What is the best weapon DPS?(added range and hit zones)

What is the best weapon DPS?(added range and hit zones)

Postby Silux » 06 Jan 2014, 15:45

range 4 squares
1000/(100+1000/10)*25=125 * 0.493 = 61.625
1000/(100+1000/5)*40=133,33 * 0.493 = 65.73
range infinite (200 squares)
1000/(600+50)*25 = 38.46 * 0.493 = 18.96
1000/(1000+50)*50 = 47.61 * 0.493 = 23.47
range 4 squares
1000/(600+(750/2))*10*15 = 153.84 * 0.493 = 75.84
1000/(600+(750/2))*(8*15)=123.07 * 0.493 = 60.67
range 117 squares
1000/(100+2000/50)*18 = 128.57 * 0.493 = 63.38
1000/(400+2000/50/4)*(8*15)=292.68 (146.34 against only one target) * 0.493 = 72.14
range 150+ squares
1000/(125+1750/30)*4+(20) = 41.81 *0.656 = 27.42
range 20squares
1000/(1500+1750/30/5)*(4*4)+(20)= 30.58 *0.656 = 20.06
range 40+ squares
1000/(350+2000/16)*22 = 46.31 * 0.897 = 41.54
range 185 squares
some between 10 and 20dps, but it's hard to survive once it hits
range 64 squares
1000/(750+2500/6)*45 = 38.57 *0.656 = 25.30
range 200+ squares
1000/(1250+2500/6)*150 = 90 *0.656 = 59.04
range 1000+squares

squares are what you get in the map editor by scaling down to minimum the grid and going up 2 times.
The player model is high 16 squares, wide 6 squares, deep 4 squares.

Just going for the raw power i should go for the smg or the shotgun, but i still can't understand some things:
-the secondary rifle shot deals 150 damage, but why it doesn't kill always in one shot when hits?
-what is the damage for the secondary of the shotgun, smg, flamer and plasma?
-can i get the range of the weapon by lifespan_of_bullet*speed_of_bullet or i am missing something?

EDIT: added melee and pistol
EDIT: correction coefficients (zone hit multiplier * zone size)
pistol, sword, shotgun, smg correction 0.8*0.116+0.65*0.449+0.3*0.363= 0.493
flamer rifle correction 4.0*0.072+0.65*0.116+0.45*0.449+0.25*0.363= 0.656
plasma granade mine correction 8.0*0.072+0.6*0.116+0.4*0.449+0.2*0.363= 0.897
rocket correction 16.0*0.072+0.6*0.116+0.4*0.449+0.2*0.363= 1.473
Last edited by Silux on 30 Jan 2014, 00:44, edited 5 times in total.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2014, 22:39

Re: What is the best weapon DPS?

Postby Unnamed » 06 Jan 2014, 16:06

Silux {l Wrote}:-the secondary rifle shot deals 150 damage, but why it doesn't kill always in one shot when hits?

There are multipliers (riflelegdamage1, riflelegdamage2, rifletorsodamage1, ...) for the damage for hitting the torso/leg/head. riflelegdamage2 is 0.2 so you have to multiply the damage by 0.2 (30 damage).

The flamer's secondary attack was changed in svn. It does 5 damage now.
I also noticed the pistol is missing in your list and you haven't considered the burning/bleeding damage (I think it is allways 3 damage after <weaponname>radial1 ms).
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Re: What is the best weapon DPS?

Postby radiant » 06 Jan 2014, 16:22

The base damage of a weapon only applies on shots to the head. Otherwise it gets scaled by weapon variables such as "rifletorsodamage2" (which is 0.4, for 150 * 0.4 = 60 damage on a shot there) and "riflelegdamage2" (which is 0.2, so a shot to the legs is just 30 damage).

Shotgun2 is 4 for the base particle and 8*15 frag rays, a total of 124 per shot if everything hits the head (using current SVN variables; they were scaled down for the shotgun a while ago). It also causes bleed damage like the sword, though this doesn't do anything if the victim is already dead from taking that much damage. Bleed, burn, and shock DPS are all 3, with the proviso that you don't get to double-count hitting the same player with it twice in a 5-second span. The theoretical damage per shot with smg2 is identical to shotgun, except it doesn't bleed and the grouping is a lot less conducive to getting a maximum hit.

Flamer secondary was reworked into an air blast that extinguishes fires and can push you or other players around, instead of the sticky-damage fireball. Uniquely among all weapons, the new concept for it has torsodamage and legdamage greater than 1, so it's actually more effective the lower you aim. Aiming for the feet also gives the biggest knockback from the blast.
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Re: What is the best weapon DPS?

Postby Silux » 06 Jan 2014, 17:06

i got the vars from an unmodified server online, so it's the actual balance when i play online.
What is whipdamage?

If the damages are multiplied by hit zones overall dps is much lower. Some weapons have a 0.0 multiplier for headshots, so it may happen they don't deal damage at all.
How i can calculate the hit chance of weapons?
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Re: What is the best weapon DPS?

Postby Bobbo » 19 Jan 2014, 18:09

I should note, since you've included the reload time and the recoil time, you have a sustained DPS value rather than a burst one (say the DPS you might do over 2 minutes of game play than the brief 5 seconds of an encounter).

As for calculating average DPS over the different hit zones, you'd have to take into consideration the number of pellets (or shots) and the spray, which is random and confusing and I don't math at that level

So you might find it easier to determine DPS with empirical evidence, if so:
There are two main tests you'd want to do, Sustained DPS and burst DPS.

For both tests I'd suggest setting these values in an offline (local) game:
botspeed 0.0
maxcarry 6
grenaderespawns -1
minerespawns -1
rocketrespawns -1

These settings will make all the bots stationary and they won't shoot at you, they'll give you all the normal weapons and you'll be able to reload grenades, mines and rockets (you might have to set the reload delay for those though)

For the sustained test, set spawnhealth to like 1k or something higher. Time how long it takes you to kill each bot, use higher health values to reduce human error and use repeat it for reliability.

For the burst test, leave spawnhealth at 100 but set gamespeed to 50, 25 or 10. This'll let you reduce human error but get a valid idea of how long each weapon takes to kill someone in a normal game. For explosive devices you'll get stupid results for these, but explosives depend much on the range you hit the target at.

For comparisons with other games modes:
In instagib, grenades have half the range but you have 100th of the health, so their kill range if effectively 50 times greater than in non-instagib (which is ridiculous imo, but that's another topic).
Flag buff (from carrying your own flag, or being at your base in bomber ball, or defend and control points or gauntlet mode) gives you a 1.5 shield buff, which increases your max shield to 150 (default) but also effects incoming damage by the same amount: damageDone = inComingDamage*1/flagshieldbuff.
Vampire: You gain the health you do damage for, up to a max of 300 (default), in vampire games that's where sustained DPS over 30seconds may be more useful (especially in 1v1, since you spend most of your time transferring health from one another).
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Re: What is the best weapon DPS?

Postby Silux » 19 Jan 2014, 21:03

head 1661px area 7.2%
torso 9751px area 44.9% +-14.6%
legs 7897px area 36.3% +-7.5%
whip (hands+arms?) 2545px area 11.6% +-6.2%
total 21854 (data gathered averaging the area of a bot facing front, profile*2 and back with a screenshot while scoping with the rifle)

pistol, sword, shotgun, smg correction 0.8*0.116+0.65*0.449+0.3*0.363= 0.493
flamer rifle correction 4.0*0.072+0.65*0.116+0.45*0.449+0.25*0.363= 0.656
plasma granade mine correction 8.0*0.072+0.6*0.116+0.4*0.449+0.2*0.363= 0.897
rocket correction 16.0*0.072+0.6*0.116+0.4*0.449+0.2*0.363= 1.473

I still need to understand how to realiably find the hit rate. I'd need someting like a ping counter.
BTW i got a test on the map Ares, using each weapon for 10min only primary fire, no bazooka, no mine, no grenade
sword 3 kills, 1250 damage
flamer 8 kills, 1485 damage
shotgun 15 kills, 1856 damage
smg 9 kills, 1971 damage
plasma 5 kills, 1591 damage
rifle 12 kills, 1712 damage
Assuming i have the same skill with every weapon, shotgun is way better for frags.
Against live players i guess rifle is better than against bots, as players sometime stop to aim.
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Re: What is the best weapon DPS?(added range and hit zones)

Postby Silux » 30 Jan 2014, 00:53

I added the ranges for the weapons by testing them on a map and seeing if they did hit the AI bot or leaved a mark on the wall at different distances.
The rifle is the only weapon that is able to hit at max distance( map enlarged at max).
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