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OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2011, 09:33
by TheAncientGoat
Just to get the ball rolling, I'll write up a few voice acted phrases we can use for now.

We need to decide on tone, will we have different voices/scripts for each faction, or will we keep one standard voice across the game? Also, if we have differing scripts, should we work on all of them from the start, or rather focus on one complete script, and then diversify from that point onwards?

I'm thinking we go for something along the lines of the original DK's voice acting, Venn's voice really has the depth for that.

"Your creatures/minions/followers are under attack" /uncaring tone
"The enemy is claiming your tiles" /slight concern
"Your buildings are under attack!" /medium concern
"Your dungeon temple is under attack!" /high emphasis
"You need more Gold"
"You need more Mana"

"You have destroyed an enemy building"
"You have destroyed an enemy Dungeon Temple!" /victorious
"Your creatures are complaining of a lack of beds"
"Your creatures are complaining of a lack of food"
"A creature has left your dungeon due to unhappiness"
"A creature is rioting due to unhappiness"/emphasis

Still a lot of things that can be covered, especially banter and the like to give the game a bit more character, but that will come in time :)

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2011, 12:11
by svenskmand
The voice should not be one is provided through the keepers dungeon temple, but be the keepers conscience that you hear speak to him in the game. So I think we should have different voices depending on which choices the keeper makes in the game, so you can think of this as being part of his skill-set, like we have spells (the keepers spell-set is determined through how he plays and from customization of his skill-tree using skill points), room and trap knowledge (the keeper can teach his minions certain traps and rooms, the keepers knowledge about traps and rooms is determined by how he has customized his skill-tree) as part of the keepers skill set.

So the coolest would be if we could have a finite set of voices and then blend them depending on the keepers playstyle and how he has priotized his skill tree. Any ideas for how we could do that - all the technical details - would be nice to discuss.

One idea could be to use the same voice actor and then simply change his voice with effects to get a finite set of different voices, which we could then assign the different prioritizings in the keepers skill-tree.

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2011, 20:47
by oln
I think we should try to have a basic set until we have that functionality in the game.So we could record some stuff now, which we can use, and then we can use whatever idea we get to make the fancy stuff svenskmand is suggesting at a later stage.

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2011, 23:40
by svenskmand
Sounds like plan to me :)

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2011, 09:53
by shazzner
You guys should seriously get Venn from the Linux Game Cast to do the narrator voice:

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2011, 11:16
by oln
That was the plan :)

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2011, 16:40
by oln
We had a discussion in this thread earlier about this as well.

We could start out with your initial suggestions for lines.

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2011, 03:56
by Venn
shazzner {l Wrote}:You guys should seriously get Venn from the Linux Game Cast to do the narrator voice:

I, don't, know... he's a bit odd.

I will get some samples up this weekend.


Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2011, 13:28
by svenskmand
Cool :)

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 10 Apr 2011, 03:11
by Venn

Is this around the proper speed? Been busy (doing good deed and whatnot) this week but quickly recorded this tonight. If so I will actually sit down and record the tracks Sun/Mon.


Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 10 Apr 2011, 09:12
by StefanP.MUC
Wow, this sounds great. :D Could maybe a tiny bit faster. At least the one telling me that my creatures are attacked (that's something I want to know quickly to be able to protect my creatures).

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 10 Apr 2011, 10:50
by svenskmand
Yeah at bit faster, and a bit louder. The voice should not be whispering, at least not for those two sentences, but very nice Venn :)

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 10 Apr 2011, 11:35
by TheAncientGoat
Wow, thanks Venn! I like the tone, the pause between creatures and "are under attack" was a bit off to me though, I edited out the pause and speeded it up a tiny bit, see the attatched OGG

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 10 Apr 2011, 12:47
by oln
svenskmand {l Wrote}:Yeah at bit faster, and a bit louder. The voice should not be whispering, at least not for those two sentences, but very nice Venn :)

That's sort of how he speaks.

Awesome Venn!

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 12 Apr 2011, 03:23
by Venn
Hmm, should have been clear. That was not a "real" (I literally hit record after sype call) recording. I can manage a tighter pace. Proper feedback TAG, thank you.

I need and finish editing LGCEP16 but after that I will sit down and record the first bit proper/w/ multiple takes.

"Your creatures/minions/followers are under attack" /uncaring tone
"The enemy is claiming your tiles" /slight concern
"Your buildings are under attack!" /medium concern
"Your dungeon temple is under attack!" /high emphasis
"You need more Gold"
"You need more Mana"

Should be wrapped up by Wed evening.

Here is a sample I managed to record today


Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 12 Apr 2011, 10:37
by TheAncientGoat
Very good! I like the first tone there the best, it fits the level of urgency best (3 and 5 would be almost the highest level of urgency), however (and please don't take personally) too much emphasis on att/ah/ck for me. I can edit it out, so you don't need to re-record, I feel these would fit in-game perfectly. Looking forward to the next sets!

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2011, 01:19
by Venn
HOW, DARE, YOI'm kidding, mostly.

No worries. I have spent 6+ (/w/ the critter giving live feedback) hours in a booth recording a 30 second spot. So, on that; we did good. With some luck I will have time *this* weekend. It's been hectic /w/ Humble Bundle 3 release and Denis (CEO of Unigine Corp.) personally sending over a copy of Oil Rush for capture. However, I will get the rest knocked out.


Don't hesitate to ask for re-recordings.

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2011, 02:26
by svenskmand
Venn {l Wrote}:Here is a sample I managed to record today

Sounds pretty good :) Thumps up from here :)

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2011, 03:54
by Venn

And that; guys and goils is the epitome of late.


Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2011, 11:26
by svenskmand
The whole creatures/minions/followers thing your not supposed to say :S, I say we stick with using minions only, as creatures is not really suitable for all factions, and followers sounds religious.

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2011, 14:21
by TheAncientGoat
Svensk: it can be edited out :) Also, different factions can have different names for creatures, I don't think the good guys would call their followers minions :\ You're the guy who wanted distinctive factions :P

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2011, 00:40
by svenskmand
So Venn will you do all the lines so we can get it into the game?

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2011, 01:09
by Venn
Yes, indeed. I have not been home (technical trainer for soul sucking corporation) most of this month.

What lines still require capture? If you could note those; I will finish them tonight.

Here is what I added tonight.


Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2011, 12:28
by svenskmand
Thanks Venn this is the updated list, ** markes left out words, ++ marks new words or sentences not there before and underlining marks that we have a recording for the sentence:

"Your creatures/minions/followers are under attack" /uncaring tone
"The enemy is claiming your tiles" /slight concern
"Your buildings are under attack!" /medium concern
"Your *dungeon* temple is under attack!" /high emphasis
"You need more Gold"
"You need more Mana"
+You dungeon is under attack+

"You have destroyed an enemy building"
"You have destroyed an enemy Dungeon Temple!" /victorious
"Your creatures are complaining of a lack of beds"
"Your creatures are complaining of a lack of food"
"A creature has left your dungeon due to unhappiness"
"A creature is rioting due to unhappiness"/emphasis

I will begin to cut it up now and post the final versions to SVN and link to it here.

Re: OD Voice Acting Script

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2011, 09:40
by Venn
I might need and re-do the entire lot. Just spent #,$@Q on proper audio equipment. I will do the re-record later today.