New music for Blue Nebula

New music for Blue Nebula

Postby life.form » 28 Aug 2020, 21:52

Hey all!

Having talked to some of the devs about plans for the Blue Nebula project, I'm planning on creating a brand new soundtrack for the game! As amazing and unique as JoJo's original music was, new music will help to set BN apart from Red Eclipse. I've been playing around with a sound similar to the original, but with some heavier, more metal influences as a small homage to Marc Pullen's score to Sauerbraten. But before I really settle on a sound, I would love to hear the community's thoughts on what will best fit the project.

What are some of you guys hoping for in Blue Nebula's new music? Maybe something heavier than the original? Maybe lighter or more ambient? Let me know what you guys think, and I'll do my best to produce something that really compliments the game!
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Re: New music for Blue Nebula

Postby Matadula » 30 Aug 2020, 14:26

I always felt this kind of tracks fits the aesthetics of the game
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Re: New music for Blue Nebula

Postby TheAssassin0 » 13 Oct 2020, 22:14

Hey there, life.form. I'd suggest to share your tracks here, where the community (i.e., the people who play the game and would listen to it) can provide feedback. I'm looking forward to new tracks that might be included in the game!
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Re: New music for Blue Nebula

Postby life.form » 01 Jan 2021, 00:18

Hey all!

I would love to get some feedback on some of these demos, let me know how you think they might fit in gameplay or as menu music! So far there has been some mixed feedback that's made it difficult to pin down a definitive sound for the new music. The first set of 5 were based on the feel of the original music, however there was some concern that they were a little slow for gameplay. Demo tracks 7 and 11 are quicker paced and contrast each other quite a lot, but they just show some of the options available (the soundtrack to Xonotic was suggested as a source of inspiration). They are better suited for possible in-game music.

Demo tracks 1 - 5:

Demo tracks 7 & 11:

Each track is played twice to show the looping capability, and some track numbers were omitted because the tracks were either discarded or scrapped.

I would suggest playing a round of the game along with each track to get a feel for how they fit. I'd love to know what you guys think so I can make more tracks soon!
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Re: New music for Blue Nebula

Postby TheAssassin0 » 15 Jan 2021, 17:16

Hey there! Sorry for not replying for some time. We just discovered your post last week, and really enjoy your work. I agree that tracks 7 and 11 are suitable for in-game. The pace is just right for most games. Having the ability to loop these tracks is great.

Track 1 would suit the main menu IMO.

If I find a little more time, I'll try to provide more in-depth feedback.
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Re: New music for Blue Nebula

Postby life.form » 07 Jul 2021, 22:03

Hey all!

There are some more demos I would love to get some feedback on for in-game music!

Demo tracks 14 - 16:

As always, each track plays twice to show its looping capability, and I suggest playing a round of the game along with the music to get a feel for how it fits with the gameplay. I hope you enjoy them and agree that they could be included in the final soundtrack, but any feedback is greatly appreciated. Please let me know what you guys think!
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