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Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2010, 13:16
by Julius

Maybe some of our Berlin residents are interested to representing FreeGamer there?

Re: Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2010, 18:36
by qubodup
I'll be there, but I'm not going to try to talk anybody into open sourcing their games/assets ;)

Re: Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2010, 18:53
by Julius
Why not?

At least print a few small flyers with the and adresses :) Or put a sticker on your laptop!

Re: Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2010, 23:50
by qubodup
Julius {l Wrote}:Why not?

I'm sure you know the answer?
It's: Let me talk to you about our lord and savior J.C. Denton!

Give me suggestions where to print stickers, people :)
And no flyers either... this convention isn't like that.. yet. Check it out '09

Re: Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2010, 12:30
by Julius
qubodup {l Wrote}:Give me suggestions where to print stickers, people :)

Can be done cheaply in any copyshop just around the corner where you live? And they usually also let you print t-shirts (if you do that we need pictures of that of course ;) ).

Re: Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2010, 02:15
by qubodup
No stickers, but if they let me, I will talk about open source code and art and ideas and I would welcome any kind of ideas!

I think I'll show what people can use in their games using content and game ideas from and

Probably tell a little about different licenses and that open source does not mean 'freeware only' and stuff.

Again: all suggestions welcome.

Re: Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2010, 12:27
by Julius
Hmm sounds good.

One Thing that has been bugging me of late, but for which I am still unsure how to argue convincingly against is the use of all these "free to use" top quality game engines, like the Unreal development kit, Unity engine, or also the AlienStorm SDK from Valve.
I think these are even worse than normal mods when it comes to the idea of creating FOSS games, as it is usually quite a bit more convenient to use them instead of a FOSS engine alternative. IMHO I think one of the reasons these got released for "free" was to counteract the FOSS engines reaching a point where more and more teams (even professional ones) started using them.
Thus this poses a strategic challenge, but it will be hard to convince someone not already a convinced FOSS user to not use those engines, as most the previous arguments like shelf-life and especially also price point have gone.

Re: Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2010, 15:18
by ghoulsblade
mention too please =D

Re: Indi game jam Berlin

PostPosted: 09 Aug 2010, 07:48
by qubodup
didn't have time to finish the talk. quite sorry :|