Doom time travel project

Doom time travel project

Postby Torgor67 » 05 Mar 2020, 19:25

Hello so this may be a long post. First of all let me give some background on why I created this post. So I've always been interested in game design but I could never get into the programming for it not because it was too hard or anything but I just couldn't really get into the groove of doing it. What my project is a wad (mod) for doom and I need help. Basically I'm alright with the design and concept part as I've come up with some sketches of level design and such but I need help with music and building/programming. Now first of all it is a time travel adventure where you get to visit different eras of the past going from prehistoric, to Egypt to a cyberpunk type world. Now the project would have no story except travel back in time to defeat demons who have invaded different eras. The project will have five eras total and something extra... Custom graphic, weapons and enemies would be in the project. Now a few things. First off screenshots are not here because I have screenshot one of my level designs sketches but its kind of embarrassing as its not bad design more so I'm not the greatest artist and I'd rather share it in a email/message if you want to see. Secondly I know there are forums dedicated to doom mods and stuff but every request post I've seen hasn't received any attention or people just want you to do it all yourself. I have tried doom builder which is the program that is used to create levels but I hate using it because I end up unsatisfied or I just lose the will to do it as I'm more of a sketcher when it comes to design and ideas or use general words to describe the idea. I know this probably wont receive much attention but if you're interested let me know! I would create a discord server or something for this project to keep it organised but I just need to know if anybody is interested first and I have way more details if you are interested about this idea. Thanks if you read this the whole way through even if your not interested! :)
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Re: Doom time travel project

Postby Ntech » 06 Mar 2020, 00:04

Hello Torgor67, interesting idea! Do you plan to implement a new DOOM or work from an existing one? I don't have much time, but could help out here and there as well as brainstorm. Since I program mostly in Go nowadays, the ideal thing would be a codebase like this: although I could work with C and (a little) C++ and Rust.
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Re: Doom time travel project

Postby Torgor67 » 06 Mar 2020, 00:48

Ah thanks for the response! In terms of making it an own separate work I think it will use the doom engine and use the main character from doom sand use its weapons and style and maybe even textures. Basically it will use classical things from doom as a foundation but the rest custom made. So basically it would work as a sort of advanced mod in that regards and would come from an existing one which is doom 2 hell one earth as people who mod use that game as the foundation normally. But yeah go doom sounds fine although I'm not sure if you can create custom monsters or weapons as I mainly know about doom builder as the way to make doom. But if you can make custom stuff then that would be nice although even just a little it of help would be greatly appreciated. Also if you do want to help out do you want to use this website or another website to communicate design and ideas and stuff. But thanks for the response anyway I appreciate it a lot! :)
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