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Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 27 Apr 2020, 06:35
by onpon4
I suppose it might be worthwhile to give this topic a bump since I'm starting to get quite a bit back in the groove of a lot of things I was previously doing (SGE, Hexoshi...) and will be most likely posting regularly on this forum again. :)

This was recent, but not, like, super super recent. Project: Starfighter 2.1 came out at the beginning of this month: ... s/tag/v2.1

It's a minor release compared to version 2.0. No, I didn't change the language to C--. ;) This release I was actually inspired to make because a contributor came by and fixed MacOS support, which should work properly now I believe (though I still haven't had anyone volunteer to supply MacOS builds). A little before that, someone also tweaked the code so that Starfighter would be configured correctly under Haiku.

So I added some more changes:

* Fixed colorblind accessibility by tweaking colors. I tested this in a colorblindness simulator; all of Project: Starfighter's essential information is now discernable no matter what your status of colorblindness is (meaning you can clearly distinguish the player and enemy bolts, and you can clearly see which upgrade slots are "lit up"). I also took this opportunity to make Starfighter display all necessary information even in a heavily redshifted display (previously it was nearly impossible to see the "cooling" status under heavy redshift, e.g. 1500K color temperature).
* Tweaked the Firefly's exhaust display: when low on shield, rather than the entire exhaust effect being replaced by explosions, a smaller number of explosions are merely added on top of the regular exhaust effect.
* The jump-out sequence now waits to start until all useful powerups have been collected. For example, if there are money powerups around, the game will wait for said powerups to either be collected or dissipate before warping out; this prevents you from losing money because of bad luck with positioning. Powerups also move away from the ship they came out of more slowly, so they don't spread out as far (most significant for Krass Tyler). Both of these changes, of course, are disabled in Classic difficulty.
* Many many fixes were made, especially to Gettext translatiton support.

The colorblind support was something I especially wanted to do for quite some time. I consider maximum accessibility to be an essential thing, and I'm sometimes disappointed by how many games completely fail to account for it when it comes to color and colorblindness; so I pride myself in being one of those game developers who do account for the needs of colorblind individuals. Project: Starfighter was one of the loose ends in that regard (Naev is the other one, but in that case I'm just a contributor rather than a maintainer), so it's great to finally get this right in this game. :)

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 27 May 2020, 08:21
by onpon4
I've just released version 2.2 of Project: Starfighter. I noticed that there was a discrepancy between version 1.1 and Classic difficulty so I rectified that, and since I was making a new release, I decided to also add in a "Super-Easy" difficulty! This has been something I've wanted to do for a while, mainly so that the game can be more accessible to people who have trouble with motor control or otherwise may have difficulty playing the game. More information on the release and download links can be found here: ... s/tag/v2.2

Adjacent to this, I've recorded a video of me going through the entirety of version 1.1 of the game, mostly just for fun (not yet finished uploading as of this writing, but should finish uploading within the next few hours or so): /

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 28 May 2020, 22:53
by onpon4
I finished making a new trailer for Project: Starfighter today: /

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 29 May 2020, 08:49
by Julius
Seems more like gameplay recording than a trailer. Why not add some text explaining features or what the game is about? Shorter would also be good.

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 30 May 2020, 07:03
by onpon4
Honestly I don't think there's anything to say since it's an action shoot 'em up game. It's got more text than the old one though. :P I selectively picked quite a few clips to show Chris's banter because I figured that would help give an idea about the feel of the game. As for length I don't think that's a problem really, it's meant to give an idea of what the game is about, not to be used as a 30-second ad.

I don't want to work on yet another video already, I've still got a lot more work to do with converting ReTux and then Hexoshi off the TMX format and then starting work on Hexoshi again. If anyone's interested in making their own trailer though I could give them a copy of the raw footage I recorded for this (roughly 2 hours). Or of course you could record your own. ;) Just turn music off and you should be able to use any footage to do whatever you want with some editing.

On a side note, there were some audio issues with the video (PiTiVi's fault), so I uploaded a better-quality version: /

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2020, 05:37
by onpon4
New release! Better analog control (as in actually using it for analog). Also fixes a bug that caused controllers with analog triggers to not work properly (e.g. Xbox 360 controller). ... tag/v2.2.1

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2020, 20:26
by onpon4
Yet another new release! This one fixes some regressions introduced by version 2.2.1 and also adds an accessibility option to control how fast text scrolls by, as well as adding the ability to advance dialog boxes in cutscenes manually! The release can be found here: ... s/tag/v2.3

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2020, 16:08
by onpon4
We're experimenting with a Discord server. For all our projects in principle, but starting out with Project: Starfighter and Keeper of the Cards. Feel free to join if interested:

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2020, 17:35
by Julius
Ah, well... *sigh*
Let me know if you are interested in bridging it to IRC, XMPP or Matrix etc via our Matterbridge :)

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2020, 16:36
by onpon4
Let me know if you are interested in bridging it to IRC or Xmpp etc via our Matterbridge

Yeah, that's certainly something we'd do. Right now there's not really much of anything or anyone there; like we said it's experimental.

Anywho... more importantly, it seems we've hit a rut:

We're way in over our head on this one, so if anyone can help, that would be majorly appreciated.

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2020, 02:22
by onpon4
Alright, so we fixed that problem with the help of someone on GDN. New release is here: ... tag/v2.3.1

Re: Project: Starfighter 2

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2020, 15:38
by onpon4
A new bugfix release is out mainly with improvements from contributors: ... tag/v2.3.2