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Aus9-RedDesert, and talk about future/vehicles

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2022, 20:12
by EP
Possible to drive the full track damage free, but certainly not easy. Keep the center lane at the hangover at a full launch speed, stop accellerating while in the top and the slide down needly center of the track. Before that: use the handbrake to get through the corners before launching yourself into the hangover. (only valid for one week, regular attachment exceeds forum limit of 2mb)


Re: Race track red desert

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2022, 21:30
by CryHam
Wow, really awesome and original track and scenery.
Will definitely add it to our tracks.
I'll probably won't change much, I was only thinking of some dark red fog to match that sky, and also making new dust with same color.

Re: Race track red desert

PostPosted: 12 Mar 2022, 15:45
by EP
Thanks for checking them out, yes of course free to change anything and to perfect them, looking forward to have these options regarding color sand.... these tracks may not be perfect on all points (like maybe the viewpoints in the stunts if not in the car, how many points in the example drive (do not know how to do these), some minor non perfect entrance to bridges) and not as extensive as some tracks with also objects building etc. and may have to work on that, but it is just sharing for fun some of tracks as I enjoyed making as in playing the game, think building tracks is part of the joy of play this game, and then all can find some more extra tracks even if not perfect but every track is again different which makes it interesting.... if some of them can go into the new version with some perfecting that ll be great and a plus, an unexpected extra....

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2022, 20:27
by CryHam
Now in SR.
If you use git, then just git pull tracks repo.
I added new red dust also in SR repo. And made grass sway better way.
I changed that top stunt, it felt too difficult and random IMO. Is now easier, track is also good looking, so better without strange parts.
Since it's a sand storm, and dark sky I made it also bit darker.
Looks now so:

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2022, 21:05
by EP
Cool it got added. See the adjusted stunt in the image. Think this indeed captures the idea and is less random, so think good mod. Great the red dust is now also available. Planning already for some time on git but not yet using it. So have to get started I guess to try it.

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 17 Mar 2022, 01:05
by EP
cloned it from github, only the tracks, but then the redsand call give an error on the track, probably need to rebuild?

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 17 Mar 2022, 09:56
by CryHam
Right, this is because I made changes on SR repo and this track now needs them.
If you build from sources already then just git pull and build.
If not, then you probably just need 2 files, you can just get them and replace in your data/: ... efebf410bb ... be986413b7

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2022, 15:08
by EP
Cool just found that stuntrally 2.7 is out! Was rather busy with stuff and missed all news. Now could try this track improved version to. Looks nice. Seems like Sr 2.7 is generally also a bit smoother! And also saw work is ongoing on SR3, happy it is all going forward!

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2022, 20:26
by CryHam
Hi EP.
Thanks. Yes it is smoother, when vegetation doesn't lag on CPU.
There was an issue in SR editor with vegetation placing (for new tracks).
SR3 will be the smoothest, but still lots to do.

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 29 Dec 2022, 10:08
by EP
Also now tried various tracks and saw they have some amazing updates.Clouds, smoking and fire vulcanos, rivers! As well as the youtube vid about 2.7 in which they are also visible.
Great stuff!

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 29 Dec 2022, 17:34
by EP
Just accidently youtube recommended me this vid
then also found: ... speirling/
, a great invention somebody did. You may also have seen it somewhere and thinking the same....
The car producing more downforce than it's weight even at standstill, could enable some incredible stunts not possible with other cars not having such system.
As well as perhaps controls, like less of it when going straight, manual as the car does not know the intention of the driver to turn or not.
Not sure if this could be accomodated quite fast.... would be so cool to have in version 3 or perhaps even earlier release s.t. we can design some tracks with it....

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 29 Dec 2022, 20:40
by CryHam
Thanks. Well I'm working on next SR3 Track Editor. Which will be smoother too. And will allow bigger terrains, I tested 2048 and 4096 (but will be 16MB and 63MB big).

Yeah well, cool as a video, but seems like you're getting too excited about it and SR.
There are few reasons it's bad. It has like no suspension at all. Meaning it is impossible to use on anything but flat asphalt. Plus it is small.
And SR is neither flat (e.g. loops and pipes are very round) nor about asphalt (quite few tracks with it). So physics wise it would just bounce like crazy in pipes etc and constantly slide on gravel spinning wheels.
Lastly until someone models it well, with a CC-BY-SA or similar license, I won't even think of it. We have a topic with list of vehicles that may appear in future SR.
On a side note I started lately modeling a racing hovercraft. This may be fun someday in SR.

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2022, 00:56
by Julius
Racing hovercraft simulator in VR would be awesome indeed :)

Re: Aus9-RedDesert

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2022, 10:30
by EP
Cool, a hovercraft will be awesome to....
Get it that track racecars won't work well.
it could perhaps be a hypothetical buggy to having a fan system,
even though while I was thinking more about it last night even a small aircraft (often weighing less than the car) needs quite a wing to take off. Hence I am not 100% sure of the indicated standstill downforce (though the velocity of the fan has some nonlinear effect on the wing etc. (square) I did not verify if would be feasible), or perhaps I am reading it wrongly, but yet F1 cars also considering only downforce, be it at high velocity should be able to run upside down even with the small wings they have. This is about reverse liftoff using earodyanmics if it would need to be more than the car weight.
Why I like it so much is that it could enalble driving on ceilings and anything inbetween etc. while still being very different from an aircraft. Also it is different from low gravity.
The internal fan might be stable against, external windflow disturbances detaching such car to, perhaps a reason why it hasn't been tried with F1 cars, as well as it could be done at a small track at low speed.
Perhaps in some more far future....

Re: Aus9-RedDesert, and talk about future/vehicles

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2022, 11:29
by CryHam
Well, interesting idea. I guess we could have some extra downforce when still and at low speeds for a special car. But this would need to drop to zero when fast e.g. above 100 km/h, because with such and above speeds, in pipes that extra downforce would cause constant bottom crashes making it undrivable.
Either way, I'm very far from experimenting with sim code, I still have lots of things to restore for SR3 and its editor.
BTW, it'd be great for such talks to be in own topics, since this one started about a track, I changed its name.