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Nine Worlds Convention, London UK August 9th-11th

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2013, 14:09
by NineWorlds

I'm helping organise the Nine Worlds Convention ( in London 9th-11th August. In particular I'm in charge of the open culture track, and I'm looking for people to talk about or demo open source games. Iwan suggested this would be a good place to ask.

We are a new convention and entirely volunteer run. We're basing ourselves on a sci-fi con, but looking to be a lot broader than that including all sorts of geek culture.

If anyone is interested in giving a talk, being on a panel or running a demo, either email me (, PM me or reply here.


Re: Nine Worlds Convention, London UK August 9th-11th

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2013, 16:47
by qubodup
Hi, glad you're posting here.

You can find good suggestions for games for exhibitions in viewtopic.php?f=20&t=4274&p=43895 already, if that's one of the things you had in mind.

Re: Nine Worlds Convention, London UK August 9th-11th

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2013, 17:09
by devnewton
Well, we've still got some low cost tickets if you buy now. The current ticket price is £75 per person.
