New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby Heuchi1 » 17 Apr 2021, 09:12

I did another music track: "Jumpin' Around". It's meant for cartoony tracks like Minigolf.
Here's the demo video on youtube.

To try it yourself download file here.
License is CC BY-SA 4.0.

I'm very much looking forward to your comments.

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Re: New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby benau » 19 Apr 2021, 04:56

From our irc users think it's more awesome for a track like mimiz's birthday cake addon
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Re: New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby Heuchi1 » 19 Apr 2021, 07:24

@benau: Thank you for sharing this here.
Mimiz already suggested Sweet Cake in a YouTube comment. It's a nice track. Kind of difficult not to fall off though. ;)
I was wondering if I should look for some way to include the Happy Birthday tune then. Sweet Cake actually kind of asks for that, doesn't it? :)

BTW: Is there a way to follow the irc without actually beeing online / logged in all the time?
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Re: New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby kimden » 23 Apr 2021, 13:30

Sweet Cake will be updated soon (as it was created almost a year ago), probably it will be easier to complete then.

Music sounds nice!

For now, probably the best way to follow irc without being online all the time is joining irc from Matrix/Element or proprietary software if you prefer. There were irc logs several years ago, but now they are disabled. Though, if you even join from time to time with the same username, people could !tell you if they have something important to say.
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Re: New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby Heuchi1 » 23 Apr 2021, 14:18

kimden {l Wrote}:Music sounds nice!

Thank you. :)

I've just finished the alternative version with "Happy Birthday": YouTube demo here
Download at the same link. It's called "Birthday Party"
So another suggestion just for Sweet Cake. Looking forward to your comments.

kimden {l Wrote}:For now, probably the best way to follow irc without being online all the time is joining irc from Matrix/Element or proprietary software if you prefer. There were irc logs several years ago, but now they are disabled. Though, if you even join from time to time with the same username, people could !tell you if they have something important to say.

I've found an irc bouncer that says it works for freenode. I'll however have to wait until my username has been registered for at least a week. But I'll also look into Matrix/Element.
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Re: New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby Alayan » 07 Sep 2021, 00:03

Very nice tune for a light happy track, though I think it's mostly the first 50 seconds. From there until the end, it becomes too different from the beginning to fit well with it, in my opinion.
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Re: New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby Heuchi1 » 07 Sep 2021, 09:16

Thanks for you comment @Alayan.

I'd describe the structure like this (time index from video):
1. [0:07] Main melody
2. [0:22] Repeat with some variations
3. [0:38] A more altered variation using new material from 2
4. [0:54] Drum solo (I think someone in the forum once wrote they like doing this for decreasing the musical tension for a moment)
5. [1:09] Variation of 3 in a fanfare like style to increase tension again and get a smooth transition back to 1

I thought having (almost) the same rhythm and harmonies and using familiar melodic material in all sections would keep them together.

BTW: Do you feel the same about the version I made for mimiz' Sweet Cake addon (video still uses the old track version):
There's also a special video with the new track.
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Re: New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby Alayan » 07 Sep 2021, 12:27

I'm not fond of the drum section and regarding the last section of the variation in instruments from the beginning (mostly from 1:17 to 1:21). It's difficult to find words, but it's too attention-grabbing if that makes sense? The music is not the centerpiece of the racing experience, it provides mood and rhythm but should not be distracting, so it requires a different approach from writing than music that is meant to be listened alone. Big variations are less welcome. The tunes used in XR591, the Old Mine and Candela City are good examples of musics that set a mood, are not too repetitive, but not distracting either.

The very recognizable tune used in parts of the "happy birthday" version threw me off (I first listened to the "special video"). I understand the symbolic meaning but the 15 seconds of it didn't feel woven into the rest.

You're obviously good at making tunes so don't take my thoughts as a slight.
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Re: New: "Jumpin' Around" music for STK

Postby Heuchi1 » 07 Sep 2021, 14:25

First, let me say I really appreciate your feedback. I was very much hoping for these kind of comments.
Especially your "Big variations are less welcome" was valuable to me, not because I wouldn't have known about this at all, but (like almost everywhere) it's about understanding how one's own preferences relate to those of others.
I also think it's important to consider, that players might hear the music quite frequently. So, while not unimportant, the first impression might not always last. I did change my opinion about some of the music tracks in STK quite considerably over time…

I am a bit surprised you'd choose the music of XR591 as an example, because it kind of violates almost all the general rules in STK's Music guidelines.
For the most part, focus on melody and harmonic progression, rather than making music that is purely rhythm-based or is too ambient.
A good length is usually from 60 to 90 seconds

XR591 music focuses on a very strong rhythm and bass line. The first (kind of) melody doesn't appear until 0:53. And considering, that the overall length should be between 60 and 90 seconds, that's very late for a melody to appear.

Don't get me wrong. That doesn't make it bad music, exactly the opposite: It's easy to realize that this piece does what it wants to do very effectively. However, it is very repetitive (on purpose). So to me it doesn't match the criteria of STK and those you gave.

Finally, I do have to confess that I changed it locally (it's just not my music but also) because it actually did distract me a lot while playing... ;)
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