So much changed since 0.5.0

So much changed since 0.5.0

Postby Wuzzy » 19 Oct 2013, 16:45

Hi, I remember when I tried out 0.5.0. That was a long time ago.

Boy, a lot of things have changed since then. The entire game looks different now. I can remember there were tutorials. What happened to them? Also 0.5.0 was kinda blocky and had buildings iirc. It seems you have abandoned this style for good. I did not play for long but obviously the changes between 0.5.0 and 0.7.0 are huge.

I am a bit confused by all these changes and I don’t find enlightenment by reading the changelogs. :D
I don’t say these changes are neccessarily bad, I am simply just a bit confused.

PS: Oh, I love the fact you activated cel shading. I like cel shading. :)
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Re: So much changed since 0.5.0

Postby amuzen » 19 Oct 2013, 18:51

Don't worry if you're confused, as 0.7.0 is actually pretty confusing. The gameplay is still quite broken and many features are temporarily disabled due to several big changes related to fixing design flaws and making the internals of the game more sane and future-proof. 0.5.0 might have felt more playable in some respects because of that, but the situation should be quite different after the next release or two.

As you noticed, lots of things are different to what one might expect based on 0.5.0, and they'll continue to be so in the future: buildings will be back eventually, but they'll be all randomly generated instead of hand-crafted; NPC interaction and quests will be much more limited as the focus will be on combat and exploring; the world map looks different and will be even more different once sufficient work is put into it; and so on.
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