Wograld, have you played it?

Have you played my game Wograld?

No, this is the first time I even looked at it.
No, I don't like that sort of game.
No, It looks to hard to compile and run.
No votes
No, I never play games that are only in alpha.
No votes
No, graphics are not to my taste.
No, I don't have time to play it.
No votes
No, I couldn't get it to compile and run and I don't feel like asking for help.
No votes
Yes, I did (a long time ago. and it was so awful I never want to think about it again.
No votes
Yes, I did (this past year) and I really hated it.
No votes
Yes, I did, and it was ok, maybe I will play it later.
No votes
Yes, I did, and I got obsessed with it.
Yes, I did and now I want to develop it.
Total votes : 11

Wograld, have you played it?

Postby Jastiv » 29 Jul 2019, 01:46

So, now, I'm making a new poll. Hopefully, it will help me figure out what I need to focus on next for my game.
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Re: Wograld, have you played it?

Postby Wuzzy » 29 Jul 2019, 17:50

Obligatory link to homepage because OP is lazy: http://wograld.sourceforge.net/

Basically my answer is no, I'm not into MMORPGs. So I'm guess I'm not the target audience, haha.

Oh, but BTW: Holy crap the homepage is a really bad way to present a game.

Basically it's 95% babble about what Wograld isn't and trying to “justify” each of the developer decisions. I mean, it's nice to expose your thought process somewhere, but on the homepage it's just a distraction. From a serious game homepage I expect you to tell me what the actual gameplay is like. At this stage I don't care about dev decisions, just tell me what the game is like. FFS! And no, “it's an MMORPG” is not an useful description. So from the desciption alone I have no clue at all what the core gameplay like is like … All the dev yadda-yadda should have been moved to the “Mission Statement” page or whatever. I suggest to rewrite the introduction text completely.

And, WTF, the sentence “Our Graphics Requirements Are Less Demanding” … I really can't wrap my head around this? Why would you make this as your major “selling point” of your game?

OK, rant over, I'm not into MMORPGs anyway, so whatever.

PS: Oops, I think I accidentally activated “No, this is the first time I even looked at it.” but it turned out I heard from the game before, but only from these forums. Does this count? I think my memory is playing tricks on me. :(
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Re: Wograld, have you played it?

Postby fluffrabbit » 29 Jul 2019, 18:47

Wograld ...

Our Graphics Requirements Are Less Demanding

Actually that's an awesome way to advertise a game. Too bad the avatars and perspective look so weird. But hell, you can do Java networking. You don't need to be modest about your programming abilities.

Still, 180 MB for the download, and presumably more to compile it from source. It would take some convincing for me to go through the trouble when there are equally compelling projects with the same level of exposure, such as Ryzom. And I haven't tried that either.
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Re: Wograld, have you played it?

Postby Ntech » 30 Jul 2019, 20:22

Hey, the game looks awesome! However, I'm deterred by the download size. Why is it so big? (Any old BMPs?)
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Re: Wograld, have you played it?

Postby Jastiv » 31 Jul 2019, 02:31

It has a lot, as in a wide variety of graphics. (different monsters, terrain etc.) It doesn't have old BMPs, just .png (as far as I know anyway. also has over 60 music tracks. (.ogg) There used to be a separate arch folder for the graphics, but I figured having the separate arch folder would make it more complex for an already relatively complex install process.

I'll be honest, I don't consider anything under 700MB to be big. (yeah, maybe I worried about it back when we had 2gb on the hard disk and mostly played things from cd as well has having dial up but now.)
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Re: Wograld, have you played it?

Postby Ntech » 31 Jul 2019, 17:57

Perhaps you could lower the bitrate and use the OPUS codec (https://opus-codec.org/) to save in the range of +60-90mb?
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Re: Wograld, have you played it?

Postby Jastiv » 01 Aug 2019, 19:55

ironically, the maps (197 MB) (basically the levels, world, towns dungeons etc) folder is larger than the music (113 MB) folder. It is almost 200MB. I can't believe its that much for what should be just text.
Like I said, the project used to be a lot of separate folders, but I've tried to make the install process less complex and easier to understand than the project it forked from (crossfire) . I still don't feel like I have succeeded.
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