Creature lists and concept art for them

Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby oln » 22 Aug 2011, 15:00

svenskmand {l Wrote}:are pretty generic. All contributions must be licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported.

I assume CC-BY would be okay as well if anyone wants to use a less strict licence?

As for file formats:
I don't know what the state of the blender 2.5 ogre exporter is, last time I tried it, it wasn't finished and only worked for some models.
Also, would we accept other formats if the user provided an ogre mesh that could be put straight into the game?
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby StefanP.MUC » 22 Aug 2011, 15:15

Yes, if it is usable by us then we should accept it. It's hard to get graphics at all, so the last thing to do is reject offers.

Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 23 Aug 2011, 18:21

So, by now:
- License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported
- Format: Blender 2.49 (cause of exporter)
- Animations:
Attack x 2
Rest (lying or sitting)
- Normal mapped? ligth maps?

Care to explain what that license implicates? (<--- clueless about them)
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby svenskmand » 23 Aug 2011, 18:27

Danimal {l Wrote}:Care to explain what that license implicates? (<--- clueless about them)

Well that I can answer :) Here it is in normal speak. And here you can see their compatability. - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby oln » 23 Aug 2011, 22:03

Danimal {l Wrote}:- Normal mapped? ligth maps?

Normal maps would be nice, (though it's not a strict requirement). Light maps are not currently implemented, but would be nice for later.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 23 Aug 2011, 23:54

also, i have a doubt about the style, are we going cartoony or realistic or something in between?
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby svenskmand » 24 Aug 2011, 08:27

I would say something in between. - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Skorpio » 25 Aug 2011, 15:42

I tend more to realistic, although most of our models look more cartoony. But they still need normal maps and I'll have to redo them anyway.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby svenskmand » 25 Aug 2011, 16:48

I would also want them to be more realistic than cartoonish, say 1 part cartoon and 3 parts real :) - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby StefanP.MUC » 25 Aug 2011, 17:27

I also vote for realistic (whatever that means in detail :D).

Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby oln » 28 Aug 2011, 20:04

+1 for "realistic".
(Or maybe something to go with the look skorpio suggested with the blur effect thing.)
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 06 Sep 2011, 18:24

So realistic but colorful, maybe a bit exagerated (armor size)
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 09 Sep 2011, 14:08

Svendmask can you give permission to modify the post of final creature list? I feel we can advance quite a bit with Darkfire around, and maybe plan another of the factions.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby svenskmand » 09 Sep 2011, 15:24

Done :) Others should not post in it though, use this thread.

Ok then maybe try the Mercenaries or the Elves. The Corpars I have a clear idea for the history which is partially describe here, I imagine their units to share appearance as the orc/troll characters from LOTR. The Corpars and the Constructs are going to be the hardest to make as they are non-generic. Elves are somewhat generic although I would like them to be dark elves (e.g. Hereos V, they are called the "Dungeon" faction they have dark elves). The mercenaries are a pretty open faction although non-generic, there is much freedom in their units, although they of course have to fit together. - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 09 Sep 2011, 19:01

i think mercenaries can be almost all of the former bandit faction, since they were in just for the coin from the start. As for dark elves, in Heroes they had quite some cool units, like minotaurs, lizards, medusas or beholders and even trogodites (some kind of blind lizard) i suposse we can fill the faction with those kind of creeps and reserve the "strong" unit types to dark elves only, like dominatrix :kiss: or overlord :cool: (only a "but", if using them somehow collides with corpars, though we could reuse some other factions units but as slaves, example, enslaved orc)

Also i think this a good model for the human maiden:
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby DarkFire4114 » 09 Sep 2011, 22:50

When I was reading some of the backstory information, I did form my own idea for what the Mercenary faction could possibly be. Since Evariar is only one of three fiefdoms in the south, I thought that maybe one of the other fiefdoms might take interest in the Gold found in Evariar, especially if they can take advantage of the situation in Evariar. Perhaps one of these fiefdoms sent a highly skilled Mercenary group to try and mine out the Gold while the other factions are busy fighting with each other.

Gameplaywise, the Mercenary Faction could be limited to a smaller number of Units yet they're very skilled as most of their Units specialize in one thing. They generally rely and specialize in Stealth rather than any form of brute force. It is a fitting specialization as it works well with the story/logical reason of why they're there. It also expands gameplay more as none of the other factions use nor do they normally have a need for Stealth.

Not 100% sure about the Maiden.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby svenskmand » 09 Sep 2011, 23:10

Darkfire I like your idea of the mercenaries as being stealthy, skilled and few in numbers. - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 10 Sep 2011, 12:09

just like pro-robbers should be, sthealty and efficient. About the maiden, i think the photo is too harcore, but covering more skin, using a staff instead of swords and changing color schems to something more "pure"(white and pink) should do the trick.

About the mercs, you dont really have to strain yourself with them, they can either be there because they were hired by one of the warring lords, a foreign enemy lord, one of the underground lords or simply trying their luck underground(war struck peasants from around and city robbers). Or all the above and they banded thogeter once the mountain tunnels collapsed and all hell break loose. With this setup you can put as many scum as you want there, not only a few strong ones (which could be the core troops)
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 19 Sep 2011, 13:07

Did you guys have some new ideas? im putting together a Mercenary faction mock-up
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby svenskmand » 19 Sep 2011, 14:52

What do you mean by mock-up? A creature list? - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 19 Sep 2011, 16:06

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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 20 Sep 2011, 12:33

Mercenaries: A collection of different creatures whose only drive is this: "Everything can be done, for a price". Its troops quality varies wildly, from street purse-cutters to terrorific Dark knigths and greedy dragons. The Lords war attracted all kind of scum to serve as mercenaries looking only for money, they dont care at all about honor or land. While the low tier troops have a high mortality rate they compensate their poor equipment and training with cunning and their trade skills, sneaking, ambushing and backstabbing. There is always no shortage of them since the war forced many peasant to turn to robbery or die of starvation, also some dungeon dweling creatures joined later. High tier troops are different, they are battle hardened veterans or cunning and scheming monsters that knows when to fight or when to retreat leaving the cannonfodder to their fate.

The cataclism left them confused and isolated at first, but later they realized that this was the chance of their lives, "fuck the warring lords, lets take all we can and give nothing back" so now not only they dont obey any lord, they are here to kill anything that stands between them and all that buried gold.

-Black raven, fast, likes to scout, decent damage but low HP.

Weak fighter:
- Goblin, Damn fast, low damage, low hp, a creature who joined the faction when they went underground, they are considered vermin by all of the other underground species( and aboveground ones as well, mind you), cowardly but good cannonfoder

- Thief, fast, medium damage, low hp, either city scum or peasants turned bad. They compensate low HP with skills and numbers.

Weak spellcaster:
- Witch: low damage spells, low hp, slow, can heal. You want some of them in your dungeon, since they are quite versatile, they can use low damage spells, debuff and healing. But they are not really warriors, just support.

Strong fighter:
- Dark knight: high hp, damage and low speed, your best friend in a figth. Dark knigths come from either knigths that have fallen in disgrace, been betrayed, or were specially cruel. Honor doesnt matter anymore to them and the chance to slay whatever comes in their way while getting gold is all they need (not much difference from your normal hero). Due to all of this they have a pretty bad and arrogant behaviour.

- Mistress: Good damage, medium HP, high speed. Sometimes boredrom and solitude make rich noblewoman to develop some really nasty hobbies, like torturing and even killing their servants for pleasure. This is normally covered by their noble families, but when their lust for inflicting pain grows to demential levels they either scape or are expelled from their families. The top training and education they recieve in their childhood helps them well to enter into any mercenary army or criminal group. They should have some direct damage spell and boost efficacy just like the Maiden from the Human Faction (bossy as hell).

Strong spellcaster:
- Warlock, high damage spells, medium HP, medium speeds, mages that turn their magics to chaos and seek only power, fame and money. They would do anything needed for attain personal gain.

- Succubus: medium damage spells, good hp, fast, demonic women on their eternal quest for jewels and accesories. Buff and charming spells are their main weapon.

- Spider Woman. Low damage, high HP, high speed. A creature that joined the faction later underground, their webs make them great guardians who can sense the smallest move in a really long radius. They can poison and bind enemies and lie normally in ambush. They like jewels the same or more than succubus.

Weak builder:
- Orc: an all rounder, normal hp, damage and speed. Builds traps, not very inteligent but brutish and rude.

Strong builder:
- Giant: good stats overall, builds. Quite intelligent and skillful despite their looks.

- Psychopath (Jack the ripper style?): Very strong figther, is invisible and attacks by surprise, only visible when figthing. Really high damage to just one target spell (Asesination spell?)

Super creature:
- Black Dragon: uber stats, hard to manage, bonus to creatures like maiden has. If there is no money to pay it, it becames enraged and turns rogue (must be killed). The real leader in the shadows of any successful criminal organization, highly inteligent, cunning and manulative. They possess a really strong body and natural armor harder than steel, since they are magical creatures they can use really strong spells in combat. Loves gold above all, so it wont doubt to join any lower species to get it, but be careful if it cant get it, it will become enraged and go into a killing rampage.

And thats all, your thougths?
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby Danimal » 29 Sep 2011, 16:47

There havent been almost no activity in the forum for more than a week, must be everyone is too busy with their lives, BOOOOORING.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby svenskmand » 29 Sep 2011, 21:22

Heh yep :) I will take a look later tonight, and write some comments :) - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Creature lists and concept art for them

Postby svenskmand » 29 Sep 2011, 23:17

I like the Raven as a scouting unit. But I also think that the Thief should be a scouting unit since Thiefs are cowardly (else they where robbers) and sneaks around to find anything that they can steal, so at the same time they explore/scout allot.

I also like the Witch as a weak spellcaster. But I am not sure about the Warlock as a strong spellcaster, because why should the humans not keep him as a strong fighting force?

I think a Dark Knight, which is a corrupt Knight would not happen. Knights are by definition incorruptible. Now a Count on the other hand is much more corrupt, he controls land and collects taxes from his peasants, and does almost nothing in return: he is supposed to build roads, protect the citizens and get good doctors, but often neglects these duties in varying degrees to he can spend more money on big parties, food, wine and women. So obviously the King does not approve of the Counts tendencies to overspend and harass the people, so when money is an issue they are some of the first to be thrown out, if they do not do their job well. A good source of inspiration is the Sheriff of Nottingham. A Count would have been trained in sword fighting, and used allot of dirty tricks to win his battles. So I think we should have a Count instead of a Dark Knight.

I think we should not have a Mistress it is too DK like, just as well as we should not have The Hornet Reaper.

I like the Spider Woman, but she should definitely have another name, e.g. Black Widow or something similarly. Her bio could be that she have had many husbands which all left her one way or the other (because of her nature). But her last husband had a more fatal demise as she killed him with poison, and left him in the barn to hang. After this episode she seduced many men and killed them with poison. After years of experimenting with poison, seducing and killing men in anger, she began to develop poisonous lips, so a single kiss could paralyze a man, and a long kiss kills him. Obviously many more men lost their lives due to this new and nasty trait of her, and later she began to mutate into half woman and half spider (black widow), hence the name Black Widow.

Since the Corpars should be a mixture of Demons, Orcs and Trolls, I think we should not have a Succubus here, as they are more demon like and hence want more than just money, they want as much power as they can get, and hence want minions under them. This is exactly what the Corpars do, like to have power and control allot of minions to do their bidding.

On the other hand I think a Orc would fit nicely with the Mercenary factions since the stronger Corpar overlords always bosses orcs around, and of course some of the orcs will try to avoid that by leaving the Corpars, hence some join the Mercenary faction to be their own master. And being your own master is essential for the Mercenaries.

I think a Giant fits the Mercenaries quite well :)

The Psychopath should be the Mercenaries super creature, Jack the Ripper is legendary, and only the role as a super creature would be fitting for such a strong unit.

I like dragons, but I doubt that they would cooperate with anybody out of their own free will. So a faction should only have a dragon if they are able to control it, and the Mercenaries are too liberal to enforce that kind of control over anybody. So I think we should drop the Dragon from the Mercenary faction. - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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