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STK 0.8.1 for Mac OS 64 bit (10.14+)

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2024, 21:32
by neopren
Hey there! :)

I am a big fan of SuperTuxKart, and so is my son. It is the #1 game we play together, and he has become rather attached to it. We've always been playing on an iMac running Mac OS 10.13, running STK 0.8.1. Since he is an Asperger autist, it is very hard for him to adapt to any changes. Until now, we kept the old iMac just for playing this version of STK, but need a newer iMac for other applications like using the internet.

Sadly I was unable to find a 64 bit version of STK 0.8.1 that runs on Mac OS 10.14+. I tried to build it myself by following guides I found, but that was too complicated for me as I am not a programmer, but only a user, so I have to ask for help here.

Is it even possible to build it as a 64 bit version? Is anybody here willing to help out by building a 10.14+ compatible version of STK 0.8.1? I would be very thankful for that :)

Thanks a lot for your kind support!