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O.A.S.I.S. DIY a project to make a diy and cheap vr

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2017, 17:15
by mdtrooper

Some months ago, I made a question in this forum Linux and smartphone + vr cardboard. is it posible?.

Well, some days ago I have been trying to make a scripts for to do this.

Now it is working more or less...yep it is not working well. Because the latency of the video is more or less 1 second and 500 microseconds.

And I don't know how to do more less latency. Somebody could help me.

Sorry I forget the links, it is in


Re: O.A.S.I.S. DIY a project to make a diy and cheap vr

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2017, 14:34
by Julius
Oh, cool!

How do you transfer back the gyroscope readings?

Is it a custom solution for minetest or does it use some standard that other games also support (openHMD etc.)?

Latency right now sounds very bad, but maybe that is partially due to your wifi networt (5ghz is better I hear) and the way the videos are compressed (no hardware acceleration)?

One way to reduce the apparent head tracking latency would be to send a 180° video stream and do some hybrid of local and remote head tracking on it. This would work like those VR video players, just that the 180° view is being syncronized with the streaming PC at a lower latency. Of course very fast head movement beyond 180° would still cause some issues and room-scale position tracking would not work faster, but I bet you can get a pretty good illusion of low latency that way. Of course the bandwidth requirements are even higher that way.

Re: O.A.S.I.S. DIY a project to make a diy and cheap vr

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2017, 03:51
by mdtrooper
Yes, your question point in important things.

I found this project for android and I think that it has a good piece of code to do the send gyroscope data (head tracking).

But now my problem is down the latency. When it will be finished...maybe I am going to walk the next steps ( make a app in android with show video and send head tracking) at the moment only it shows a streaming with vlc android.

Re: O.A.S.I.S. DIY a project to make a diy and cheap vr

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2017, 07:41
by Julius
I think VLC is working on a VR/360 video mode so that would be great to utilize.