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Poll: Icon for menu/taskbar/launcher

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2018, 02:34
by QwertyChouskie
IMO STK's icon used the the launcher does not look all that good, and when small kinda just looks like a red blob. My proposal is to use gui/main_race.png for 128x128 and smaller as it's simplicity means it looks like something more than a blob, and use gui/logo.png for all bigger sizes (e.g. Android app icon, gnome-shell launcher) as it is big enough to be properly visible.

I made a version of main_race.png from the svg in the media repo that looks a bit better as a small icon.

Here's how it looks:






And the full logo:



Alternatively logo_slim could be used for the small logo:

A real-world comparison:
My icon:

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskber/launcher

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2018, 09:32
by Seebi
Just throwing this in as another reference, the STK icon in the numix circle icon theme: ... uxkart.svg

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskber/launcher

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2018, 14:46
by Alayan
The numix icon is under GPL, so I modified it. Not so sure about what's the result of mixing it with a CC-BY-SA however... If this creates issues, we could contact the author to ask for it to be released under CC-BY-SA too.

16 :

32 :

48 :

64 :

128 :

256 :

512 :

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskber/launcher

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2018, 21:03
by QwertyChouskie
Not too sure about adding the "STK", it doesn't show well in most icon sizes, becoming a "blob", which is what we're trying to avoid (also this forces the icon to be a png instead of an svg). I do like that the kart takes the whole circle however.

Also for reference, Papirus's icon: (not as good IMO)

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskber/launcher

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2018, 21:40
by Alayan
The text becomes a blob at 16/32px ; but then it mostly merge with the radiator, and the driving penguin convey the meaning of the icon. At higher sizes (48+ ; and especially 64+), it becomes quite readable, and I thought it could be nice in that situation.

Increasing the space taken by the kart was important for it to render decently at small size. I think I could increase the kart's size even more abandoning the outside circle.

The papirus icon for STK doesn't look nice imo.

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskber/launcher

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2018, 22:01
by Alayan
Another possibility, similar to the previous one, with a bigger penguin.

16 :

32 :

48 :

64 :

128 :

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskber/launcher

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2018, 21:32
by Wuzzy
I still like the current logo, Tux in a kart, the most.
It's Tux, in a kart. SuperTuxKart!

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskber/launcher

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2018, 21:43
by QwertyChouskie
Except it's Tux in an 0.8.x and below kart, not to mention it looks more like a red blob when small. The Numix icon provides "Tux in a kart" without the issues though.

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskbar/launcher

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2018, 22:33
by QwertyChouskie
I added another option to the poll, though it seems to have reset the votes, so go vote again! :) (You can now select 2)

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskbar/launcher

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2018, 10:26
by GeekPenguinBR
I liked all, to be honest. Any of these will fit very well.

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskbar/launcher

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2018, 22:15
by 0zone0ne
The slim logo doesn't look good as an icon at all imo... it's too short compared to other icons, and has too much concentrated detail. The steering wheel is the best option, it's minimalist and self-explanatory and doesn't lose any information when downsized all the way

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskbar/launcher

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2018, 23:07
by Alayan
The slim logo has not a good size ratio, not square enough.

But I think the steering wheel's look, with all its gray, is boring. Most game's icons have some coloring which make them nice to look at and make me want to click on them. While the wheel scales very well down to 16px, this is not enough.

As I wrote on the issue tracker, I also think that using two different icons depending on size is not a good idea. An application icon should stay the same all the way from the smallest size to the biggest. This consistency ensure that having multiple icon size in different parts of the UI (big on the desktop, small in the taskbar, or whatever combination), or changing one's general UI sizes, won't make the icon look entirely different.

Re: Poll: Icon for menu/taskbar/launcher

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2018, 00:51
by QwertyChouskie
The steering wheel would work fine for bigger sizes too, using logo.png is not a necessity for using the wheel icon.