Rescue kart on falling

Rescue kart on falling

Postby pakwan » 08 Jan 2023, 23:48

Hi everybody!
Last year I created a track just for fun, to see if I can do it. I was positively surprised about the result. It's not perfectly fancy-looking, but it was fun to drive, so I wanted to publish it :) The only thing that kept me from that was that I wasn't able to figure out how to reset/rescue the cars if they fall down of the (elevated) road. I tried to add various planes and configured them with all the collision-related settings I could find: "Collision action: Rescue kart", "Reset kart (on drive)", "Type: Object, Interaction: Reset Player" and all combinations of it.
Best case scenario would be if the user falls down, they hit an invisible object and instead of crashing they are rescued. No matter which configuration for this object I chose, the kart mostly just lands on the element and continues to drive on it, without being reset/rescued. Strangely, the kart is only reset if I collide with an edge of the object.
I also tried combining the above settings with other settings like "Ignore (ghost material)" but that did not improve anything. I tried to use extruded objects, instead of just planes, I varied setting the type to Object and to None. I have no idea what else I could try...

Can anybody give me a hint which configuration would be used to rescue a car automatically if it falls down somewhere, so I can finally publish it? If it helps, I could post my .blend file here.

Thanks very much in advance!
Screenshot from 2023-01-08 23-34-06.jpg
The road (rainbow colored) is above the ground
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Re: Rescue kart on falling

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 09 Jan 2023, 17:36

Hi pakwan,

Usually configuring something to rescue the kart doesn't work well with the object settings (especially if it's just a plane) so just leave the type at none.

The best way to do what you want is with a texture.

There is a texture named "gfx_resetWaterSplash_AlphaTested.png" in the stk media repo, or just the texture folder of the game. It's already configured to rescue karts, I'm always just using that texture.

Hope that works, if it doesn't uploading the blend file is probably a good idea.
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Re: Rescue kart on falling

Postby pakwan » 11 Jan 2023, 00:07

Hi SvenAndreasBelting!
Thank you so much!!! That worked! I would have never found that out on my own, isn't very intuitive. You are my hero :D
Great, now I can go on with tiny improvements and then release my first track.
Screenshot from 2023-01-11 00-04-38.png
That worked!
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Re: Rescue kart on falling

Postby tempAnon093 » 17 Jan 2023, 01:47

Congratulations on releasing your first add-on track! :)
aka. GumballForAPenny
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