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F.A.Q. Reformation

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2014, 09:19
by Elvano
Hey lot,

There's something about the F.A.Q. that has been bothering me for a while now.
And I wasn't sure what it was, but I finally figured it out.

A F.A.Q. is basicly supposed to contain Questions that people are going to ask alot.
But this is only half the truth.
Simply because of the fact that people are looking for information in the most logical places.

For example; If you run a webshop you want the "free shipping on purchases higher than €50" on a visual spot close to the price or shopping basket.

Yet it seems, that we at OD would like to place that in a F.A.Q.. o-o

We should define a F.A.Q. as; "a page where frequently asked questions and their answers are stored on, which do not have a more approperiate place available."

(To make it understandable for all people)
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
if(frequentlyAsked(question) && !moreSuitablePageExists(question){
          faq.add(new FAQItem(question, answer));

What I'm proposing here is:
  • That we should move the frequently occurences while building as well as all dependancies to the building guide
  • That we move licensing and project information to the about/project page
  • That we should try prevent mishaps before documentating work-arounds (we're doing great at that ::thumbsup::
  • ...

This way we'll have a cleaner and less visited F.A.Q. simply because people will not need to visit it as they found the information they were looking for just at the place they expected it to be.

However, I'm not planning to just turn the wheels here, so please feel free to express your thoughts on the matter.

p.s. I found this line in the F.A.Q.
Game content comes under Creative Commons license.

There is no such thing as one Creative Commons license. We (the designers) should either all agree on a specific license ( or we might have to group the existing models by license.

Re: F.A.Q. Reformation

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2014, 10:59
by Bertram
That we should move the frequently occurences while building as well as all dependancies to the building guide
That we move licensing and project information to the about/project page
That we should try prevent mishaps before documentating work-arounds (we're doing great at that ::thumbsup::

Seconded, as for me. The FAQ bothered me quite the same way, but I was more focused on having something relevant first, I must say.

As for the art licenses, this should be cleared up indeed by setting the exact license. The files licenses are listed here, btw: ... ee/CREDITS

So I guess it would be CC by SA 3.0?

Best regards,