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Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2019, 13:41
by hiker
Hi all,

we have finally managed to get a beta version of the networking release ready - this means installers and binary for our usual platforms.

Very brief summary:
  • You can now race against your friends or people world-wide in online races, either in LAN or WAN games.
  • You can either run a server on your own computer, all handled by SuperTuxKart, fire up a stand-alone server, or connect to servers already running.
  • A Raspberry Pi 3 is powerful enough to act as a game server (though you need a server-only binary). We provide several game servers on VPS and Pis that are constantly up.
  • On special so-called 'ranked servers' a global ranking of online players is maintained. You can see the current ranking here.

You can find details on our blog. Downloads are on Feedback as always is welcome, ideally here in the forum, which is also the best location for support requests. Bug reports can be submitted to our tracker on Github.

We hope you enjoy the beta!

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2019, 14:55
by Ludsky
Thanks you very much for this Beta. Thanks you STK Team ;)

I Would like to know if a Gift Package is planned when the final version release ?

The challenge in Cacao Temple is impossible :o impossible to make 2:01 :o

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2019, 17:25
by tux_peng
Do you plan to go to RC or release after beta?

If anyone has trouble with my servers, please let me know! I currently am running 2; an 8 player intermediate race & a 6 play where the 1st player chooses the level & style (defaults to FFA)

EDIT-- I compiled my servers from GIT last Sunday, do I need to update?

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2019, 23:22
by Alayan
The expert Cocoa Temple challenge is VERY far from impossible. I already made it easier the other day, and it's about 20s slower than a perfect expert time.

You need to think and use the fastest path. You can win a few seconds per lap by using the right path. The ghost gives you a hint in the 1st lap. If you don't think and use a slow path, it's still possible but significantly harder.

Skidding is also very important. It is required to beat the ghost, and the more often you use it, the easier it will be.

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2019, 10:19
by Ludsky
Sorry Alayan, but for me, this challenge is so difficult. I use Skidding and Nitro and one Wizz per laps but it's impossible (even in supertux, it's very hard as a challenge) :o
My better score 2:06; perhaps possible to make 2:05....


I can't succeed in this challenge, we haven't the same STK version perhaps alayan :p :p


* Just one Little problem with animation of Grand Prize. For the kart (on the podium) is the original color and not the chosen color (if we change the color).

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2019, 10:50
by Alayan

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2019, 11:05
by Ludsky
Yes, i make this, but my kart isn't as fast as you :o . And your Gavroche is on Ghost mode, my E-Mule is not on a Ghost mode; is strange ?

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2019, 12:38
by Alayan
The video shows a recorded replay, it's simpler for me to do the ghost and do the video afterwards.

If you want, you can record a replay of you trying your best and give me a a link to download it, and I'll have a look.

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2019, 12:51
by Ludsky
How i can record a video ?

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2019, 02:45
by Auria
@Ludsky It's quite normal for challenges to be difficult if you are playing on expert difficulty...
You can use your favorite recording tool, or enable artist debug mode and use ... n-recorder

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2019, 04:04
by Alayan
Ludksy : I meant recording a ghost replay.

Va dans la section des enregistrements (icône de fantôme dans la sélection du mode de jeu), et tu pourras faire la course contre le fantôme du défi en enregistrant ta propre performance en cochant l'option pour. Ensuite, une fois que tu auras fais ce qui est pour toi un bon temps, va dans le dossier avec les enregistrements (la FAQ du jeu doit te l'indiquer), trouve ce nouvel enregistrement et envoie le moi. Plus facile que de faire une vidéo, et c'est même plus pratique pour moi pour voir ce que tu fais.

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2019, 11:51
by Ludsky
@Auria : Yes, it's normal, but the other difficult challenges, It's very easily. Is it normal that "Follow the leader" to be removed ? (Thanks you for your help)

@Alayan : I have upload my replay ;) (2:04). Thanks you for your help :)

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2019, 13:05
by nadebula1984
I have just beat the story mode on medium difficulty, with still something unsolved.

Cocoa Temple is by far the hardest challenge. I can only win using one of the four heavy but faster karts (Pidgin, Amanda, Beastie and Puffy). The Ghost kart is significantly slower in the first lap, probably because it takes a non-optimal path. (But I can't catch up with it unless using a faster kart...)

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2019, 13:21
by Alayan
Ludsky : ce que tu peux faire pour améliorer ton temps ; 1)Utilise le bonus de départ ! Commence à appuyer sur l'accélération à "prêt" pour le recevoir ; 2)N'utilise pas le zipper aussi tard. Tu l'utilises sur le pont. Du coup, tu te retrouves avec beaucoup de vitesse avant le virage serré, et a du mal à le prendre sans accident. C'est du gâchis. Dans l'enregistrement, il est utilisé plus tôt, dans le grand virage. Le virage n'est pas serré, la vitesse supplémentaire n'est pas un problème. 3)Essaye de serrer davantage l'intérieur dans les virages. 4)Dans le temple du chocolat, tu peux placer un deuxième dérapage sans problème. Regarde la vidéo pour voir comment je fais, en tournant vers la gauche avant la banane, Ca devrait te donner pas loin d'une seconde au tour parce que ça compte aussi pour la distance de saut après.

Avec tout ça, ça devrait être assez facile :)

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2019, 15:24
by Ludsky
Merci beaucoup pour tes conseils Alayan :)
Je me permet decrire en français, mais j'ai repéré des soucis récurrent :
* il y a un soucis avec le mode supertux face à Nolok au Fort Magma est vraiment beacoup trop facile. Nolok a beaucoup d'accidents....
* à Candela City, les karts ralentissent à l'endroit des doubles routes. Du coup, c'est facile....
* à Entreprise, à l'endroit où il y a un noyaux et ou ça se sépare en deux routes, les karts foncent au milieu et accident....
* Le mode Supertux est plus facile que le mode difficile, car les karts ont beaucoup d'accidents en mode supertux....

English version :
* There is a problem with the supertux mode facing Nolok at Fort Magma is really much too easy. Nolok has a lot of accidents ....
* At Candela City, go-karts are slowing down at double-track locations. So, it's easy ....
* At Enterprise, where there are cores and where it separates into two roads, the karts run in the middle and accident ....
* The Supertux mode is easier than the hard mode, because the karts have a lot of accidents in supertux mode ....

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2019, 08:49
by annopnod
online mode server should support ai race

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2019, 21:00
by intherow
uh, on beta version apk i find "invisible item trouble" happen again when i play. where item completely disappear. :?

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2019, 00:45
by Auria
intherow {l Wrote}:uh, on beta version apk i find "invisible item trouble" happen again when i play. where item completely disappear. :?

could you record a video and share? it's hard to tell what's going on from your description

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2019, 08:54
by benau
intherow you can edit /sdcard/Android/data/org.supertuxkart.stk_beta/files/supertuxkart-beta/home/supertuxkart/0.10-beta/config.xml and change force_legacy_device to true

or adb shell
cd /sdcard/Android/data/org.supertuxkart.stk_beta/files/supertuxkart-beta/home/supertuxkart/0.10-beta
sed -i 's/force_legacy_device="false"/force_legacy_device="true"/' config.xml

or deve make a 4.2 apk for him!

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2019, 09:41
by deve
@intherow What is your android version? Could you post your stdout.log file? Maybe we could add it to graphical restrictions, so that it will use legacy device by default.

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2019, 23:02
by intherow
auria : could you record a video and share? it's hard to tell what's going on from your description

record in phone using what ? :|

benau : intherow you can edit /sdcard/Android/data/org.supertuxkart.stk_beta/files/supertuxkart-beta/home/supertuxkart/0.10-beta/config.xml and change force_legacy_device to true

sir you genius, its work lol :lol:
if the trouble is low gpl why there no pop up old driver. i think that force legacy maybe need added in setting.

there the sshot :

force legacy = false :

is pop up message "wrong way" shown when kart not turn opposite, need got alert too ?

when "force legacy" false, kart color setting is on. but off, when "force legacy" true.

force legacy = true :


deve : What is your android version? Could you post your stdout.log file? Maybe we could add it to graphical restrictions, so that it will use legacy device by default.

i using lolipop v5.0.2. i don't know how to produce stdout in android except in pc. :think:

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2019, 23:14
by intherow
..and yeah, i think maybe weird if i say this because in generally not happen on most android user.
but is there chance to flip stk to "vertical mode" then i can type where my middle screen have weird problem ? (imho)
because this problem, i cannot tap button go to play into track. also 3strike battle.
area screen that not work to be touched. sometime can (rare), and not (often). even i "flashing" the phone more than one

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2019, 23:35
by deve
The stdout.log file should be in the same directory as config.xml. And I can't filter based on a phone, but I can use android version, GPU model and graphics drivers version.

You can get wrong way message when you run backwards. Not sure if it's correct behavior, but it's minor thing anyway.

And GLES 2.0 renderer is very limited and you can't change kart color there.

And STK window is not resizeable even on linux/windows, so I don't think that dynamic change to vertical mode would be possible. If you have enough skills, maybe you can edit some stkgui files and move these non-working buttons somewhere else. And screen keyboard is movable if you enable artist debug mode in config.xml. Or you can use external mouse/keyboard/gamepad.

Re: Supertuxkart Networking Beta Release

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2019, 00:47
by intherow
deve: The stdout.log file should be in the same directory as config.xml. And I can't filter based on a phone, but I can use android version, GPU model and graphics drivers version.

it was right before my eyes, and i dont realize it when search "config", the stdout. lol
(7.72 KiB) Downloaded 262 times

I think there is a possibility because seeing an application like mpc. so there no solution about that problem, i understand.
i still not understand how to modify the gui and else, but for now i can play select track via overlord or random grand prix.
if possible, can in grand prix added other mode too like 3strike in future ?