Feature submission : Presence SDK integration

Feature submission : Presence SDK integration

Postby Halmin » 16 Jul 2020, 22:33

I read that one of the goals for STK is to be ported to Steam, so I thought : why not integrate SDK features, like gameplay details, party status, invites/spectate management, etc.?

This could work not only with the Steam API but also for other services which provide activity details and party management features (invites, spectate, etc.)

Privacy concerned : all of this is disabled by default and opt-in based! (and should always be)

I currently have a working prototype with the following features :
- Interface to simplify the job of creating and managing many third-party SDK (the biggest part of the job will be done)
- Ability to enable and disable any SDK at any time (even during runtime)
- Once enabled :
- Displays the player's activity (menu, in-game, etc.)
- Displays the player's party status (single player vs multiplayer, party slots available)
- Displays the player's racing status (Number of laps, position, time elapsed/remaining, etc.)
- (TODO) Send invites through other services for friends to join the server the player is in
- (TODO) Send invites for spectators

This could increase the visibility of STK on other services and make it easier for people to invite each other in games.

Does that sound like a good idea?

I did the experiment with the Discord SDK (they have an MIT-Licensed version), however the first pull request I make will most likely exclude ANY third-party SDK and include solely the interface I have worked on. (unless the people in charge recommends otherwise).

Is this the correct place to discuss about it? Should I post it elsewhere? Is it worth opening a PR for this?
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Re: Feature submission : Presence SDK integration

Postby QwertyChouskie » 16 Jul 2020, 23:45

IMO, this definitely feels like it could be a nice addition to the game! It might make sense to include the Discord integration in the PR, otherwise it's hard to test the code to ensure it fully works and doesn't bitrot after being merged. As long as the Discord SDK is MIT-licensed, it should be just fine to integrate (AFAIK MIT is compatible with both the current GPLv3 and the MPLv2 which STK is being dual-licensed under.)
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Re: Feature submission : Presence SDK integration

Postby dulsi » 21 Jul 2020, 01:30

QwertyChouskie suggested combining our efforts on my Gamerzilla thread. I can see the advantage of building a combined competitor to the Steam SDK. Part of the design was to make sure we have a completely open source alternative to Steam/GOG achievement. This proposal only adds an open source frontend. The backend is closed source Discord.

Any idea what could be done for a complete open source solution?
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