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Odd textbox

PostPosted: 02 May 2019, 20:15
by UbuntuJackson
So I am currently translating STK into japanese but I stumbled into a textbox that I am not even sure what it is trying to describe in English to begin with.
It goes like following: "You can skid by pressing a special key or button. Successive short skids help to take sharp turns; while medium skids will boost your speed, long skids more so. You can't stop turning while skidding, so orient your kart carefully before!"
So, first of all what even is a "special button", it's not made obvious in the context. Second, we only have two (2) kind of drifts. Yellow and Red. In this textbox we have three (3) kind of drifts described. "Short succesive drifts", "medium drifts" and "long skids". Why is there three kind of skids described when we clearly only have two? I am fluent in English and I have no idea what this textbox is trying top say. It should get fixed as soon as possible.
Though, I need to write SOMETHING as a japanese translation so can somebody fix this textbox to something that makes sense for now?
Thank you very much in advance.

Re: Odd textbox

PostPosted: 03 May 2019, 00:31
by Andet

I assume they say "special button" because different players use different buttons for skidding, so they can't say a specific button (i.e. "You can skid by using your assigned skidding button"). For the three different kinds of drifts, the short drifts would be no boost at all, thus it would only help take sharp turns, not increase your speed. Then the medium drifts are the yellow boosts, etc. ;)

Re: Odd textbox

PostPosted: 03 May 2019, 08:28
by UbuntuJackson
Okay I see what you mean then but then this textbox is still very very bad. First of all I think by "short drifts" you mean these hops. But we don't call them drifts, at least I have never heard anyone call it that. We need a better way to describe this. Somebody,please fix this so that the players understands. Then why don't they just call short ones hops, medium ones yellow and longer ones red?

Re: Odd textbox

PostPosted: 03 May 2019, 12:50
by tempAnon093
Is it possible to include the player's current skidding key/button as a variable and use that in the text?
Maybe it can say "You can jump and skid by pressing [...] while turning. Successive short jumps help to take sharp turns. Skidding until yellow sparks appear gives you a speed boost, skidding until red sparks boosts more. [...]"
By mentioning how that button does jumping and skidding, 'successive short jumps' makes sense. However, this message is longer than the current one.

Edit: this assumes that short skidding means hopping. It may actually mean short skidding.

Re: Odd textbox

PostPosted: 03 May 2019, 14:44
by eltomito
UbuntuJackson {l Wrote}: [...] First of all I think by "short drifts" you mean these hops. But we don't call them drifts, at least I have never heard anyone call it that. We need a better way to describe this. Somebody,please fix this so that the players understands. Then why don't they just call short ones hops, medium ones yellow and longer ones red?

I think the hop is just the beginning of a skid. When you press the skid button, the kart hops and then starts skidding. Then depending on how long you skid for, one of these three things will happen:
1) You skid for a very short time. You get no boost but the skid can help you make a sharp turn.
2) You skid until yellow sparks start flying and when you release the skid button you get a small boost.
3) You skid until red sparks start flying and when you release the skid button get a big boost.

Okay now that I think about it, if you do the very short skid, you could argue that it's the initial hop and not the skid itself that helps you make a sharp turn. But I think it doesn't really matter.

So, maybe translate it to Japanese to describe the point the English text is trying to make as best as you can. To me, the English text makes perfect sense, by the way.

Re: Odd textbox

PostPosted: 03 May 2019, 15:12
by Andet
Yep, short skidding is more than hopping, it's drifting but stopping short of getting yellow sparks. I agree it could probably be worded better. :)

Re: Odd textbox

PostPosted: 03 May 2019, 22:15
by QwertyChouskie
I just did some testing, and short skids give a sharper turn than just tapping the hop button as fast as possible. For the best turning radius, the skid button needs to be held throughout the hop duration and released as soon as the kart is on the ground.