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Music & Sound

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2011, 15:20
by danilov
Dear developers,

let me introduce myself. My name is Grigory Danilov, I'm 25 years old and I am a composer and sound maker.

I would like to offer you my service: to write music and to design sounds for you game. I write very different music, to any of your wish =)

You can listen to some of my works here:

And the website in english
and in german

Questions? Just contact me! Here or:
icq: 171467639

Thx for attention. See you 8)

Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2011, 16:40
by andrewbuck
Glad you decided to join us, we could definitely use some good music, there are several there that sound like they could fit with the theme of the game and they are all very good.


Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 27 Feb 2011, 01:23
by svenskmand
You really cover a wide spectrum of genres there :), very nice I think you could really benefit the project :)

As long as your ok with licensing you work under CC-BY-SA 3.0 then I wish you welcome aboard on our project :)

If you want to give it a go right away we need some background music here in the alpha phase to show off our new sound engine, right now we do not have any specific directions about how the music for each of the 6 factions should sound. But you could experiment a bit with this track for the alpha to get into it and then we can discuss who to proceed to get the right atmosphere in the game. The original Dungeon Keeper had some great music which you can listen to here (be patient the download link is very slow it seems to be capped at 50 KiB/s)

It is especially tracks 2, 3, 4 and 5 that I like, these are used in-game in the old Dungeon Keeper. If you decide to do it then share it on the forums, then license it as CC-BY-SA 3.0.

Remember that you should of course only find inspiration in the old Dungeon keeper sound track, we want to be original, but I think that it gives a good idea of the style of the sound.

Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 10:29
by danilov
Andrewbuck, thanks!

Svenskmand, sounds sweet. It's not a problem to write such music as in DK. I can even make it moderner.
There is no need to use CC-BY-SA 3.0, because every made track belongs to the customer, who orders it by me.

Could you show me the game you want I make music to?

Greetings ;)

Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 12:45
by charlie
Danilov - does that mean you are intending on charging the OpenDungeons project for your music?

Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 14:50
by danilov
charlie {l Wrote}:Danilov - does that mean you are intending on charging the OpenDungeons project for your music?

I don't trespass upon some rights. I just offer to compose an individual music to every game. I don't want to write a soundtrack that will be used in few games at the same time.

Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 14:56
by Bodsda
danilov {l Wrote}:
charlie {l Wrote}:Danilov - does that mean you are intending on charging the OpenDungeons project for your music?

I don't trespass upon some rights. I just offer to compose an individual music to every game. I don't want to write a soundtrack that will be used in few games at the same time.

The issue is that all of the content for this game is to be Free and Open Source, anyone should be able to download any part of the project and reuse it for their own project. CC-BY-SA is slightly more restrictive, you need permission to reuse it, but not much else.

Paying for content that other people would not be allowed to reuse would go against the moral standpoint of writing a FOSS game.


Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 15:02
by Skorpio
It seems you posted this in the wrong place. This subforum belongs to the OpenDungeons project, so we assumed you wanted to make music for OD. The whole Freegamer website and forums are about free open source software, and we accept only contributions that are licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0, GNU GPL 3 or similar free licenses. And I think the most projects here don't intend to pay for content.

Nice music, though.

Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 15:03
by andrewbuck
Yes, just to make it clear, we are not opposed to paying for art content to be used in the game (in fact we a small bit of money set aside for this purpose) but any content we use (whether paid for or not) must be available to be shared with other projects. It is something here all of use believe strongly in, and is what this website and forum is here to support.


Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 15:33
by danilov
Thanks for the quick replies and the comments, guys. I didn't catch the idea of OD, cause I haven't ever heard about it (at least in english)
I don't want money for my music. All I need is my name in your credits and a right to show your game with my music at the youtube (like under the links in my first message). Is it possible?

Re: Music & Sound

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 15:36
by svenskmand
Yes of course. When you contribute to the project you will get the credits for what you have made. So on the credits for the game it will say that you have made the music :) And since the games media/content will be licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 you and anybody can share the music and videos of the game to anybody :)

And if when this game gets popular you will probably get allot of kudos from the gaming community for making the excellent music :), just look at how well it went for Notch with MineCraft :) In other words it should be very good for your portfolio :)