Just added Gnu, Duke and Tux.
Picture above updated.
It seems that Duke is under BSD license so, as Beastie and maybe Hexley, feel free to change that in my text and svg files.
The goal is simple and obvious: design harmony. There's no patchwork of icon's designs in other games (i mean beautiful games, designed only by a pro team, even if sometimes players propose ideas which are retained but redesigned by the team), otherwise it would look weird. Icons have the same inline, the same outline, the same kind of shadow and lights, morpho, typo, ect.
As i said in Wilber's post, Amanda and Emule are the goodest made between all the old icons, that's why i will remake them in last. For Amanda i think i'll just add my white inline which be visible on top ears only, but that's for the harmony; sad that i can't find the svg file btw.
I'm hesitating too for Xue's one. My problem is, 1, that the current one doesn't fit with new icon's design (but you already know that by my lines above), 2, that Xfce's mouse doesn't have any iris (and that's the case ingame too), 3, that the current shape is flatlike.
If you prefer i can only add to the current Xue's icon my white inline style, put the 2-3 icons existing in comparison in another post, and organize a vote ?
My problem with my Pidgin's version is more the eyes, but for you it's the whole shape, yes ? I think i'll do a second proposal for Pidgin, but can you seriously tell me that you prefer without any more explanations the pale old one. It's a bit demoralizing. Please think to graphists who sadly works for commercial companies and where we often say to them ‹ Hum, i prefer that proposal, yes, the 'less pretty one', why ? Because people doesn't know art, color theory, they like shrill things, maybe because they can do the same, maybe because they buy it more › ;(
I respect the person who did the current one, because he conrtributed to a game that was at start intended for childs. But it's old…
If i've did it like this it's because i've thinking to better 3d design at the same time. That's why i've made Tux like this too. Of course it can chance, but even if you dislike my current one can you seriously prefer the old one ? Everyone ? x)
It seems to me that samuncle prefer works on environments (we talked recently about our involvements for the game).
Oil-painted would be gorgeous maybe, but if there's someone who can do that here, i think he would have appeared. Plus, certainly the team prefer works with vector art, because it's more convenient. Raster graphics are victims to quality loss when resizing. If you want to resize raster graphics, you have to make large pictures, so enormous files. And a vectorial oil-painted would not really be anymore oil-painted, and would take too much days of work for one icon. :/
Maybe I'll make one kart for Godot (of course i have some ideas for him, otherwise he wouldn't be here ^^), but not this year i think: current roster first