Postby chronomaster » 15 Oct 2013, 17:18

blend file -
Kobold 3.blend
(1.25 MiB) Downloaded 276 times
. pls someone convert it.

(new dig animation under "dig")

video - https://www.dropbox.com/s/xxq9e0ji3s4fzz5/imp%20dig.avi
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Postby chronomaster » 15 Oct 2013, 18:44

here is the conversion so far -
(92.96 KiB) Downloaded 307 times
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Postby Danimal » 15 Oct 2013, 19:29

Thats a quite nice animation Chronos!
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Postby Skorpio » 15 Oct 2013, 21:10

The animation looks good, but shouldn't he use both arms to dig? Also, the backpack could move a bit more. Thanks for the contribution.

PS: I changed the thread title to "Kobold animations".
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Postby chronomaster » 15 Oct 2013, 22:19

both of your suggestions have been suggested already.
however, the overall rig is...NOT very good. its ok...but not sufficient at all. and i dont have almost any idea how to rig well.
also, the bag itself is messed up. it cant really move in a...logic way other than just expanding in scale. the rig itsel should include the bag to move when the imp's torso is moving.

i left it like that to move on to other animations...as this was agreed to be good enough for current phase.

scorpio will the animations be implemented?

also, can you visit irc chat every few days to synchronize our questions about development and answer some questions(couple of people woring in the chat together)?
itll speed up our motivation and work-speed

daniel - i was pleased with it too :)
coming up next is a smoking imp...as an idle animation..pretty cool so far someone told me
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Postby chronomaster » 16 Oct 2013, 10:44

imp dig - better.

plus - moving bag

here is blend file -
Kobold 4.blend
(1.39 MiB) Downloaded 267 times

video - https://www.dropbox.com/s/xxq9e0ji3s4fzz5/imp%20dig.avi

imp dig with full bag -
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Postby Skorpio » 16 Oct 2013, 18:14

The Idle2 animation doesn't loop, but you can fix that by duplicating the first key frame and putting it behind the last key frame.

The sack is huge. :) I think you shouldn't scale bones. The "bag move torso" bone works better when it's disconnected.

Some UV coordinates of the sack got messed up. It probably doesn't matter, because the area is mostly covered.

I'm not often on IRC, because it distracts me from procrastinating. I've also not worked on OD for a while, but I'll continue to work on some models again.

I can upload the model, but can't implement new animations. You have to ask the programmers. BTW, here's a list of animations, but I don't think they're all implemented yet (and maybe we're going to add more in the future): http://opendungeons.sourceforge.net/w/i ... animations. The Kobold actually had a "Claim" animation, but it disappeared for some mysterious reason.
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Postby paul424 » 16 Oct 2013, 18:31

Idle - The fallback animation, what the creature does when just standing around.
Walk - Taking a single step in the direction it is facing.
Flee - The "walk" animation when the creature is retreating from battle.
Work - A single swing of the pick, etc, for mining a tile, working a forge for a builder, etc.
Attack1 - Primary attack, all creatures must implement this.
Attack2 - Secondary attack, it is optional whether the creature implements this or not
Dodge - Moving to avoid an attack directed at the creature's center of mass.
Parry - Deflecting an attack away from its center of mass.
Damage - Receiving damage from another creature.
Strafe - Moving a single step perpendicular to the direction the creature is facing.
Taunt - Done from a distance when engaging enemies to try to frighten them.
Flourish - Done after a major victory, boosts creatures self esteem, frightens enemies.
Sleep - Relaxing in their quarters.
Die - What the creature does when their HP reaches 0.

Ha quite ambitious goal ! A piety it does referer so much to fighting actions ... I would add more social actions ... like dancing or talking , yelling or pissing on other creature ...
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Postby chronomaster » 16 Oct 2013, 18:36

scorpio - i didnt finished the idle2 animation...thats why it is not loopin? duh :)

only dig animation is finished. i will say, when animation is finished, and i will post it when it is finished...
the sack texture problem is my fault i think. but i have no idea how to handle textures. i made the sack more flexible
so it wont loo bad when its full. made more polys there.

i also went through the characters vertex groups, which was a mess. vertex group from head had also vertex in legs, vertex groups from leg had vertex from hands...and so on ... lots of misplaced vertex in vertex groups. i sorted it out now.

also about sack/bone scaling...untill someone have a better solution, i think its better for current time to have two animations for each action (one with bag empty, one with bag full). wouldnt you agree? bones scaling only meant for the sack, not for anything else obviously.
thanks for the link of the animations link...this forum is a mess.

i have posted a new claim sound (based on the claim sound that is already uloaded.) you should check it. i posted also the original sound there.

its good you mention the claim animation cuz i kind of want to do it. and i forgot about it.

------ "I'm not often on IRC, because it distracts me from procrastinating."
* but just drop in for several minutes, thats all.
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