Illustration for Open Dungeon

Illustration for Open Dungeon

Postby samuncle » 16 May 2015, 23:23

Hi everyone

I'm the Art director of SuperTuxKart the kart racing game and after discussing with Akien on the SuperTuxKart channel it seems some people from OD were interested by an illustration I did for fun a few weeks ago for the release of the new OD.


(the IRC logs)
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
<Akien> Hi samuncle-
<Akien> Would you happen to still have this picture in high res, and maybe without the banner?
<Akien> Our current main menu background in OD is ugly, and I thought this picture might make a good replacement
<samuncle-> Akien :3
<samuncle-> Not sure
<samuncle-> I did it mainly for fun
<Akien> Yeah I understand. Not sure you had the high res original either :)

I'm afraid but I don't think I have this picture in the original format :(. It was more a funny artwork done on spear time.
I think such illustration deserve an original high quality picture. Can you tell me exactly what kind of thing do you want ? what is the size ? Should it be a wallpaper (for fan for instance) etc.

I will try to do an original illustration that meet your requirements :).

I hope I'm in the right forum, If not just tell me and I will move the topic.

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Re: Illustration for Open Dungeon

Postby Akien » 16 May 2015, 23:38

Hi samuncle :),

The "ugly" word I used in the log was maybe a bit strong to qualify our current artwork (see the first seconds of this video, but it's true that our current GUI background does not really fit the game. We don't really have this kind of "evil angel" in the game, and we are not really evolving in this direction either.

That's why I thought it could be interesting to use some real artwork from the game in our main menu, and I think the Blender rendering that Danimal did for the 0.5.0 release would be a nice start for a change.
The lighting that you added makes it even more interesting, so ideally we would have an high resolution version of this showcase picture including the lighting, and without the OpenDungeons banner (that would be handled directly in the templates for the GUI layout, and maybe positioned differently).

You can find the original 1920x1080 version of the picture here: ... wcase1.png

If you could add lights in a similar way that you did with the lower res version, I could use it for the background :)
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Re: Illustration for Open Dungeon

Postby Bertram » 18 May 2015, 23:02

Eh eh. Let's add the Dark Angel then ;P More serioulsy, I added that background to get away from the old main menu which was very simple. I you guys van come up with one or several main menu background, we can add them and even cycle them! :D
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Re: Illustration for Open Dungeon

Postby samuncle » 18 May 2015, 23:10

Let's start by having ONE illustration that is good ;), instead of planning to add several of them.

Well I think the menu deserve a dedicated illustration. Does anyone have the original blender file ?

Also instead of changing the background why not having a little parallax effect with smoke or some other details in the picture ?
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Re: Illustration for Open Dungeon

Postby Bertram » 19 May 2015, 08:38

samuncle {l Wrote}:Let's start by having ONE illustration that is good ;), instead of planning to add several of them.

Ah, sure! :) I just wanted to point out the possibility. ;)

samuncle {l Wrote}:Also instead of changing the background why not having a little parallax effect with smoke or some other details in the picture ?

Sure, could be cool.

samuncle {l Wrote}:Well I think the menu deserve a dedicated illustration. Does anyone have the original blender file ?

That would be Danimal.

Best regards,
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Re: Illustration for Open Dungeon

Postby Danimal » 19 May 2015, 11:52

Yes, i have all the sources, but its heavy,want it?
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