Grunt hit boxes are extremely messed up, or hitscan is broke

Grunt hit boxes are extremely messed up, or hitscan is broke

Postby MultiKill » 28 May 2011, 17:38

Go test it out. Start a campaign, or an onslaught map. Pick up a rifle and start unloading some sniper shots into the faces of grunts. VERY OFTEN, the shot will go directly through the face of a stationary grunt, or one that is running straight at you and they will not take any damage or die.

I'm not sure if it's just the hitboxes on grunts, or if it's a hit scan problem. I think it is hit scan and a grunt box problem, since I frequently have headshots not kill/damage people when they should.
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Re: Grunt hit boxes are extremely messed up, or hitscan is broke

Postby Kitsune » 28 May 2011, 18:44

Well only rifle secondary is set to continue, but yea I've noticed that too. I think it is mostly an issue with there hit boxes as I have problems with them using other weps. Hope it can be fixed cause ons- would be fun on certain maps like dawn for making it a zombie survival mode.
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