Presentation of the Project

Presentation of the Project

Postby tshirtman » 06 Mar 2010, 03:45

Ultimate Smash Friends is born from the willing to recreate and extend the original fun and gameplay found in the Super Smash Bros game, in an open source game, with full openly licenced artworks, original characters and stages.

The game is coded in Python with pygame and thus should work on most plateforms (although it's mainly tested on linux/x86).

What works currently:
Basic fight and combo systems.
Customized actions for every characters, with vector system to allow complex movements.
Events system, both targeting a player/item or the world (invincibility, healing...).
Menus to configure controls/sound, and launch a game.
A small and very limited AI.
A few characters are playable, and a few stages too.
Moving and bouncings pads in levels.
Menu and game Musics.

What does'nt:
Network mode
Character editor.
Physics contain some bugs...
shield is only cosmetic at the moment, not useful at all.

the project website may be found at
and code is hosted in launchpad:

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Re: Presentation of the Project

Postby tshirtman » 15 Mar 2010, 11:33

I made a screencast of the current state of the game, I play against 3 AI.
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Changing USF'development language

Postby doudoulolita » 25 Jul 2014, 16:44

Here are some news of the project.
The development of USF in python have stopped (but it's still is on Launchpad).

I have begun some time ago a very simple javascript version named Wardance-USF based upon USF and upon the game Wardance. My aim was to propose the game inline whatever the platform (but Internet Explore doensn't like the canvas tag...) and to improve my javascript...

I am not very good in development however, I am more skilled in design (I think), but I had some help from a developper during a while. Now he is out of the project, unfortunately and I'm not good enough in javascript to make the game better.

My wish would be to offer at least one of the possibilities of the previous USF, that is allowing to change the drawings of the levels easily, only having to send a set of 2 or 3 images for the levels and give the blocks coordinates. I imagine it will mean using PHP and may be a SQL database, and to make them "communicate" with javascript.
Of course, if the characters could move as they could before, it would be nice. Lots of poses are available on Launchpad and on Opengameart.

So if you like to code in javascript, please give me some help or make the python USF live again if you prefer. At my job, I have about 4 classes of 5 years old children waiting for this funny "battle" game ("le jeu de la bagarre", in french)!

I work also on another project for fun but it would be a pity to let this one die.
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Re: Presentation of the Project

Postby JoeStrout » 05 Jun 2015, 22:39

I've been thinking it would be fun to do something like this. But my preferred dev environment is Unity. Anybody else interested in working on a Unity version?
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