Campaign, how it may works

Campaign, how it may works

Postby LuckyStrike-Rx » 27 Nov 2011, 21:04

I've heard Quin is not inspired by campaign mode, I hope this will help (cause I spend alot of time on this)
I used to mess with hammer and goldsource/ source engine.
And it has really powerful possibilities in term of scripted ai.^most of today single players games seems to use the stuff that was already in half life 1.
I tried to simplify it the most I can and guess how it could work in Red Eclipse with Cube engine

General campaign gameplay:

I suppose the most simple way is to separate each campaign maps in sections delimited by checkpoints.
If a checkpoint is reached by someone, all the players will spawn there.
If a player dies, he will have to wait that someone reach the next checkpoint, or that everyone die (going to the last checkpoint). This way all players should be in the same section all the time. And keeps the player together
Reaching checkpoint teleport all players to it? More points if you are the first to reach the checkpoint?

Actors status:

Active: the actor entity is created, but can be sleeping, not spawn, whatever.
Spawned: the actor is activated and alive, but can still be sleeping
Wake up, Sleeping: the actor is spawn and activated, it can be sleeping (in wait of order) or wake up (chasing player, doing scripted action, whatever)
Default actor behavior: wait in place, sleep until he see someone to shoot

Actor parameter request:

Wake up on see by default (like actual behavior), but goes back to sleep (stop chasing) if all near player are dead. (Actually, awaken actor will chase you to your spawn point, until you kill him.)
Respawn: 0 keep respawn whatever happen, 1 respawn only once when activated or spawned by trigger (see acting ent, actions parameter), 2 respawn twice, etc…
Respawn delay: delay in ms between spawn (not recommended: can be scaled by server var, cause I suppose it could break some timed actions)
Size is actually not working
Speed is actually not working
Resize: Actor resize in function of his health or not
Color: change color, 0 is weapon color
Wavemin: 1rst Wave in which the actor spawn for the invasion game type (spawn in all the following waves).
Wavemax: Last wave the actor will spawn in Invasion.
0 Default, actor sleeps until he sees a player or gets triggered.
1 Sleep until trigger whatever happen. If hp is 0, he die after trigger, except if acting (see acting priority). Back to default actor behavior after the trigger and acting is done
2 Sleep until trigger, but can die. Back to default actor behavior after the trigger and acting is done
3 Sleep until trigger, but wake up if hit. Back to default actor behavior after the trigger and acting is done
(Maybe wait latter:
Affinity: aggressive, passive, pacific, following pacific, following teammate, following passive. If the affinity is follow, the actor will follow you if you press E (action) near him)

Trigger parameter request:

Timeout: Time to wait before activate the trigger
Actors: 0 actors can’t activate them, 1 they can

Acting entity:

Ability for mapper to create scripted Actions with an “acting” entity (instead of default actor behavior).
Actors can be linked to many acting entity to create a sequence, launched ‘on trigger’.

Trigger once make the acting repeat after each respawn.

Trigger link activate acting sequence every time someone walk in it for each actor respawn (have to wait actor death before allowing retriggering, or it will restart sequence every time you walk in).

If a trigger is linked to the actor, and the actor to an acting entity, the actor will do what acting entity tells him.
If the actor is not linked to any trigger, but to an acting entity, the actor will play the act once it’s spawned.
Whatever happens, an actor goes back to his default behavior after an acting sequence

Acting parameter

Animation: animation to play in case of “action = animation”
Pitch: X axis the actor looks while doing his animation/action
Yaw: Y axis the actor looks while doing his animation/action
0 Default. Actor does the acting only if he’s sleeping. (Acting is cancelled if he’s awake)
1 Do the acting to the end, whatever happen (die after the end of act it if hp=0)
2 Do the acting to the end whatever happen, except if he’s killed
3 Do the acting exept if it’s hit
Order (id?): position of the act in the queue
Action: respawn (respawn the actor, whatever is his respawn parameter), move (move to the closest waypoint to the acting entity), animate (play the animation) Awake (turn actor status to awake) other possibilities: shoot, explode, die...
Timeout: time before the next acting in queue (or back to default behavior) if timeout 0, the next acting will start once this one is finished. (Maybe particularly useful if you can’t get the length of an animation)

Actor Reset
An entity that reset all linked actors to default (kill and send back to initial spawn)
As the game is multiplayer, you may need to force back actor to initial status, because some sections can need to be replayed many times.

Breakable map models

New parameter for the map model:
0 default map model
1 Explode if a projectile. hit it
2 Explode if a projectile hit it or if the linked trigger is activated
3 Explode only if the trigger if hit
Debris: Projectiles to throw when the model explode
1 metal
2 wood
3 concrete…
Projectile direction:
0 all direction
1 Strong push along x axis
2 Strong push along y axis etc…
Sound: Sound to play on break
Damages done by the explosion
Explosion type: Nature of the explosion
0 none
1 grenade
2 plasma secondary
3 Fire

General feature

Teleport bots if a checkpoint is reached (or create a bot teleport entity to trigger) as they don’t navigated correctly in campaign)

An entity delimiting actor activation area. If players enter the entity area, all actors in this area are activated. (Maybe linkable with trigger to activate actors a bit far away)
Or actor automatically activated if a player is near enough, or both.
Or limitation to a descent actors number for the mapper (128, 256 ?)

Linking actors to a map model make it opens only if those actors are dead

A command to kill all bots in campaign (if you come to die and bots are blocked)

Exemple of use for acting entity :

1. creating enemies that comes to you when you touch a trigger

2. Creating an enemy that break a door in 3 times with breakable mapmodel and acting

3. Creating a surviving situation where enemies keep coming while you wait the doors open

4. Resident evil like, create a corridor where actors jump in threw glass when you hit the trigger.
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby TheLastProject » 27 Nov 2011, 21:18

That, is one hell of a post. The only thing I can say is that it sounds truly interesting. Besides that I'm wordless...
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby xjojox » 28 Nov 2011, 00:59

what you describe would allow some elaborate campaign setups, and i admit it would bees cool to have monsters breaking out of walls and stuff. But red eclipse isn't really a survival horror type shooter and i don't imagine after the first go around it would really add anything. I think creating a system for coop mapping is just an overwhelming task that doesn't really justify the effort in the end. People are mostly going to play the vs modes at the end of the day.

My feeling is that the best hope for a suxsexfull campaign mode is one that would allow people to jump right in to create their own scenarios as easily as possible even tho it would limit you (not always a bad thing).

I guess what i am imagining is similar to the game Gauntlet, where enemy generators keep spawning enemies until the Generators themselves are destroyed; at which point players are allowed to progress to the next area.

This would emphasize the time trial aspect of campaign (least time finished) and also incorporate some of the things that were listed before. I do like the wave idea as that could be a simple way of setting up a campaign map all in one large room arena shooter style :heart:

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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby LuckyStrike-Rx » 28 Nov 2011, 08:05

Why not, but in that case it's much like invasion. Spawn wave of enemy stronger each wave, then spawn the boss. I don't think having rooms would add that much here, as there is no navigation needed.
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby inpersona64 » 28 Nov 2011, 19:50

Actually I was wondering about the story for RE if Campaign were fully created. I mean I like writing short stories and I believe that every single one of us has a pretty big imagination. We could all brainstorm ideas for how RE's campaign would come to be.

For starters, I know it's obviously futuristic. What puzzles me is where all the maps come into place. I mean are they all on ONE BIG PLANET? Or are these maps just ideas from different planets spawned across a universe or "solar system"? This factors into the campaign for you would have one character (or four because Multi is back :D) who travels to these different planets or maps (not all of them though) and does something there. Whether it be similar to the Escape time trial map that Goku made a while back or inclusion of our current campaign where you just kill waves of people until you get to the end. Although I think using both would be great (levels with both time trial and onslaught).
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby TheLastProject » 28 Nov 2011, 19:52

inpersona64 {l Wrote}:Actually I was wondering about the story for RE if Campaign were fully created. I mean I like writing short stories and I believe that every single one of us has a pretty big imagination. We could all brainstorm ideas for how RE's campaign would come to be.

For starters, I know it's obviously futuristic. What puzzles me is where all the maps come into place. I mean are they all on ONE BIG PLANET? Or are these maps just ideas from different planets spawned across a universe or "solar system"? This factors into the campaign for you would have one character (or four because Multi is back :D) who travels to these different planets or maps (not all of them though) and does something there. Whether it be similar to the Escape time trial map that Goku made a while back or inclusion of our current campaign where you just kill waves of people until you get to the end. Although I think using both would be great (levels with both time trial and onslaught).

I honestly think that, albeit being futuristic, Red Eclipse also feels somewhat virtual. Perhaps Red Eclipse is... a war simulation for the future military to practice on? I mean, for the time where they'll all have jet packs and stuff...

That sounds fun and simple.
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby SpiritOfOnyx » 28 Nov 2011, 20:04

It struck me as real, but kind of remote-controlled. The simulation type, thing, but not virtual, just remote controlled in some practice arena. That's the only explanation I can come up with for being able to say "Lucky Shot" while my giblets are still bouncing around lol.
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby LuckyStrike-Rx » 29 Nov 2011, 20:50

To have something great to customization, adding a model parameter to actor, with a few other ones, would allow mapper to create custom and unique actors. will also give people more motivation to make models for the game (to release with there maps)

Sven coop was allowing custom monster, so each maps was totally unique, with surprising situation every-time (while keeping a "shoot everything"style)

Flying parameter (gravity?) Dalek flying turrets
Display Weapon
Kamikaze (creeper style)

Not making it a game maker, but allow some creativity with the content, like the weapon stuff.
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby inpersona64 » 30 Nov 2011, 04:23

TheLastProject {l Wrote}:Perhaps Red Eclipse is... a war simulation for the future military to practice on? I mean, for the time where they'll all have jet packs and stuff...

Yeah that sounds like it makes sense as well, although it does seem a bit hard to spin as a campaign story.
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby LuckyStrike-Rx » 30 Nov 2011, 08:41

You may also have a unique story per map, or group of maps. Space is big.
This would also allow more enemy types, depending of the story (aliens, borg, clowns whatever)
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby inpersona64 » 30 Nov 2011, 19:25

LuckyStrike-Rx {l Wrote}:You may also have a unique story per map, or group of maps. Space is big.
This would also allow more enemy types, depending of the story (aliens, borg, clowns whatever)

But I get what you're saying. Wouldn't that mean your need more character models then as well?
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby TheLastProject » 30 Nov 2011, 21:05

LuckyStrike-Rx {l Wrote}:You may also have a unique story per map, or group of maps. Space is big.
This would also allow more enemy types, depending of the story (aliens, borg, clowns whatever)

Clowns? What's wrong with you? Red Eclipse is NOT a horror shooter... Geez, I'd piss my pants if I'd ever see something like that...
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby greaserpirate » 01 Dec 2011, 02:15

Here's an idea for the story:

A former Secret-Service type agency has been disbanded after the fall of an oppressive regime, but the mastermind behind the agency, (call him Peter Callahan for now) has fled with secrets about the extremely advanced Chrysalis Suit(hint: alien technology?) that allow users to shape-shift inside the suits to recover from injuries, breathe in space, do crazy impulse moves, etc. Meanwhile, his agency has been divided up among many different (constantly feuding) companies.

This way you could have several different stories: the resistance against the government in its bad old days (could be called "operation Red Eclipse"?), the hunt for Peter Callahan, companies fighting over resources/secret hamburger recipes/to get rid of those pesky competitors, and maybe even something involving contact with the aliens. Also, since the different teams (or all the players in Deathmatch) could be from different companies, we wouldn't be forcing one team to be "good" and "bad", but they could choose that for themselves. Campaign could be easily explained as the companies cooperating to find Callahan and/or save humanity, or as a team of rebels that paint their Chrysalis Suits custom colors. I'm not sure what the Grunts are: maybe zombies that the evil government used and that have been outlawed but not completely eradicated, and that Callahan still knows how to use. They could be kinda like the Cybermen from Doctor Who, or a failed early version of the Chrysalis Suit.

I'm totally fine with no backstory, there's just a lot of opportunities for epic storytelling with this game that could spice it up a bit and make more people want to try it out. This particular story could do this while still leaving some things open for interpretation like the stories behind different companies and maybe some speculation about the old government, Callahan, and the aliens.

Just an idea. Feel free to add on to it if you want.

P.S. I totally agree with the features Luckystrike proposed, especially the "sleeping" variable and the "action" entities. I'm not so sure about the checkpoints- what's wrong with having players in different areas of the map?- but they seem pretty cool too. Sorry if I kinda derailed the thread from its original purpose.

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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby inpersona64 » 01 Dec 2011, 18:08

Hm, I sorta like that story. It could be modified a bit but from a glance, it sounds doable. Not too complicated of a backstory and something simple to understand and create a campaign out of. I like it.
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby AxE » 06 Dec 2011, 15:47

greaserpirate's story sounds cool, but how about we make it like this: there are many maps, each map resemble a controllable area/city, your goal is to retake/dominate/save the world/solar system/universe? I haven't seen a shooter that gives you the choice of attacking the area that will suit your needs the most, an exampled of this would be like the Dawn of War: Dark Crusade/Soulstorm campaign. This idea wont be easy to make due to the enemy should have the ability to attack one of your areas as well and it needs a lot of more code and a visual map must be made etc. etc.

I am no coder but what I do know is, is that there is only a small amount (if none) of shooters that have this strategic kind of gameplay.
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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby greaserpirate » 06 Dec 2011, 22:25

AxE {l Wrote}:greaserpirate's story sounds cool, but how about we make it like this: there are many maps, each map resemble a controllable area/city, your goal is to retake/dominate/save the world/solar system/universe? I haven't seen a shooter that gives you the choice of attacking the area that will suit your needs the most, an exampled of this would be like the Dawn of War: Dark Crusade/Soulstorm campaign. This idea wont be easy to make due to the enemy should have the ability to attack one of your areas as well and it needs a lot of more code and a visual map must be made etc. etc.

I am no coder but what I do know is, is that there is only a small amount (if none) of shooters that have this strategic kind of gameplay.

I really like this idea! It sounds similar to Galactic Conquest mode in Star Wars:Battlefront, but with Red Eclipse's fast and agile gameplay it could turn into something truly awesome(the movement in Battlefront is way too slow in my opinion). It might take some work, and multiplayer would take some figuring out(How would players decide the areas to attack?), but in the end I think it would be totally worth it, and I'd be willing to add what little C++ skills I have to that project.

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Re: Campaign, how it may works

Postby Catalanoic » 07 Jan 2012, 15:14

Seems a fantastic idea!
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