Displaying perfect levels

Displaying perfect levels

Postby Wuzzy » 02 Oct 2016, 02:52

STK keeps track of your time, defeated badguys, found hideouts and collected coins for each level.
I also noticed that levels in which you have defeated all badguys, collected all coins, found all hidden areas and beaten the target time (if present), the level dot will be animated or look slightly different on the world map.

This is all very good as this gives a lot of replay value to all level sets. Keeping track of a player's “special” achievements is great for completionists like me. :)

What I dislike about this is that the icon for perfect levels are just *very* subtle. It is hard to distunguish them from “normal” finished levels. On antarctic world maps, the dot just briefly changes color and stays green for most of the time. This is slightly annoying when trying to finish all levels perfectly. xD

I suggest to change the way perfect levels look like on the world map. First, the icon should look be much clearer and look more distinct from the “normal” icon. For the default “dots”, I suggest to use the same green dot but perhaps drawing a star or something in the background. What's important to me is that the icon looks different from “normal” won levels all the time. Or maybe just use a different “dot” color. I don't really care whether it is animated or not, it should just be easy to distinguish on first sight. For the forest world maps, I am not really sure what icon to choose here because the stars are already used for comletion. Again, animated stars and static stars look too similar. It doesn't seem there is any perfect icon whatsoever for the torch icon in the castle on the Forest World.

I have a 2nd suggestion to add:
Whereever the level stats are displayed (world map, start screen, end screen), use a green font for stats where “perfection” has been achieved: The idea is to “make” everything green in the level stats to get the star on the world map.
If it's “60/60 coins”, write it in green. If it's “60/60 defeated enemies”, write it in green. If the time has a time goal, and it has been beaten, write the time in green, too. If there is no such time goal, always write the time in green. This too will make it a bit easier to hunt down for the last non-perfect levels. ;)
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Re: Displaying perfect levels

Postby Tlaloc1 » 11 Oct 2016, 23:30

As a small time completionist, this idea would be great. +1
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