Thanks in advance to everybody who reads all this
Hi everybody. I'm the developer of a tiny, free (but not FOSS) multi-player FPS called Revenge Of The Cats: Ethernet (
ROTC's main differences to other MP shooters are its complex combat mechanics and its unique "Ethernet" game mode, where players can switch between a flying, indestructable "Etherform" and a humanoid unit in order to capture zones for their team. This gameplay video of an older version probably explains the idea a lot better: I had a lot of fun developing and playing the game for the last couple years, there was always the thought in the back of my mind that slower-paced, more tactical gameplay with a focus on tight teamwork (a la Counter-Strike) would be a better fit for the "Ethernet" mode than ROTC's "dueling"-style gameplay. In addition, it could also eliminate (or at least reduce) what I consider CS's most frustrating aspect: Waiting around for the next round, doing nothing, after having been killed.
Then a couple of months ago I saw a chance to create the "Counter-Stike: Ethernet" described above: A couple of swiss organisations sponsored a call for projects, where swiss game devs could submit a prototype of their game in order to get some funding to complete it.
While I wanted (and still want) to make the game FOSS using the Torque3D engine (amongst other reasons because this would also enable me [or anybody] to create a 100% open-source version of ROTC), having only a few weeks of time until the deadline for submissions pretty much forced me to fork ROTC in order to create the prototype.
So I got a somewhat working prototype done in time and submitted it. It wasn't accepted.
So I decided I'd try to shape the prototype into something that can be presented to a slightly larger audience, get some feedback and then decide how (or if) to continue with the project.
Unfortunately I'm totally stuck right now, because I can't seem to be able to organize test matches bigger than 1vs1 (which is about as much fun as you'd expect from a counter-strike style game). It's the classic Bill&Ted dillemma: I need people to play with in order to figure out how to make the game fun, but I need a fun game in order to attract players.
I'm posting this here because I have no clue what to do next. Could really use some advice.
Btw, the prototype can be found at if anyone's interested in checking it out.
Thanks for reading