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[solved] Attachment Filetype Requests

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2011, 12:16
by qreeves
When trying to share certain files as attachments on the forum, users often find types common to gameplay modding disallowed (".cfg" being the best example). It would be nice if this and other game/mod file types were allowed, to foster sharing within conversations.

Re: Attachment Filetype Requests

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2011, 12:23
by riidom
Yep. Would like to add .iqm to that list.

And to be a bit more game-engine agnostic, common formats from other engines (.mesh for OGRE e.g.) could be useful too.

Re: Attachment Filetype Requests

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2011, 12:42
by charlie
I added .cfg, .iqm, and .mesh to the allowed formats.

Remove the file name extension restriction for attachments!

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2012, 20:30
by Wuzzy
Personally I don't like the attachment system very much. It rejects my file if it has an extension which is not allowed. I think this system is very stupid because it can be easily circumvented by just changing the filename extension and telling the users that they have to change the file name to use it. I guess the filename extensions come from the Windows world, especially that LOTS of Windows programs get VERY picky if you give them a file with the correct contents but a "wrong" file name extension.
If you come from the world of GNU/Linux you should know that not all files even have a file name extension at all. For example many source code packages have text files called "README", "LICENSE", "ChangeLog" etc. There is no ".txt" extension. Usually. Sometimes I have even seen files like "README.win32", "README.linux", "README.osx", different READMEs for different systems. Note that those are also just plain text files but don't use ".txt" as a suffix. Also note that the these file names are just examples, the part that is behind the dot is not standarized. It also may be "README.Windows" or "README.WIN" or something completely different. The dot is more like a delimeter character for better reading. It would be simply impossible to allow all THOSE "extensions" because they are not standarized.
The program "make" usually processes a file named "Makefile". Also executable files usually have no file name extension in the GNU/Linux world.
And probably a whole bunch of other files from the GNU/Linux world have either non-standarized or no "extensions" at all.

Therefore I propose to drop this annoying restriction and simply allow all file names, regardless of its name.

Please don't think I am going to upload a bunch of Makefiles, READMEs or binaries in future. I just made some examples.

I think it is important that this board has its own attachment system so it is not needed to rely on 3rd party services like those annoying one-click-hosters which may delete your file at any time (believe me: they do it when you least expect it!).

Re: [solved] Attachment Filetype Requests

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2012, 22:47
by qubodup
Useless indeed.

phpBB has no function to drop file extension restrictions. We admins can unlock popular formats on request. For sharing art we recommend .

Re: [solved] Attachment Filetype Requests

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2012, 00:46
by qreeves
Yeah, uh, you can lock this topic, it was solved to our satisfaction :)