Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Windows 7

Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Windows 7

Postby MC1297 » 16 Aug 2015, 09:54

Hi! I need your help! I tried to install the new version of STK (0.9) on Windows 7 but it didn't work. There was only opening a window with the words "Super TuxKart crashed!" Do anyone know why there is this mistake and can tell me how I could fix it?

Thanks for your help!


Mario Caputo

PS: Sorry for my bad english :D
Posts: 8
Joined: 16 Aug 2015, 09:28

Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby XGhost » 16 Aug 2015, 23:13

Hi and welcome to the forum!

First of all we need some informations: Your computer specifications (especially your graphics card) and the crash output (hit ctr+c when the crash message appears).
Also, please paste the content of the "stdout.log" file here. It is located in:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}

just copy this line in your explorer
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Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby MC1297 » 17 Aug 2015, 00:11

I tried to hit ctrl+c when the crash message appears but it didn't copy the text :/ On the message there was written:

Call stack:
<no symbol available>

My computer specifications:

System: Windows 7 (home premium 64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core ^TM i5 (processor 750)
Graphics: ATI Radeon^TM ( HD 5750 up to 2811 MB)
Memory: 4 GB DDR3
Hard drive: 500 GB

I couldn't find the "stdout.log" file. Can you explain me where I could find it? I don't really understand where I have to put the line "%APPDATA%\Roaming\supertuxkart\0.8.2\". What do you mean with explorer?

Thanks for your help!!!


Mario Caputo

PS: Wir können gerne auch auf deutsch schreiben, wenn Sie möchten, das würde uns wahrscheinlich vieles erleichtern :-)
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Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby XGhost » 17 Aug 2015, 00:45


Die oben genannte Zeile ist ein Ordnerpfad. Die "stdout.log" Datei liegt in einem Ordner, welcher normalerweise versteckt ist / nicht angezeigt wird. Windows erkennt den Ordner über den Schnellzugriff %appdata%.

1. "Computer" (das Fenster nennt man Windows-Explorer) öffnen
2. Auf die Zeile wo die Ordnerstruktur angezeigt wird (oben in der Mitte, gleich links von der Suchleiste) klicken
3. "%appdata%" eingeben (ohne "". Es öffnet sich ein Ordner in welchem weitere Ordner mit Namen wie "Roaming" oder "Local" tragen.
4. Hier müssen Sie nun den "supertuxkart" Ordner suchen. Normalerweise befindet sich dieser im Ordner "Roaming"
5. Wenn gefunden liegt die Datei unter supertuxkart > 0.8.2 > stdout.log
6. Diese Datei mit einem Texteditor (z.B. Notepad) öffnen und den Inhalt bitte hier posten.

%appdata% > Roaming > supertuxkart > 0.8.2 > stdout.log

Edit: Den AppData-Ordner kann man auch über die Kommandozeile aufrufen: Drücken Sie einfach Windows-Taste + R und geben Sie in das Fenster "%appdata%" ein (ohne ""). Enter und voila :)

Unterdessen könnten Sie einmal die neusten Treiber zu ihrer Grafikkarte herunterladen und installieren. Diese finden Sie hier: ... /5000/5750
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Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby MC1297 » 17 Aug 2015, 14:09

Okay jetzt habe ich die Datei gefunden.


[info ] [FileManager]: Data files will be fetched from: 'data/'
[info ] [FileManager]: User directory is 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Addons files will be stored in 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/../addons/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Screenshots will be stored in 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/screenshots/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: User-defined grand prix will be stored in 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/grandprix/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 0 will be loaded from 'data/challenges/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 1 will be loaded from 'data/fonts/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 2 will be loaded from 'data/gfx/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 3 will be loaded from 'data/grandprix/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 4 will be loaded from 'data/gui/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 5 will be loaded from 'data/library/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 6 will be loaded from 'data/models/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 7 will be loaded from 'data/music/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 8 will be loaded from 'data/tracks/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 9 will be loaded from 'data/sfx/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 10 will be loaded from 'data/shaders/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 11 will be loaded from 'data/skins/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 12 will be loaded from 'data/textures/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 13 will be loaded from 'data/po/'.
[verbose ] translation: GetLocaleInfo langname returns 'de'.
[verbose ] translation: GetLocaleInfo tryname returns 'DE'.
[verbose ] translation: Env var LANGUAGE = 'de_DE'.
[verbose ] translation: Language 'German (Germany)'.
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL version: 3.2
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL renderer: ATI Radeon HD 5750
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL version string: 3.2.9405 Compatibility Profile Context
[info ] GLDriver: EXT Texture Compression S3TC Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Uniform Buffer Object Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Geometry Shader 4 Present
[info ] irr_driver: GLSL supported.
[info ] GUIEngine: scale: 0.512000
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/texturedquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/texturedquad.frag

Vielen Dank bis hierher.


Mario Caputo
Posts: 8
Joined: 16 Aug 2015, 09:28

Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby MC1297 » 18 Aug 2015, 00:46

Habe mir währenddessen die neuen Treiber für meine Grafikkarte installiert und nun konnte ich das Spiel endlich starten und auch problemlos mit dem Story-Modus beginnen. Aber leider gibt es immer noch Probleme. Wollte die neue Strecke "Cocoa Tempel" ausprobieren, jedoch wird beim starten dieser das komplette Spiel beendet und wieder kommt die bekannte Fehlermeldung "SuperTux Kart crashed!". Die anderen bekannten Strecken funktionieren dagegen problemlos. Gibt es vielleicht einen möglichen Grund, warum man gerade die neuen Strecken nicht starten kann?


Mario Caputo
Posts: 8
Joined: 16 Aug 2015, 09:28

Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby XGhost » 18 Aug 2015, 01:43

Got the newest drivers for my graphics card now and can finally play the game. I've started already with the story mode. But unfortunately I'm unable to drive the new tracks such as "Cocoa Temple". Tho whole game crashes again and the previously shown eŕror message appears "SuperTuxKart crashed!". But all older tracks just working fine for me. Is there a specific reason why all the new tracks cannot be loaded?

Das ist schonmal ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Versuchen Sie einmal mit die Grafikeinstellungen unter "Optionen" runter zu drehen. Die neuen Strecken nutzen eben die volle Performance der neuen Grafikengine, was den Computer sehr stark belasten kann.
-> Starten sie eine dieser neuen Strecken ... bei Spielabsturz noch einmal den Inhalt der "stdout.log" posten (dieser sollte sich verändert haben)
Mehr kann ich persönlich im Moment nicht tun, aber vielleicht meldet sich hier noch einer der Hauptentwickler ;)

Translation of my answer:
At least a step forward. Try to reduce your graphic settings. The new tracks use the full performance of the new graphical pipeline and can therefore stress your computer setup.
-> Try to start one of the new tracks. If STK crashes, post the content of the stdout.log file again.
That's all I can do for you atm. Maybe one of the devs can help you out soon.
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Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby MC1297 » 18 Aug 2015, 13:37

Okay, ich habe versucht, die Auflösung auf 800x600 zu reduzieren. Die neuen Tracks "Cocoa Tempel" und "Grand Paradiso" funktionieren jedoch nur, wenn man alleine oder im Multiplayer-Modus ohne Computergegner fährt. Selbst wenn 1 Computergegner dabei ist, stürzt es auch bei der geringsten Auflösung und bei der geringsten Grafikeffektstufe (Stufe1) ab :( . Aber kann man wahrscheinlich nichts machen. Was nur schlecht ist, dass man im Storymodus ebenfalls diese Strecken nicht fahren kann und somit nicht alle Strecken freischalten kann :( Ich hoffe die Hauptentwickler werden sich noch melden oder das Problem bald beheben.


[info ] [FileManager]: Data files will be fetched from: 'data/'
[info ] [FileManager]: User directory is 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Addons files will be stored in 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/../addons/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Screenshots will be stored in 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/screenshots/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: User-defined grand prix will be stored in 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/grandprix/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 0 will be loaded from 'data/challenges/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 1 will be loaded from 'data/fonts/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 2 will be loaded from 'data/gfx/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 3 will be loaded from 'data/grandprix/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 4 will be loaded from 'data/gui/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 5 will be loaded from 'data/library/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 6 will be loaded from 'data/models/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 7 will be loaded from 'data/music/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 8 will be loaded from 'data/tracks/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 9 will be loaded from 'data/sfx/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 10 will be loaded from 'data/shaders/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 11 will be loaded from 'data/skins/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 12 will be loaded from 'data/textures/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 13 will be loaded from 'data/po/'.
[verbose ] translation: Env var LANGUAGE = 'de'.
[verbose ] translation: Language 'German'.
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL version: 4.3
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL renderer: AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL version string: 4.3.13399 Core Profile Context 15.200.1062.1004
[info ] GLDriver: AMD Vertex Shader Layer Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Buffer Storage Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Base Instance Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Draw Indirect Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Compute Shader Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Texture Storage Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Texture View Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Image Load Store Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Shader Atomic Counters Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Shader Storage Buffer Object Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Multi Draw Indirect Present
[info ] GLDriver: EXT Texture Compression S3TC Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Uniform Buffer Object Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Geometry Shader 4 Present
[info ] irr_driver: GLSL supported.
[info ] GUIEngine: scale: 0.512000
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/texturedquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/texturedquad.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/texturedquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/uniformcolortexturedquad.frag
[info ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=7198&token=************************ to ... d-session/
[info ] addons: Using cached addons.xml.
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_about-the-garage' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_alpine-2' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'Amazonian Journey' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_amphitheatre' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_art-museum' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_battle-island' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_bebelious-circuit-1' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_bebelious-circuit-2' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_champion-s-castle' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_china' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_circle-of-friends' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_city-lights' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_classic-race' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_classic-subsea' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_classic-tollway' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_classic-volcano' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[error ] MusicInformation: Music file 'data/music/subsea.ogg' does not contain music node.

[warn ] track: Music information file 'subsea.ogg' not found for track 'Coloseum' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_coloseum' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_coyote-canyon' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_crescent-crossing' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_cross-race' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'Doing the Dishes' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_doing-the-dishes' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_easy-drive' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_extreme-playground-stadium' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_faster-than-myself' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_fort-magma' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_gown-s-bow' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_green-hill' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'Hacienda [edit]' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_hacienda--edit-' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_hardcore-fortmagma' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 3, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_hillside' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_ice-cube-' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_industry' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_interplanetary-war' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_jungle-2---land-of-the-jumps' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_kingdom-of-fire' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'labirus' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_lava-castle' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_lost-forest' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'Lost Speedway' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_lost-speedway' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_magic-cross' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_magma-battle' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_mall' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_medieval-cave' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_minecraft' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_mountain-village' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_mystery-island' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_mystic-island' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] track: Music information file 'ChillCarrier-Druckverlust.musi' not found for track 'NIght by the Sea' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_night-by-sea' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_nostalgia' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_old-england3' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_old-mine--edit-' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_old-star-track' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_on-an-iceberg' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_on-the-beach' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_paradise-peaks' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_parkade' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_parking-lot' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_peaceful-park' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_quick-race' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_racetrack' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_scary-swamp' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_secret-garden' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_shipwreck' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_skyline' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 3, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_stk-mercury' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_supertux-canyon' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_the-cube_1' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_the-lost-subsea' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_the-old--old-mine' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'The Old Island' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_the-old-island' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_the-parking' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_the-plains' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_the-ring-of-sand' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_the-rock' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'Traditional Shifting Sands' - ignored.

[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_traditional-shifting-sands' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_tss' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_tux-racer' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_tux-tollway' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 3, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_valley-house' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_warehouse' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_what-a-mesh' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_xr591' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[info ] GrandPrixManager: Loading Grand Prix files from data/grandprix/
[info ] GrandPrixManager: Loading Grand Prix files from C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/grandprix/
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'Chinchila':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: chinch-fur.rgb
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'Chinchila':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: chinch-skin.rgb
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'Duke':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: cup_Sphere.002.rgb
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'Evil Tux-V1':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: tuxkart.png
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <kart_col2.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'kart_col2.png'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <flamme.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'flamme.png'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <window.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'window.png'.
[warn ] MaterialManager: [Material] No texture name specified in file

[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <body.jpg>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'body.jpg'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <mosteztmiért.jpg>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'mosteztmiért.jpg'.
[warn ] MaterialManager: [Material] No texture name specified in file

[warn ] MaterialManager: [Material] No texture name specified in file

[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'SuperTuxCart':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: tuxkart.png
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <Flammes.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'Flammes.png'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <Skin1.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'Skin1.png'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <Skin2.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'Skin2.png'.
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'X-Moto':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: Flammes.png
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'X-Moto':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: Skin2.png
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'bananawrap.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[info ] ClientNetworkManager: Host initialized.
[info ] ClientNetworkManager: Ready !
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/colortexturedquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/colortexturedquad.frag
[info ] Achievements: Synching achievement 2,5,7,8 to server.
[info ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=7198&token=************************&achievementid=2%2C5%2C7%2C8 to
[info ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=7198&token=************************&visitingid=7198 to ... ends-list/
[info ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=7198&token=************************ to
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/coloredquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/coloredquad.frag
[warn ] OptionsScreenUI: Couldn't find current skin in the list of skins!
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL version: 4.3
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL renderer: AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series
[info ] IrrDriver: OpenGL version string: 4.3.13399 Core Profile Context 15.200.1062.1004
[info ] GLDriver: AMD Vertex Shader Layer Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Buffer Storage Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Base Instance Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Draw Indirect Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Compute Shader Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Texture Storage Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Texture View Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Image Load Store Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Shader Atomic Counters Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Shader Storage Buffer Object Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Multi Draw Indirect Present
[info ] GLDriver: EXT Texture Compression S3TC Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Uniform Buffer Object Present
[info ] GLDriver: ARB Geometry Shader 4 Present
[info ] irr_driver: GLSL supported.
[info ] GUIEngine: scale: 0.050000
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/texturedquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/texturedquad.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/texturedquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/uniformcolortexturedquad.frag
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'Chinchila':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: chinch-fur.rgb
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'Chinchila':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: chinch-skin.rgb
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'Duke':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: cup_Sphere.002.rgb
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'Evil Tux-V1':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: tuxkart.png
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <kart_col2.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'kart_col2.png'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <flamme.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'flamme.png'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <window.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'window.png'.
[warn ] MaterialManager: [Material] No texture name specified in file

[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <body.jpg>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'body.jpg'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <mosteztmiért.jpg>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'mosteztmiért.jpg'.
[warn ] MaterialManager: [Material] No texture name specified in file

[warn ] MaterialManager: [Material] No texture name specified in file

[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'SuperTuxCart':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: tuxkart.png
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <Flammes.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'Flammes.png'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <Skin1.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'Skin1.png'.
[warn ] Material: Cannot determine texture full path : <Skin2.png>
[error ] material: Cannot find texture 'Skin2.png'.
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'X-Moto':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: Flammes.png
[warn ] EventHandler: Error while loading kart 'X-Moto':
[warn ] Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: Skin2.png
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'bananawrap.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'fuzzy.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'chrome.png'
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'skyscraper1.png'
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/coloredquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/coloredquad.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/colortexturedquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/colortexturedquad.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/encode_normal.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass1.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/encode_normal.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/objectref_pass1.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/grass_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/encode_normal.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/objectref_pass1.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/encode_normal.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/normalmap.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/encode_normal.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass1.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/encode_normal.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_objectref_pass1.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_grass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/encode_normal.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_objectref_pass1.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/encode_normal.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_normalmap.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass2.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/objectref_pass2.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_unlit.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/splatting.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getPosFromUVDepth.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/objectpass_spheremap.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/detailledobject_pass2.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/grass_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/grass_pass2.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass2.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_objectref_pass2.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_unlit.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getPosFromUVDepth.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_objectpass_spheremap.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_detailledobject_pass2.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getworldmatrix.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_grass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getLightFactor.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/instanced_grass_pass2.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/transparent.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/screenquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getRGBfromCIEXxy.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getCIEXYZ.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/tonemap.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/screenquad.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/passthrough.frag
[warn ] [overworld]: cannot find kart '', will revert to default
[verbose ] RaceManager: Nb of karts=1, ai:0 players:1

[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[warn ] material: Track uses deprecated texture 'grass.jpg'
[warn ] SFXManager: Throttling sfx - queue size 41
[warn ] SFXManager: Throttling sfx - queue size 42
[warn ] SFXManager: Throttling sfx - queue size 43
[info ] [FileManager]: Creating directory(ies) 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/overworld/'
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/overworld/
[info ] FileManager: Creating directory 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/overworld/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Creating directory(ies) 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/deprecated/'
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/deprecated/
[info ] FileManager: Creating directory 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/deprecated/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Creating directory(ies) 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/tux/'
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/
[info ] [FileManager]: Checking for: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/tux/
[info ] FileManager: Creating directory 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming/supertuxkart/0.8.2/cached-textures/resized/tux/'.
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/sky.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/sky.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/object_pass.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/transparentfog.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/billboard.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/billboard.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/pointemitter.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/particle.vert
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/utils/getPosFromUVDepth.frag
[info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : data/shaders/particle.frag
[info ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=7198&token=************************ to
[warn ] SFXManager: Throttling sfx - queue size 41
[warn ] SFXManager: Throttling sfx - queue size 41
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[verbose ] RaceManager: Nb of karts=4, ai:3 players:1

[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[warn ] CrashReporting: SymInitialize() failed
[warn ] CrashReporting: SymInitialize() failed
[error ] main: Exception caught : bad allocation.
[error ] main: Aborting SuperTuxKart.
[info ] STKHost: Listening has been stopped
[info ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=7198&token=************************ to ... ient-quit/
[verbose ] Thread: Start waiting 8079.160000
[verbose ] Thread: Waited 0.380000 seconds for thread to become deleteable.
[verbose ] Thread: Stop waiting 8079.541000
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.
[warn ] STKHost: Packet logging file has been closed.
[info ] Singleton: Destroyed singleton.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe!


Mario Caputo
Posts: 8
Joined: 16 Aug 2015, 09:28

Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby Auria » 29 Aug 2015, 01:18

Hi, have you tried different graphical levels (in options) to see if it makes a difference? This would help us a bit to find what is the issue
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Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby GunChleoc » 01 Sep 2015, 08:07

MC1297 {l Wrote}:Okay, ich habe versucht, die Auflösung auf 800x600 zu reduzieren. Die neuen Tracks "Cocoa Tempel" und "Grand Paradiso" funktionieren jedoch nur, wenn man alleine oder im Multiplayer-Modus ohne Computergegner fährt. Selbst wenn 1 Computergegner dabei ist, stürzt es auch bei der geringsten Auflösung und bei der geringsten Grafikeffektstufe (Stufe1) ab :( . Aber kann man wahrscheinlich nichts machen. Was nur schlecht ist, dass man im Storymodus ebenfalls diese Strecken nicht fahren kann und somit nicht alle Strecken freischalten kann :( Ich hoffe die Hauptentwickler werden sich noch melden oder das Problem bald beheben.


OK, I have tried reducing the resolution to 800x600. The new tracks "Cocoa Temple" and "Grand Paradiso" only work when you play allone or in Multiplayer mode without AI opponents. If theree is just 1 AI opponent, it will crash at the lowest resolution and the lowest graphics setting (Level 1). I expect that nothing can be done here however. What's bad is that I can't drive these tracks in story mode either and thus I can't unlock all the tracks. I hope that the main developers will still chime in or fix the problem soon.
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Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby hiker » 02 Sep 2015, 00:26

GunChleoc {l Wrote}:
MC1297 {l Wrote}:OK, I have tried reducing the resolution to 800x600. The new tracks "Cocoa Temple" and "Grand Paradiso" only work when you play allone or in Multiplayer mode without AI opponents. If theree is just 1 AI opponent, it will crash at the lowest resolution and the lowest graphics setting (Level 1). I expect that nothing can be done here however. What's bad is that I can't drive these tracks in story mode either and thus I can't unlock all the tracks. I hope that the main developers will still chime in or fix the problem soon.

Are you always starting these tracks from overworld? If so, try not starting the overworld at all, and directly start a race on those tracks - though I am clutching at straws here ;)

Otherwise I admit I have no immediate idea what might be causing this. If you can race with two karts in multi-player mode, but not 1 player and 1 AI kart, it can't be the graphical resources. Maybe try to start with a clean installation by removing (or at least renaming) your %AppData%/supertuxkart directory. That will remove all addons, and all old settings that might cause a problem (there are a lot of warnings about old addons, missing skins etc). Maybe that somehow causes the problem.

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby MC1297 » 06 Sep 2015, 15:21

Hi Joerg,

First of all, thanks for your help and your ideas :)

I have a few questions to the latest post from you:

- I don't really understand what "overworld" means, could you explain that?

- Can you particularly explain how to remove/rename the %AppData% directory? Unfortunately I have not so much knowledge about this :/

Thanks for your help!


Mario Caputo
Posts: 8
Joined: 16 Aug 2015, 09:28

Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby XGhost » 06 Sep 2015, 16:31

MC1297 {l Wrote}:Hi Joerg,

First of all, thanks for your help and your ideas :)

I have a few questions to the latest post from you:

- I don't really understand what "overworld" means, could you explain that?

- Can you particularly explain how to remove/rename the %AppData% directory? Unfortunately I have not so much knowledge about this :/

Thanks for your help!


Mario Caputo

- Overworld is the world you drive through to choose challenges in story modus.
- Don't delete or rename the appdata directory itself (beware!), but the "supertuxkart" directory inside of it. This will force STK to create a new one (because it cannot find the old one anymore).

- Als "Overworld" (Oberwelt) bezeichnet man die Map, von wo aus Sie die Herausforderungen im Storymodus starten. --> Versuchen Sie einmal das Rennen direkt über den Einzelspielermodus zu starten. Macht das einen Unterschied?
- Es geht um den "supertuxkart"-Ordner im AppData-Ordner (löschen oder umbenennen), auf keinen Fall den AppData-Ordner selbst. Das zwingt SuperTuxKart beim nächsten Start einen neuen Ordner anzulegen (weil es den Alten nicht mehr findet). Dabei wird die gesamte Konfiguration von SuperTuxKart auf den Ursprung zurückgesetzt. Sie haben mit einer älteren Version von SuperTuxKart viele Add-Ons installiert und diese könnten vermutlich Probleme verursachen.
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Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby Auria » 07 Sep 2015, 22:49

Just an additional bit of info, to access the %appdata% folder, you can simply type "%appdata% in the windows explorer (file browser) address bar
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Joined: 07 Dec 2009, 03:52

Re: Troubles installing the newest version STK 0.9 on Window

Postby MC1297 » 17 Sep 2015, 19:03


Ich habe nun versucht, die "Supertuxkart"-Datei unter %Appdata% zu löschen und nun funktionieren die neuen Tracks endlich! Vielen Dank an Joerg für den Tipp! :) Nun kann ich beide neuen Tracks mit beliebig vielen Computergegnern und auch im Multiplayermodus auf jeder Grafikstufe problemlos spielen. Man merkt zwar, dass es während dem Spielen einige kleine Hänger gibt, die bei den anderen Tracks nicht auftreten, aber sonst funktionieren die neuen Tracks einwandfrei.

Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe und Engagement! :)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Mario Caputo
Posts: 8
Joined: 16 Aug 2015, 09:28

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