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Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2014, 07:55
by sebbo
my name is Sebbo, im a 3D-Operator from Germany.
I'm here to find help with creating a Kart for SuperTuxKart.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2014, 21:19
by moopli
I'm moopli, one of the few developers on Thrive. I'm currently here to do some damage control and advertise our project, over here:

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2014, 03:20
by bgordebak
Hello everybody. I was gordebak here, but since I removed my old email account there was no way to retrieve my forgotten password, so I created a new account.

I intended to develop a game a week then, but life got in the way. I'm back to game development, but this time I have a more relaxed schedule. "A game every now and then" is fine I think.

I want to work on my past project One Way To Go again a little, before moving on to a new project. Maybe polish that game more and make a release.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2014, 21:24
by Eki
Hello, i am Eki from Turkey. I am here because i love to play supertuxkart but i can't manage to play the "arena" parts. i have no idea how to do.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2014, 20:28
by skynet_ent
Hello, my name is skynet_ent, and my real name Josep.
I've downloaded Supertuxkart to play a little with a friend, it's a very beautiful game to spend a lot of hours playing.

Thank you for your job.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 09:15
by c_xong
I'm a programmer who works full time but makes free games in my spare time. Most of that is spent on maintaining C-Dogs SDL but I also do a lot of game jams

I'm actively looking for a cool project to work on with others, preferably open source. Or talk to me about anything related to C-Dogs!

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 23:12
by Grumfy
Hi Joseph here!

Im from Sweden and im 16 years old
I have been programming(C#) for 2 month now.
Im working on a mmorpg game with another dude.
we are seeking, an overall animator and a sound maker.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 20 Jul 2014, 20:17
by antlong
I'm Anthony. I am the creator of

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014, 00:27
by cupeTG
hi all

Signed up hoping to get some feedback for a game we're developing :)

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2014, 18:19
by doudoulolita
I'm Doudoulolita, I'm a french woman from Paris and I teach how to use computer on Ubuntu in a non-profit organisation.

Althought I'm not a gamer, I've began 2 open-source projects in javascript :

I'm more talented in graphic design with Gimp, Inkscape and Blender but would like to improve my skills in javascript.

I would like to improve Wardance-USF so anyone can add his own character and background (as in the game that it comes from: Ultimate Smash Friends, in python) but I'am still learning javascript and php and have no more help for this game from advanced developpers.

For Guyana-Dream I would like to have help for design only because I collaborate with a young developper who wants to improve the code and make a tutorial.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2014, 23:57
by DotProgramming
I'm Rich from Boston and I'm always looking for new resources to help me learn more about game development. I've created several games for the mobile platform and I'm looking to expand to the desktop some time in the future!

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 24 Jul 2014, 19:07
by jbeutel
Hi! My name's Julian. I'm a composer looking to write some music for game developers.

Here's some of my work:

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2014, 09:51
by zequinha

I'm zeca and I think supertux is rather cool. See you guys around.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2014, 15:51
by Blue dragon
My name is Mario...I am here to learn.

Current point of interest:renpy!

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2014, 08:14
by anadentone
I'm anadentone and STK is my obsessive game :D I play s about 2-4 hours everyday :D I live in Georgia (USA) and I am 33 years old. And I'm a Lubuntu user and cat lover :D

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2014, 00:23
by Varuna
Hello, This is Vaurna. Interested in Android games and wanted to know the basics of developing one with my current concept.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2014, 07:55
by Sinogame001
Hello, everyone~ I'm Emily from China, nice to meet you .hope we can share something interesting and become good friends

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2014, 15:05
by maxcloud17
Hi I am MAX i am game developer and tester @ GameCloud Technologies Pvt Ltd .. I am really interested in Seamos and therefore I am here to learn ...Thanks

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2014, 21:26
by Worldblender
Hello everyone, my name is Richard Qian (a.k.a. Worldblender, Marioblender for accounts I created before ~2012). :!: This post may be lengthy {I tend to assume that when I write papers, people want lots of detail}, so feel free to skip anything that does not interrest you
Brief personal background:
I am an Asian American descended from a Chinese family who migrated to the United States. I have lived in the following states, descending in chronological order:
  1. Missouri
  2. New Jersey
  3. Texas <- currently where I live
I may not be considered "normal", as I have mild autism , so any help that can improve my communication skills and social development is welcome. I also tend to use computers frequently, as I do not yet have a good friend that shares one or more of my interests, so maybe I can find one here on this forum.

My most favorite interest lies in the world of computers, but my nickname implies that I can become interested in nearly anything else outside of computers, if I have enough motivation. Sometimes I work on electronic devices physically, primarilly through repairing them and learning how they function. I have a big interest in all things open source (e.g. :gpl: , :bsd: , :mit:) and open content (primarily Creative Commons-licensed content :by: and :pd: ). At the moment, I am interested in the following open source games (only the ones listed on 'featured projects' and'; descending from most favorite to least; list is not exhaustive):
I am also actively interested in the following two operating systems or firmware:
If I could help contribute to any of these projects, I am better at helping with non-data files than with code. Although I know the basics of the programming languages Java and C, my knowledge is probably not enough to enable me to make my mark on these projects. Instead, I can contribute graphics, sounds, or spot bugs in their software. Some more help with code programming would be appreciated.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2014, 12:36
by Nexia
Hi I'm Nexia, I've been aware for this forum already for some years (although never consistently kept following it up over the years).
I'm probably going to visit here mostly from time to time ^.^

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2014, 14:53
by linley
Hi! I'm Linley and I've been writing free games for years now.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2014, 06:04
by Hacker007

This is Hacker007!

And i am going to be making some karts and tracks for stk :)

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2014, 12:44
by eugeneloza
Hi, I'm Yevghen from Ukraine, Kyiv. Scientist & programmist.
Now working on a FOSS RPG/TBS game 'Project Helena', and another one upcoming... :)

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 25 Aug 2014, 07:48
by VaessensGeldgier
Hi I am Mrs Vaessen and play SuperTux.
I want to edit levels, but I don't now why.

Re: Introduce yourself

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2014, 18:02
by memomiguel
Im am memomiguel and i make game maker based games