[solved] STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

[solved] STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby qubodup » 18 Jul 2011, 23:24

All non-free sounds have now been replaced! See the last few posts of this thread for more info.
Thanks to everybody for their help!


When all files in STK are 'free' in the FSF/Debian-sense (requires no limitations on commercial use), the game will be easier to spread. There are a few sounds that do not fit FSF/Debian-licensing requirements.

What sounds are problematic?
* :cool:crash [now using replacement: http://www.freesound.org/people/qubodup/sounds/147660/]
* :cool: energy_bar_full [now using replacement from krank]
* :cool: grab_collectable [now using this but seems to not be a perfect match]
* :cool: pre_start_race [Now using http://opengameart.org/content/race-start-beeps]
* :cool: start_race [Now using http://opengameart.org/content/race-start-beeps]

* :cool: skid [perfect loop made]

* :cool: strike [qubodup contacted two Freesound artists for permission to use under bysa3 on 2011-07-19; got one positive reply on same day, now using this]

* :cool: liberated :cool: bowling_roll [qubodup contacted source files owner via PM on freesound.org on 2011-07-18; got positive reply on same day]
by Marianne Gagnon (Auria), based on "PaintCan", "StoneSpinLong" and "PaintCanDropHardAndRoll" by daveincamas from Freesound

What to do?
  1. Contact authors of sound and request use of their sound under FSF/Debian-compatible license (only possible with the freesound sound in this case)
  2. Find freely licensed replacement sounds
  3. Find non-free replacement sounds and ask owners for permission to use under FSF/Debian-compatible license (this worked for me 90% of the time on Freesound) or
  4. Create sounds from scratch or by modifying freely licensed sounds

Where to get freely licensed replacement/source files?

Why do we need to replace these sounds?
  • Tintagel apparently just found sound files on the internet and assumed they are public domain. We must assume they may not be used commercially.
  • SoundSnap license prohibits resale, which is a restriction on commercial use not tolerable by FSF/Debian guidelines.
  • Creative-Common Sampling Plus doesn't allow use in advertising, which is a restriction on commercial use not tolerable by FSF/Debian guidelines.

Everyone who enjoys fiddling with sound effects: please join! :)
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby Auria » 19 Jul 2011, 00:07

Hmm the bowling sound from http://openmortal.cvs.sourceforge.net/v ... ata/sound/ is interesting :) though I wondeif you find it any better than the tintagel ones; the project is GPL but there is no mention of the license of this specific sound
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby qubodup » 19 Jul 2011, 00:12

Before contacting daveincamas I created a replacement for "strike" based on my own sound recordings:
Video of my sound
Video of original sound
Sound uploaded on OpenGameArt

Hmm the bowling sound from http://openmortal.cvs.sourceforge.net/v ... ata/sound/ is interesting though I wondeif you find it any better than the tintagel ones; the project is GPL but there is no mention of the license of this specific sound
I saw that one too. I suspect it's just a 'taken from the web' sound though.
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby Auria » 19 Jul 2011, 01:14

qubodup, interesting sound, but IMO it doesn't sound heavy enough to be a believable bowling ball :/ maybe I can remix it a bit
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby qubodup » 19 Jul 2011, 02:48

Auria {l Wrote}:qubodup, interesting sound, but IMO it doesn't sound heavy enough to be a believable bowling ball :/ maybe I can remix it a bit

That would be great.

I got a positive reply from Dave! So his files that were used for the roll sound can be seen as cc-by-sa.

You can contact him on http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=111413 for clarification.

Yay! :D
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby Auria » 19 Jul 2011, 03:03

Very nice qubodup!! :D this is great news. Dave is probably not reading this, but thanks Dave ;)
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby qubodup » 19 Jul 2011, 13:44

I was looking for a bowling-hit sounds ("strike") replacement and juskiddink was so nice to add permission to use under cc-by-sa to two of his sounds after my request.

I am still waiting for reply from another FreeSound-artist, who has cleaner recordings of bowling strikes, so I would recommend to wait before editing these sounds.
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby qubodup » 19 Jul 2011, 14:10

I'm trying to find replacements for
pre_start_race and

My attempt: http://opengameart.org/content/race-start-beeps
In game vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yu5jqLV-Uk
Too Long Didn't Listen: not good really. ;)

Other possible replacements:
http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSin ... ?id=107341

If any of the Freesound samples are interesting, let me know and I'll ask for permission.
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Three More

Postby qubodup » 19 Jul 2011, 14:39

Moving on..
* crash

Um... I tried something: http://opengameart.org/content/crash-collision
in-game video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4kKot04Sfg

* energy_bar_full

sfx #1 from http://opengameart.org/content/atmospheric-interaction seems like a good solution, might be too negative/evil/dark though. Comments?

* grab_collectable

Perfect replacement! (only needs to be normalized aka volume-upped) http://opengameart.org/content/completion-sound
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby Auria » 20 Jul 2011, 00:58

I agree the crash sound doesn't work, some of the others are interesting however :) Thanks

I will take a closer look
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby Auria » 20 Jul 2011, 02:42

Ok I added 2 of these sounds :) Though I would like feedback on the got collectible sound, I personally like it less than the previous one; it's good but kind of get son my nerves
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby qubodup » 20 Jul 2011, 03:58

Auria {l Wrote}:Though I would like feedback on the got collectible sound, I personally like it less than the previous one; it's good but kind of get son my nerves

You're right.. it's kind of lame. Too clean.. too cold.. (compare old ogg to new ogg )
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Re: STK Sound Liberation

Postby Crendgrim » 20 Jul 2011, 10:28

Today I started STK to test out the awesome new kart – and stumbled over this collect sound. It would be fitting in a SciFi game maybe, but in STK I also think it's just annoying after some time.
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby qubodup » 20 Jul 2011, 13:06

Possible alternative pickup sound: http://opengameart.org/content/shimmer-glitter-magic
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby qubodup » 23 Jul 2011, 13:06

I didn't get the answer from the second freesound artist who had clean bowling strike recordings, so I edited the ones I got permission to use.


Comparison of the sounds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqxIxXObbh8
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby Kinsu » 23 Jul 2011, 17:12

It's hard to distinguish with the high music, but I feel like they are all nearly the same...
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby Auria » 23 Jul 2011, 17:19

Thanks a lot :) I added this sound in-game
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby qubodup » 30 Jul 2011, 23:09

Scribe of OGA recorded/made some sounds as a reaction to my request http://opengameart.org/content/supertux ... nd-effects :)

I created a crash sound replacement using scribe's source and made a video comparing the effects: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbaWuTyNtiU

temp sfx upload: http://ompldr.org/vOXAwbQ
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby Arthur » 30 Jul 2011, 23:33

Hmm, the new crash effect seems a bit too dry to me, so I prefer the old one. Any other opinions on this?
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby Auria » 31 Jul 2011, 03:44

qubodup {l Wrote}:Scribe of OGA recorded/made some sounds as a reaction to my request http://opengameart.org/content/supertux ... nd-effects :)

I created a crash sound replacement using scribe's source and made a video comparing the effects: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbaWuTyNtiU

temp sfx upload: http://ompldr.org/vOXAwbQ

Hmm I must say I'm not convinced :) the crash sound sounds a lot like something hitting a desk ^^ Regarding Scribe of OGA's sounds, some of those are interesting, though the countdown sounds at the beginning are way too mechanical (and honestly I have NO idea what the mouth clicking sounds are meant for)
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby qubodup » 31 Jul 2011, 15:36

mouth clicking = tick tack of the tnt/bomb :)
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby qubodup » 16 Feb 2012, 12:57

I created a skid replacement based on own recordings, included in the archive attached to this post.

I request that the (possibly) infringing sounds get replaced with the sounds I proposed.

Find all the relevant sounds in the attached archive, including license info, formatted for License.txt.

Being stuck with sounds you don't like will raise the incentive to replace them with better quality ones but at least you would be license-worry-free ;)
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby qubodup » 23 Feb 2012, 08:00

I was about to start a new thread on freesound to ask for help making a skid sound when I did another attempt:
google search: squeaking tires ->
using suggestion: squealing tires ->
trying on freesound: squealing tires ->
GREAT SUCCESS http://www.freesound.org/people/audible ... nds/71739/

I am so amazed. I just picked a random piece of sound (4s to 7s), copied it and moved it by 1.5s to hide possible transitions... no further editing was needed! The perfect tire squeal sound loop!

This will make me believe in "you just need the right source recording" for a while :)

Here is my loop of that sound: http://opengameart.org/content/car-tire ... -skid-loop

Not sure if STK can handle 96000hz, I used sox infile -r 44100 outfile to convert it for in-game testing.

I think this sound is much better in quality than the current skid sound. What do you think?
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Re: STK Sound Effect (SFX) Liberation

Postby Auria » 24 Feb 2012, 01:35

Thanks, I do like this sound :) I just committed it. Nice!

And, you will be happy, I had placed the race_start and pre_race_start sounds in place just to test what they sounded like, and I realized I accidentally committed them :P so them too are in game now
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