Issues starting Syntensity from compiled source code

Issues starting Syntensity from compiled source code

Postby kinder » 10 Aug 2011, 00:31

Hello everyone!

I know, that Syntensity development is currently stopped and probably will not continue in near future. However, maybe someone can still answer my question or at least show a right place to ask.

I precisly follow insturction, contained in file COMPILE.TXT, provided together with Syntensity source code (code is obtained from GIT repository). My system if Windows XP SP 3. First of all I compile V8 be means of SCons. Then I generate MSVS 2008 solution file for Syntensity project by means of CMake 2.8. Generated project is then compiled with no errors, only warnings.
So I end up with directory <syntensity_folder>\cbuild\src\<syntensity_projects>. Each of <syntensity_projects> directories now contains it's 'Release' folder with corresponding compiled executable/library.

Trying to run either server or cliend ends up with same message:


Error in Python execution of:
from intensity.c_module import *
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named intensity.c_module


1) First of all, maybe someone had allready encountered that problem and knows some fast cure for that? :)

2) When installing Syntensity binaries from ,exe - both server and client work fine. But working directory of that version contains tons of stuff (different .py scripts, configs, etc), that source code version does not. So I guess it's reasonable to ask - maybe there's something missing in engine building instructions, and some additional files are to be utilized if one wants to run compiled version?

3) Why does linking the binaries of Syntensity take sooooooo much time in MSVS 2008 ?

If anyone can provide some help - I'd really appriciate! Thanks in advance!
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Re: Issues starting Syntensity from compiled source code

Postby TheAncientGoat » 10 Aug 2011, 19:49

Hey Kinder, have you looked at ? It is a fork of Syntensity, only it replaced Javascript with Lua, making it faster and much easier to compile :)
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Re: Issues starting Syntensity from compiled source code

Postby kinder » 10 Aug 2011, 23:05

Hello, AncientGoat. No, I had not tried OctaForge yet, but is't deffinetly goes on my TODO for this weekend! ;) Correct me if I'm wrong - first you started CubeCreate and now it is evolved to OctaForge?

Anyway - you guys are doing a great job, thank you for that!
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Re: Issues starting Syntensity from compiled source code

Postby TheAncientGoat » 11 Aug 2011, 12:41

Essentially, CubeCreate was started from Syntensity, and then Octaforge from CubeCreate, so you're right :)
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