What about Ingame-Recording

What about Ingame-Recording

Postby abacab » 23 May 2011, 20:21

Well wouldnt it be great if we can record our Gameplay?

What I tried is the /movie option, but then it only records in 320X240, so not really high resolution.

However, Im using Ubuntu Linux, So I tried gtk-record my Desktop, It works until the Game starts... It hangs for a short moment or plays to quickly, then it just hangs while playing. The Game itself runs fine, and it doesnt make any difference if Compiz is disabled, resolution to 1024x768, deactivated graphical Stuff... nothing really worked... :?

For Windows there may be Fraps, but for this here? I don't know, who knows something for this? :cool:

Because I also would like to record also my voice with it... I'll post a link with my testvideo, it takes a time until Vimeo converted it ;)
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Re: What about Ingame-Recording

Postby arand » 25 May 2011, 17:55

{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
/movieh 900
/moview 1440

For example. to set parameters (use /movie [tab] to cycle through alternative movie* parameters)

Otherwise, I can recommend glc-capture available from PlayDeb (and I'm in the process of trying to package it properly for Debian->Ubuntu currently).

- arand
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Re: What about Ingame-Recording

Postby fluxord » 26 May 2011, 05:50

About Ingame-Recording... I want to record movies without the GUI stuff (messages, player names, chatter, etc.) that clutters the display, is there any way to get rid of the GUI (HUD) elements in the final movie? Any commands?
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Re: What about Ingame-Recording

Postby sireus » 26 May 2011, 10:02

You can use /showhud 0, but of course that means you won't see the hud while playing either.
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Re: What about Ingame-Recording

Postby fluxord » 26 May 2011, 10:22

Oh, yes that's what I wanted, perfect for videos. Thanks!
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