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OD translation

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2014, 17:38
by eugeneloza
Is there any need to think of OD translation into other languages? :cool:

Re: OD translation

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2014, 18:08
by Danimal
i think that so far nothing is integrated in the way of trasnlation; and anyways there is not much to translate

Re: OD translation

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2014, 19:11
by hwoarangmy
Translating will probably be needed one day but so far, nothing is ready (the gui is even hardcoded in the layout files). Moreover, after googling a bit, I couldn't find any easy way with cegui to handle that. Maybe someone knows a bit more about it. But in any case, I'm not for supporting another language than english too early. At this stage, text might change too often and IMHO, we have more urgent stuff to do than translating non final text ^^
Note that if someone wants to make a translation module, I'm ok with it. I was just talking about translation data, not the engine (which can be integrated much earlier than the content).

Re: OD translation

PostPosted: 28 Dec 2014, 00:36
by Bertram
Integrating gettext (and we can gladly retake some code from VT about this) shouldn't be that difficult. But I wouldn't do that until we have found a way to translate the Tooltips and text for instance.
We'll probably have to add a bunch of setText() and setTooltip() calls within the code overriding the data files text to properly translate those sentences anyway, IMHO.