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ALB's Music

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2024, 02:55
by ALBatross
Hello! I'm ALBatross.
I will post music by me here.
Using CC-BY-SA 4.0 licensing for all my tracks

Spiral of Fire:

Las Dunas Champions:

Superior Tuxedo:

Requests are welcome!

All feedback is welcome. Don't like my voice? Too much bass? Drums too loud? :)

Re: ALB's Music

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2024, 10:31
by Polo10
Hi Alb,
Thanks a lot to help this game by your music contribution.
I really like the first one nothing to say more.
For the second, I know it's the one you made to the main menu ?
IMO, it seems too much like the actual in sounds. We need of it for a major version the 2.0 who is new, more modern... Something of really new could be cool but also in the topic of STK.
Thanks again and continue like this it's amazing.
Bye !

Re: ALB's Music

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2024, 15:30
by ALBatross
Thank you a lot and thanks for your feedback, Polo10!
You make a good point. I believe they have already chosen another more modern sounding song for the menu anyway. :)
If there are any other races that need a theme let me know!

Re: ALB's Music

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2024, 17:34
by Polo10
Which music they chose?
You are welcome it's normal, the game really need contributors as you. The major part of the dev and discussion is in discord. Maybe you can join us ?
You can also contact Alayan to know what exactly the game need for music.
Cu !

Re: ALB's Music

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2024, 17:36
by Polo10
And IMO if you want you can try to make a new music with the theme of the standard tracks ( arena race and soccer).

Re: ALB's Music

PostPosted: 26 Aug 2024, 04:20
by ALBatross
Added a new song called "Spiral of Fire" to the list. Should be fun for racing at Volcan Island :D