Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby Rada » 20 Mar 2011, 11:40

My first post, . . Long live Open Source! : )

I've had visions of an Open Source game similar to the Battlefield series, . .

What would it take to create a "gigantic" map for Red Eclipse that includes vehicles like tanks, motorcycles, etc, . . ? Would it take a team of 100's with PHD's in Video Gameology or a few really, really, ridiculously inspired artists?

Is anyone else interested in making this happen?

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Re: Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby TheAncientGoat » 20 Mar 2011, 19:04

This belongs in the Red Eclipse subform, moving it there :)

Also, welcome to the forums :)
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Re: Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby IMMJR » 20 Mar 2011, 19:44

If I recall correctly, Vehicles have been discussed in the past. Personally, I don't see how they could contribute to the game. Red Eclipse's gameplay is meant to be fast, making it easy to maneuver while providing a swift and efficient way of getting around. I just thought I should share my opinion.

Re: Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby Rada » 20 Mar 2011, 21:17

oh no nononono, not to slow it down but to keep it fast paced, but with bigger maps. Vehicles with one person driving and one gunning would really up the ante on the teamwork when controlling bases or capturing a flag on a huge map. It may be a programming nightmare though, I don't know.

Small and fast cycles with a gun on the front would also make for an interesting game.
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Re: Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby John_III » 21 Mar 2011, 01:16

I've had similar thoughts regarding vehicles in Red Eclipse. A large open map with VTOLS, buggies, tanks, etc. could make for some very fun gameplay - a bit like UT 2004.

It would not be difficult to make large maps suited for vehicular combat, but I know nothing about how vehicles themselves could be added to the game.

Nexuiz had limited implementation of vehicles before it turned into Xonotic, and I recall that Syntensity had a race mode that involved some sort of vehicle.

However, I believe it is unlikely that RE would include vehicles in the near future. Right now the core FPS gameplay is the main focus of the game. It can't hurt to suggest these ideas though.
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Re: Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby cdxbow » 22 Mar 2011, 01:21

Hi everyone,

Congrtatulations to Quin and the team for getting RE out. Downloading now.

This post caught my eye as it is an issue close to my heart. After one of those dangerous vision thingeys, we have spent the last 18 months working on MekArcade, which is our attempt to build a mechassault replica game with the Cube engine. Along the way we have put mechs (and cars, tanks) in to the engine as player and NPC characters. They need to be scaled down to match the engines physics, so then you have to have scaled down textures and mapmodels, and produce suitable maps. This is a lot of work, but not impossible and we have done much of it. The mechs look OK and feel Ok running around in such an environment, but there is remains a big problem.

Essentially none of the the Cube engines implement a player class that allows the players to behave in different ways or have different properties. To do a game with vehicles you need to be able to implement differents speeds, armor, weapons/slot, method of locomotion etc. The engine would need to also accomadate different the different movements/physics that the different vehicles have eg turrent rotation on a tank, torso rotation on Mecha.

If a comprehensive player class where to be implemented, not only vehicle games but classed based shooter (eg team fortress type gameplay) and also allow games with progression through the ranks, where players can gain attributes and abilities over time.

This is a 'non trivial' task and requires a good C ++ coder with a knowledge of the cube engine. Unfortunately we don't have one in the Team.

We at TeamXbow would be very happy a realistic team wishing to pursue 'Cube with Vehicles' or 'Cube with class'. We could certainly contribute at least half a doazen different player models such as mechs, tanks, battle armor etc. In addition we have some scaled down textures and map models.

If such a project where to come out of Red Eclipse, it could only be called, Red Armor

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Re: Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby TheAncientGoat » 22 Mar 2011, 12:06

Er, Syntensity did it :P Yay for adding a workable game scripting layer and all (however, kind of defunct now)
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Re: Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby Julius » 22 Mar 2011, 13:59

Year ripping out the LUA code from Cubecreate and integrating it into RE might be quite nice ;)

Anyways for the reference:
Do you have some screenshots to show?

However I feel another engine than the CUBE2 engine might have been a better choice for a Mech game... neither does it have very fitting physics nor does it have a very good terrain system.
What kind of assets do you have already and how far are you into development?
Modding the FOSS ZeroBallistics would probably give you a great Mech game with vehicles and all that much quicker:
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Re: Red Eclipse - Vehicles?

Postby cdxbow » 22 Mar 2011, 16:31

I will have a look at Zero ballistics. I have looked at quite a few engines and none has really grabbed me, or offered the speed of the cube engine or the magic map editing that cube does. I have put a few screenshots on the welcome page of - The art assets we have are:
A. Models
1. Animated chicken walker mech (original design by walter) - done in 3dstudio max and exported as md3 which works in Sauer (but can't configure it for RE)
2. Human gaited mech, again an original design by walter in max format and awaiting export - I am trying to get walter to try md5 this time.
3. Animated battle armor model in gmax format - about 50% done
4. Tanks - a few, currently deciding which to animate
5. Helicopter/vtols - currently only one is animated and its about 70% done
6. Mech static meshes - all the mechassault mechs (except the ragnarok), many rigged, none animated
7. A few potential NPC type characters - we will only complete the ones we use.
8. Hud cockpit about 70% done - in first person view you will see the cockpit

B. Maps we have 6 to 12 we are working on. Between 50 - 80% done

C. Mapmodels - we have a quite a few.

D. Texture set - scaled down set about 60% completed.
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