fracture {l Wrote}:How hard is it to learn Blender and how much learning is required to be able to create custom tracks for STK? I'm asking since I'd like to make my own custom tracks for STK but I already have a lot to do outside this forum (hence why I'm inactive most of the time) and wouldn't have a lot of time to contribute.
Well that's very hard to say and depends on multiply factors.
If you already have a lot of experience with other software like photo or video editing, it will probably be easier for you.
I would say to learn the very basic fundamentals it takes between 1 to 5 weeks depending on how much time you can or want to invest (maybe more if you really don't have much time).
That said knowing the fundamentals of a 3D software doesn't mean that you are able to come up with great tracks already, as 3D modelling is much more about experience than knowing the software.
Especially at the beginning it can be a bit frustrating as blender can be very overwhelming.
But we have a great library with a lot of cool objects such as: houses, trees, lamps etc. Which allows you to build very very simple tracks and still have some cool decoration.
And also a community that is always willing to help if there are any problems.
If you wanna try to learn Blender to make STK Tracks, just know that the only things you really need for STK are: modelling (object and edit mode) and uv texturing (and also a tiny little bit of materials if you wanna use the newer blender versions)
There is a YouTube series on how to make a STK track but it's in German and also a bit outdated (could still help to get an idea of it tho). ... ZFFkWMJnKeAnd there is of course the STK website it mostly focuses on how to setup your scene for the exporter. But it also has some useful tips and tricks. I would suggest that you just look for tutorials explaining the things I listed above.
Hope that was helpful