Some times ago I found an interesting bomberman clone written in C with some cool graphics effects in it.
Trying to understand how it achieved those effects, I put up togheter the minimum code required to reproduce them, but still have trouble understanding some very obscure (to me) pieces...
Especially this routine:
- {l Code}: {l Select All Code}
void Rotator(void)
u32 ix, iy;
u16 px, py, px2, py2, incx, incy;
u32 nMultiplier;
u8 *pScr, *pPic;
// Multiplicateur (Zoom).
#if RZ_TYPE == 0
nMultiplier = 0x08000 + ((0x0060 + pCos[(gRoto.nAngle + 192) & 0xFF]/2) << 9);
nMultiplier = 0x08000 + ((0x0060 + pCos[gRoto.nZoom]/2) << 9);
// Val sin et cos (Roto).
incx = (pCos[gRoto.nAngle] * nMultiplier) >> 16;
incy = (pSin[gRoto.nAngle] * nMultiplier) >> 16;
// Point de départ.
// x' = x cos f - y sin f
// y' = y cos f + x sin f
px = (128 << 8) - ((ROTO_CTR_X * incx) - (ROTO_CTR_Y * incy));
py = (128 << 8) - ((ROTO_CTR_Y * incx) + (ROTO_CTR_X * incy));
// Loop.
pScr = (u8*)screen->pixels;
pPic = (u8*)pRotoPic->pixels;
pPic += (gRoto.nScroll & 63) << 8; // Scroll.
s32 nPitchDiff = screen->pitch - SCREEN_WIDTH;
for (iy = 0; iy < SCREEN_HEIGHT; iy++)
px2 = px;
py2 = py;
for (ix = 0; ix < SCREEN_WIDTH; ix++)
*pScr++ = *(pPic + ((py2 >> 8) << 8) + (px2 >> 8));
px2 += incx;
py2 += incy;
pScr += nPitchDiff;
//incx++; // Déformation.
px -= incy;
py += incx;
#if RZ_TYPE == 0
gRoto.nAngle += 1;
// Déplacement des rotations, zooms, scrolls...
gRoto.nAngCnt &= 63;
if (gRoto.nAngCnt == 0)
gRoto.nAngVar = (gRoto.nAngVar + 1) & 3;
gRoto.nAngCnt = (rand() & 63) | 16;
if (gRoto.nAngVar == 1) gRoto.nAngle++;
else if (gRoto.nAngVar == 3) gRoto.nAngle--;
else gRoto.nScroll++;
gRoto.nZoomCnt &= 63;
if (gRoto.nZoomCnt == 0)
gRoto.nZoomVar = (gRoto.nZoomVar + 1) & 1;
gRoto.nZoomCnt = (rand() & 63) | 32;
if (gRoto.nZoomVar == 0) gRoto.nZoom++;
I can't understand some numbers come from, like in
ornMultiplier = 0x08000 + ((0x0060 + pCos[(gRoto.nAngle + 192) & 0xFF]/2) << 9);
, are them some kind of mathematical constants?px = (128 << 8) - ((ROTO_CTR_X * incx) - (ROTO_CTR_Y * incy));
I've tracked down the author website (in french) and found a simplistic explanations about some of the operations, but I can't completly understand them all.
Does anyone have some tips about this code?
I attached the full example to this post.