Fish fillets remake

Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 11 Jul 2022, 09:59

Hi, this is the showcase of my little project "Fish fillets remake"

It features enhanced resolution up to 4k and 8k on selected levels, dubbed scripts in several languages, compatibility with android and touch devices, 3d graphics mode and much more.

The project page is here:

Screenshots can be found on the project's website.

The game is distributed under GPL license and some of the assets have been originally created for the game and others come from More details can be found in the credits here: ... creditstxt

Regarding the wanted contributions, there are many fields in which you can contribute:

Graphics: Creating 2d and 3d assets and background designs
Music: Enhancing / adding tracks to the game.
Sounds: Adding / enhancing sound effects for the game.
Development: Helping with bugs, helping finishing the game logic, helping with the level editor and much more.
Cut scenes: If you have skills with 3d apps like blender or similar your contributions are welcome.
Voice dubs: The game is being dubbed to several languages, ask me if you are interested.
Website: The current website is created with a pandoc template, it needs to be improved, any advice or help to create a better one is welcome.

Constructive feedback is always welcome!

* Important update: Due to the many and sometimes heavy assets the game has, which is making it reach 1gb anytime soon, I created a mini version of the game which contain just the minimal necessary assets in order to reduce the size of the game. I managed to get it as small as 1mb. This is very handy for anyone only interested in playing the puzzles, the code or debugging / doing beta tester work. You'll find the mini version in the releases section of the main repository.

Last edited by glitchapp on 24 Jul 2022, 10:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 24 Jul 2022, 08:57


I've been recently working in a scene player (a kind of media player) that I'm using on the cutscenes of the game and I would like to ask for feedback as I've never done something like this before.

The player is not aimed at video but at hard coded animations and currently it only moves forward, rewind and pause the scene.

I would like to know what do you think that it could be added to the player that add real value and enhance the scenes, any feedback is welcome!

Thank you!
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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby PeterX » 24 Jul 2022, 16:43

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to judge, but anyway: I guess you mean the user interface we can see on the attached picture. It looks good.
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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 24 Jul 2022, 17:41

Hi Peter!

Thanks for giving feedback.

The interface is just three buttons so there's not much of it yet, what I was asking for is mostly which kind of features you think it would be interesting to add to a player for a custom (non standard) animation format that looks (and behave) like a video.

Currently you can pause the animation, rewind it and move it forward just like you would do on some standard media players.

Just to provide some examples I've been thinking I could add to enhance the player: Preview when the mouse hovers over somewhere, a bar where you can drag the animation sequence, title and other information about the film... maybe options to change resolution...

The interface is nothing right now, I may think how to improve it and any feedback on that is also welcome.

I hope the request is better understood now.

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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby PeterX » 24 Jul 2022, 18:01

Maybe a "single step" or it could be called "stop-motion".
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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 24 Jul 2022, 19:33

I think that means speed controls? something like the x1 x2 x3 or 1/2 buttons there are on some media players?

That it is absolutely easy to implement, not really sure if someone could find it useful but I will probably implement it just because I only need to multiply a value with the speed.


update: Already implemented, screenshot attached. It is not just more buttons on the interface, the buttons work as you expect.

Now you can move forward and rewind while playing the animation and also increase and decrease the speed
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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 22 Oct 2022, 09:18

For now on I will try to focus on critical issues and features that need to be addressed:

The issues can be found on the git server: ... ake/issues

The most critical function right now is the "load / save function", the main file for that purpose is here: ... vegame.lua
The challenging problem is to serialize all the variables found on that file to save them to a file. The variables refers to unlocked content and completed levels. Since the game is not lineal it is not enough to save the last completed level.

The table "Gameoptions" contains the game option's (language, graphic, input and sound options).
A function created by another developer with this purpose can be found here: ... 1/main.lua

Any help to serialize and save those files is welcome.

The second critical issues has to do with the 3d engine: ... e/issues/4
As explained in the issue, calls to the 3d engine's primitives can not be done withing the function: function drawbordermap(block,x,y,tileSize). Anywhere else the same calls to the engine's primitives work, the reason is to me unknown, any help to find out why this is happening is welcome.

The third important issue has to do with mouse controls: ... e/issues/3
I need to implement a path-finding library and integrate it in the game for the mouse controls. One of the libraries I found that could fit can be found here:

Thanks for reading! I hope I can complete those functions with help!
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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby bzt » 22 Oct 2022, 11:26

Well done, looking good!

glitchapp {l Wrote}:The most critical function right now is the "load / save function", the main file for that purpose is here: ... vegame.lua
The challenging problem is to serialize all the variables found on that file to save them to a file.
I don't understand. Upon save, just write these variables into a file, one after another; and on load read them back, in the same order, one after another. You might start writing with a version number, so that later if/when you add more variables you can modify the load to only read those new variables from newer files. Use "io.file", that's all you need.

glitchapp {l Wrote}:The second critical issues has to do with the 3d engine: ... e/issues/4
As explained in the issue, calls to the 3d engine's primitives can not be done withing the function: function drawbordermap(block,x,y,tileSize). Anywhere else the same calls to the engine's primitives work, the reason is to me unknown, any help to find out why this is happening is welcome.
I'm afraid you have to do debugging in this case, there's no other way. Print out all the variables in drawbordermap if you have to. The point is, find what the difference is. Start with the arguments, maybe you're passing invalid values to it.

glitchapp {l Wrote}:The third important issue has to do with mouse controls: ... e/issues/3
I need to implement a path-finding library and integrate it in the game for the mouse controls. One of the libraries I found that could fit can be found here:
Before you could do that, you have to refactor your code a bit. When the user clicks somewhere, you should add a line with two coordinates to a list. The first coordinate would be the fish's current position, and the second coordinate the position where the user clicked. Then you have to implement a function which reads in this list, and moves the fish along. If there are more lines in the list, then it moves along all of them. Once you have this, you can start thinking about path-finding, but not sooner.

The library you've linked returns a very similar output: the path is a list of coordinates. When there are no obstacles in the way, it should return a straight line with two coordinates only (same as if you haven't used a path-finder). But when there are obstacles, it might return more coordinates.

glitchapp {l Wrote}:Thanks for reading! I hope I can complete those functions with help!
You're welcome! I don't think you'll find someone who's willing to write your game for you, but you can get advice on best practices for sure.

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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 22 Oct 2022, 19:55

Hi bzt.Thank you!

Regarding the load / save function, someone advised me to serialize the variables, but I think it is also possible to save them one by one. The reason why I I'm not sure how to do it is partialy because I'm using parts of love2d apis for the first time and that includes working with files. As trivial as it may seem for an experienced developer, it is a challenge to me, I'm not that experienced but I think I will test to save the variables without serializing them, it seems easier to me.

Regarding the issue with the 3d engine, I basically rely on the errors the program shows when I try to run it and I'm not sure this time what it really means: (3DreamEngine//classes/scene.lua:48: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'id'(a nil value)
In reality this issue is not really that important, the 3d graphics are disabled by default.

Regarding the issue with the mouse, I think I'm starting the house from the roof, I will try to create the mouse controls first and then add the pathfinding library and see what challenges arise.

Thanks for all the tips and feedback, I think it will take me time but I will find a solution for all the problems.
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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 15 Jan 2023, 08:24

Hi, this is a quick update, most of the voice dubs for the game are done and I can start working and focusing on some of the most important bugs.

The first priority now for me is to solve the aligment problems the game has. In summary, if you don't play in the resolution in which the game was developed chances are the graphics will not properly scale and be unaligned.

I created an issue about this here: ... e/issues/5

The temporary solution I'm applying is to provide a scaling factor for every resolution and level (the tiles of every level have different sizes because the game logic resizes them to fit the screen / resolution).

The function that applies the scaling factor looks like this:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
function assignsizeupscaled()
       if nLevel==1 and res=="1080p" then expx=0.67 expy=0.67 dividx=0.67 dividy=0.67
   elseif nLevel==1 and res=="1440p" then expx=0.65*1.42 expy=0.65*1.42 dividx=0.67*1.42 dividy=0.67*1.42
   elseif nLevel==2 and res=="1080p" then expx=0.47 expy=0.47 dividx=0.89 dividy=0.89
   elseif nLevel==2 and res=="1440p" then expx=0.455*1.42 expy=0.455*1.42 dividx=0.89*1.42 dividy=0.89*1.42

This temporary solution is not optimal and I know it is a big mess, but it works for now, once I find the right way to automatically resize everything it will be deprecated.

Just in case someone suggest a good way to accomplish this I'm posting the issue here.

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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 12 Jul 2023, 07:59

Hi, I've recently added a few releases for the game with the goal of getting players, betatesters and eventually developers getting involved. The releases can be found here: ... e/releases

There is a special release for android at the bottom of releases (mini version) which disabled everything that causes problems in android (the webp library that does not work and I think needs to be compiled for ARM and can be found here: and the shaders that are incompatible with old devices and causes performance issues and drains too much battery.

One thing that need special care and be remade and refactor are the touch controls. It is a very simple file and can be found here: ... rface1.lua, any help to improve the touch controls for android is welcome.

Touch controls

If anyone is able to make the webp library work on android (I'm not sure if it needs to be compiled but it does not work) then the full game would work on android, unfortunately the game relies heavily on that library to reduce the size of the assets and disabling it means converting all the assets to png.

There are no APK for the game yet but if anyone has the time to create one with the SDK I could publish it on releases (or you can publish it yourself).

Just in case someone is interested to contribute there is also a demo of a VR port of the game that can be found here:

It is not really playable but the most important parts are in place: the levels are rendered properly and the game logic works (there's work to do with the game inputs and levels textures and objects). Here there is a screenshot of the demo:

Vr port demo

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Fish fillets remake

Postby glitchapp » 09 Aug 2023, 05:52

Hi, I've recently added gamepad support to the game and you can test this new feature by downloading the last version of the game. You can control the fish now with gamepad and thumbstick and trigger several options. See picture to check the current button layout.

Gamepad button layout

The menus can also be controlled with the gamepad (Currently only main menu and language's menu).

On the options / control menu you can also test the thumbstick and buttons. I may add options to create custom gamepad layout or add some pre configured layouts for the main controllers.

Feel free to test this new feature and provide feedback so that I can improve it. Thanks!
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