Diplomania.fr: An open-source website to play diplomacy

Diplomania.fr: An open-source website to play diplomacy

Postby KIAaze » 10 Mar 2021, 11:57


A french association of diplomacy players is crowdfunding in order to create an open-source website to play the game online.
Here is the crowdfunding page: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/association-francophone-des-joueurs-de-diplomacy/collectes/diplomania-fr-le-site-open-source

For those not familiar with it, you can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomacy_(game)

It is a round-based strategy board game with minimal randomness (no dice), where all actions chosen by players are executed simultaneously.
Between rounds, players talk freely among themselves, either openly so everyone can hear them or privately with one or more players, in order to create alliances and agree with other players on joint actions, such as attacking another player together or agreeing not to attack one another. Players can use as much role play as they want.

The only thing clearly defined are the rules of how players submit their actions and how they are resolved simultaneously.

As getting a lot of players together in real life for a long duration and allowing secret alliances without others finding out is difficult, the game is very well suited for online play, as players can freely chat with whichever players they choose to in private and have enough time to do so, while also simplifying the action resolutions.

There used to be at least two french websites to play the game online (18centres.com and www.diplomatie-online.net), but both became unavailable last year.

While the intended website is meant for the french-speaking community, I hope that the open-source aspect will allow the creation of servers in other languages. (and I am sure that aside from the initial interface, chatting can be in any language people want!)
It might also help with more open-source engines for online-based board game implementations.

There is no specific license information on the crowdfunding page yet, but I will try to find out more.
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