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Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2014, 20:00
by Dm3d

idle1 [heavy breathing]: 1-50
idle2 [light breathing]: 50-100
walk: 105-145
attack right: 150-200
attack left: 200-250
hurt left: 250-280
hurt right: 280-310
death: 310-365

tell me what you think :D .

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2014, 21:31
by Danimal
Sadly i cant see it yet,( no pc) but could you add another animation called sleeping? It just needs to be an still pose of it ( 1 frame), maybe kneeling down, face close to ground with hands covering face. I think you get the idea, kind of a turtle defense, so it doesnt take much space on the dormitory.

Also, thanks for your help, i think your rig can be of use to other bigger humanoids

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2014, 22:03
by Dm3d
No problem. I should be able to put more work into it later this weekend. I guess, temporarily the very last frame could be a place holder sleeping frame.( the golem is laying flat on his back).

Danimal {l Wrote}:Also, thanks for your help, i think your rig can be of use to other bigger humanoids

it's worth a try. but I had to do a lot of compensating to get the model's limbs into correct positions in places. so the animations might not look good on other models.

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2014, 22:48
by Bertram
Wow! O.O

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2014, 22:56
by hwoarangmy
I'm not an expert in animation but it looks really nice :) Thanks

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2014, 16:25
by Dm3d
Bertram {l Wrote}:Wow! O.O

hwoarangmy {l Wrote}:I'm not an expert in animation but it looks really nice :) Thanks

thanks! this weekend I'll do a bit of clean up (some small deformation isses, the right hit animation is a bit too snappy and I know I can improve the death animation a bit ).but, I must admit.. I've never actually used the animation side of blender. wasn't until recently I was actually able to wrap my head around blender itself and become productive in it. lol, I was half way through animating this guy when I figured out there was a copy/paste pose and disable ik button :cry:

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2014, 17:30
by Danimal
There are even more amazing things like importing motion capture files, i seriously need to check that and try to create a master skeleton for all humans

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2014, 23:07
by Dm3d
Motion capture is definitely the way of future for most 3d animation. I've looked into a few times, but never had the time or money to try it out. but maybe you can take a look at mokka[1]. it's an open source motion capture application that exports to c3d( a format blender can use, I believe). you might beable to get by with an array of budget webcams or maybe a second hand kinect or 2.



quick edit:
after further inspection, I'm not even sure if mokka could be used to actually create motion capture or not :( . check out OpenNI though. youtube link V

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2014, 13:31
by Danimal
Actually, i was able to find a cc-by mocap library created by a college, i still have to dig into it to see how useful it will be, but its a start. Specially since i wont buy a xbox just for this :(

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2014, 14:48
by Dm3d
Hello, I've updated the Beetle Golem! Unfortunately, I couldn't get the model to kneel down properly due to the nature of the models legs. but hopefully the sleep animation I did will suffice.

Danimal {l Wrote}:Actually, i was able to find a cc-by mocap library created by a college, i still have to dig into it to see how useful it will be, but its a start. Specially since i wont buy a xbox just for this :(

you wouldn't need to buy a whole xbox to get the device. you might beable to find it separate in a second hand shop or craigslist for cheap. I've seen alot of cool things being done with it.

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 22:30
by Danimal
I wont be adding such poor animation to the game, and dont come back.

Just joking ;) ; you did an amazing job, even animated the pincers, and sleeping position is just sweet. Now, what shall we call it ingame? It resembles a japanese rhinoceros beetle (kabuto, but i dislike japanese name, its as alien as the dojo), so, maybe "Rhynhorn"?, "Rhynohorn"?, "Stomper"?. I need help here...

He will also be a prime candidate for appearing at the "Jungle biome" once biomes are integrated.

Dm3d im happy you decided to help us, i cant even compare to you at animation. Ill put shortly an updated Art TODO, should you like to help further we will welcome you :) .

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 00:41
by Dm3d
Thanks! I can't take all the credit. I had a nicely rigged model to work with ( a rarity for me ).

Of the three, "Rhynhorn" strikes me pretty well. but, here's a few more to kick around:

    * "Rhyhorn Golem/Colossus/Fighter/ect" < minus the 'n' and add descriptor?
    * "Scarab Guard/Fighter/Infantry/Colossus/ect" < since rhinoceros beetles are a subfamily of scarabs.
    * "Chitin Berserker/Colossus/Golem" < due to it's protective outer layer. assuming it's made of chitin..
although the rhino-like horn is definitely it's most prominent feature, the claws and skin remind me more of a lobster then a beetle.

That would be great, if no trouble. I haven't decided what to work on next yet, so I'm open to suggestions.

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 13:42
by charlie
It would be good to see some animation previews (gifs) or other poses. The preview image from the opengameart post is pretty hard to make out (e.g. can't really see the horn).

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 16:41
by paul424
(e.g. can't really see the horn).
Ask the daddy to lift you up :D :cool: :cool: [joking ] :D

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 19:37
by Dm3d
charlie {l Wrote}:It would be good to see some animation previews (gifs) or other poses. The preview image from the opengameart post is pretty hard to make out (e.g. can't really see the horn).

Hello charlie, here's a gif of all the animations. I tried my best to keep the size as low as possible. hopefully the quality isn't too bad.


Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 20:06
by Danimal
we need to get a sketchfab account :|

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 21:05
by Dm3d
Danimal {l Wrote}:we need to get a sketchfab account :|

wow, now that's a very handy site! no objections from me if the rest of the project members feel it's needed.

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2014, 19:24
by Danimal
Im having trouble converting this, its not animated ingame but an external mesh viewer shows its exported correctly. I asked Skorpio for help, im sure hell tell me where i failed.

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2014, 22:29
by Dm3d
Danimal {l Wrote}:Im having trouble converting this, its not animated ingame but an external mesh viewer shows its exported correctly. I asked Skorpio for help, im sure hell tell me where i failed.

Hmmm.. as I said, I've never really used blender for animation before. so I very well could be doing something wrong. should I hold off until this is resolved?

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2014, 22:33
by Danimal
no, im sure its an exporter problem; you can go on as you please

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2014, 11:24
by Skorpio
Hey, the animations of the Beetle Golem don't get exported because they're all in one big action. They have to be separate actions which you have to put on a NLA track. Don't forget to name the action strips on the NLA track correctly.

As for the Cavehornet, the names of the mesh and object datablocks are incorrect. You have to replace Insect_low.003 with Cavehornet and re-export. If animations don't work, it's often a naming problem.

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2014, 14:29
by Danimal
Thanks for your help Skorpio
Don't forget to name the action strips on the NLA track correctly.

Can you give me a sample of this naming conventions?

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2014, 17:38
by Dm3d
Skorpio {l Wrote}:Hey, the animations of the Beetle Golem don't get exported because they're all in one big action. They have to be separate actions which you have to put on a NLA track. Don't forget to name the action strips on the NLA track correctly.

:lol: can't push off learning the dopesheet and nla editor anymore it seems. the golem I'm working on currently will compily with these requirments and I'll try to update the beettle golem at a later date.

Danimal {l Wrote}:Can you give me a sample of this naming conventions?

probably best to wait for verification of these, but the one's I've found so far by searching "setAnimationState" in the "Creature.cpp" are;"Idle","Walk","Attack1","Flee","Sleep" and for workers/kobolds "Claim","Dig".

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2014, 17:49
by Skorpio
There was a list on the old wiki, but it seems it hasn't been ported to the new wiki.

I think it was:

Hurt or Damage ?
Dance ?
Parry ?
Dig (only for workers)
Claim (only for workers)

and maybe some more.

Re: Beetle Golem Animated

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2014, 12:02
by Bertram
The exact list of action used so far in the code are:
"Idle","Walk","Attack1","Flee","Sleep","Claim","Dig", and "Spawn".

All actions fall back to "Idle" when not found AFAIK.

The rest of the actions can be decided the way you want then, I guess.
