining?
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