

Postby Norakam » 19 Sep 2021, 15:49

Here is a collection of some of my speedrunning personal best times with videos. The testchamber run is very optimized and hard to beat because that one I have done a lot of attempts on. The other ones are not as optimized.

Testchamber, 11.912

Cyanide, 24.449

CruelDozen, 50.647

Decomposition, 40.443

Tonatiuh, 1:03.891

It's also possible to do speedruns of non-race maps. Here I try to capture the flag as fast as possible:

Battlefield, capture, 5.462

Please try to beat my times if you want a challenge. If you have any speedruns, feel free to post them in this thread.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2020, 13:39

Re: Speedruns

Postby Matadula » 07 Oct 2021, 14:47

Wow that was fast. Specially the testchamber one. I could only do 14.163 with freestyle turned on :p

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Re: Speedruns

Postby Norakam » 03 Dec 2021, 23:59

And when you thought it couldn't get faster, a new trick was discovered that saves 0.5 seconds in testchamber. If you set the variable grabstyle to 0, you can pull yourself down with claw and not just up. This makes it possible to do an air-jump right after the vertical hole in testchamber without having to land first. The only thing that puts a limit on speed here is that you can't go down to the other platform too fast because there is a 0.5 second cool down for sliding (really annoying when everything else is 0.25 seconds).

So here is my new testchamber PB:

Testchamber, 11.588
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Joined: 26 Jul 2020, 13:39

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