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DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2017, 19:56
by OSuKaRu
Hello. This is my first contribution. I had an idea for an Android Kart and here it is. What do you think?

This is the first rough sketch:

And there some views on Blender:




Is still without textures or anything. Just a rough geometry. A plain idea of it.
The inspiration was in a GPS arrow.

I'm learning as i go and i will post once i have big progress. Suggestions? Questions?

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2017, 00:03
by Auria

this is interesting, just be aware though that are not really looking for an Android kart in the main game, since that doesn't really fit the theme of the game - that's totally fine for the addons though, so long as you respect google's trademarks and rules ... lines.html

Otherwise, the kart looks like a nice idea, the next step would be to texture it and maybe add some more geometry detail

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2017, 00:15
by QwertyChouskie
The Android itself is very small compared to the kart, maybe it should be bigger, otherwise either (a) the kart will be way to huge but the Android normally sized, or (b) the kart will be the right size, but the Android will be tiny.

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2017, 09:07
by Ludsky
I love this begin; it's very interesting and original ^^
Good Luck ;)

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2017, 17:13
by OSuKaRu
Update: I texture it and, folowing the suggestion of QwertyChouskie, i enlarge the android.




I also made the icon:
icono.png (16.88 KiB) Viewed 13511 times

And doubt: How to make transparencies? (for the windshield) and particle effects?

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2017, 17:15
by OSuKaRu
extra: I want to share this screenshot XD
awesome bottom :D

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2017, 19:48
by MTres19
Nice. Are those screenshots rendered in Blender or STK? Because Blender materials don't get mapped to SuperTuxKart materials; so avoid spending time on things that players won't see...

Edit: Please see and

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2017, 22:40
by OSuKaRu
All are Blender renders (using the OpenGL renderer). I made all using UV mapping and texture effects with, preciselly those links you shown me in mind. Althoug is just a preview. I'm still confused about the transparency part. Still have to armature it and animate it to make it playable. Thanks.

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2017, 02:12
by MTres19
Do you have the SuperTuxKart plugins for Blender installed? See

You have to select which shader STK will use for each texture. For translucent textures use Alpha Blending; for textures where each pixel is either 100% transparent or 100% opaque, use Alpha Test.

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2017, 14:36
by OSuKaRu
Yes. I have the plugins but... now i have a little mess with the materials.(i'm still learning) I'm a litle lost. Where do i set that? There is some kind of tutorial arround?

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2017, 16:04
by MTres19
Blender Properties Window > Scene Properties (second button from the left at the top) > SuperTuxKart Image Properties

Please see

Re: DAN (Android)Kart project

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2017, 18:33
by OSuKaRu
Ok. Thanks.