arbitrary STK banishment subject

arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 25 Nov 2020, 12:12

benau {l Wrote}:... arbitrary STK banishment subject question ?

Hello ,
My son told me than his account STK (nascartux) was banned in a arbitrary way, and I would like to know exactly why ?
I quote you, benau, just because he told me you name. (or maybe the pseudo: wax-stk)
I have not received any an e-mail for that.

Can you please reactivate this account, or at least tell me why.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby benau » 25 Nov 2020, 13:42

Because your son has been abusing our ranking system in various way too many times

He can recreate a new account if he wants to
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby eltomito » 25 Nov 2020, 22:48

Is this some kinda elaborate joke when someone (AntonioP? woosh?) is posing as nascartux's dad? :D BOOGITY BOOGITY!
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 25 Nov 2020, 23:26

benau {l Wrote}:Because your son has been abusing our ranking system in various way too many times
He can recreate a new account if he wants to


I will tell him to better respect the rules ... but in other hand, it is a game, a game to have some good times, not bad times.
And In this case you also can reset the ranking instead of a arbitrary banishment.
So If the related email address still not into your black list, I will recreate his account soon. Or maybe you can put into the white list again this email address ?

PS: Thanks for your feedback.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 25 Nov 2020, 23:33

eltomito {l Wrote}:Is this some kinda elaborate joke when someone (AntonioP? woosh?) is posing as nascartux's dad? :D BOOGITY BOOGITY!

No, have you ever seen some Nascar cars races in the past ? ... it was at the beginning of the race.

Edit: A fake dad if it's the case.
Last edited by oops66 on 26 Nov 2020, 13:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby kimden » 26 Nov 2020, 07:46

oops66 {l Wrote}:in a arbitrary way

oops66 {l Wrote}:a arbitrary banishment

You keep insisting the ban was arbitrary, but he was clearly cheating the ranking system for 15 months, admitted it, was warned for that multiple times by devs in person, had his ranking points reset twice (if not more), with reasons explained. He continued to do things he was warned not to do. Besides, he insulted people who told he was abusing the ranking.

I am not a fan of bans or ranking resets, but everything has its limits. Calling it an "arbitrary ban" is completely false. And he is given again a chance to behave normally, so why complaining about that at all?

eltomito {l Wrote}:someone (AntonioP? woosh?) is posing as nascartux's dad?

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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 26 Nov 2020, 13:10

kimden {l Wrote}:
oops66 {l Wrote}:in a arbitrary way

oops66 {l Wrote}:a arbitrary banishment

You keep insisting the ban was arbitrary,

... Yes because I asked again my boy, and the only thing he did this time , was not to play in all races ... so for me (and almost everybody) it's a arbitrary judgment, no?.
Having the ability to make a choice, it's the free will, the freedom.

... But it does not matter, keep your good job, STK is a nice game.

And thank you for that.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 29 Nov 2020, 12:38

... FI: I have recreated (as mentionned) a new account nascartux-2,
... but with this account, my son can not go and play to all STK servers ... so the banishment seems to still be effective.
An answer, a workaround ?
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby wax » 29 Nov 2020, 12:55

Good, it's deserved :) . He cheated so much on ranked servers that I don't see why he should be unbanned there
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby benau » 29 Nov 2020, 12:59

I think joining non ranked servers should be fine
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 29 Nov 2020, 13:34

... I mostly and basically think than it is not a nice and mature behavior to have to a children.
A second chance is the good way.
anyway, Merry Christmas
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby benau » 29 Nov 2020, 13:45

Your son ranking has been reset too many times in the past, thats the chances
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 29 Nov 2020, 13:45

(2 or 3 times for a childreen) .... Yours posts are : Ridiculous and immatures.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby wax » 29 Nov 2020, 13:58

Bonjour, considéré votre anglais quelque peu difficile à comprendre, on m'a demandé de vous répondre en français.
Je pense et je suppose que beaucoup partagent un opinion similaire, mais c'est plutôt vous qui avez un comportement immature en faisant plus confiance à votre enfant qu'à plusieurs personnes parfaitement matures (bien que vous ne les connaissez pas réellement).
Comme Benau l'a dit, votre enfant a été bannit déjà plusieurs fois suite à des comportements innapropriés et des abus du système de classement en ligne.
Il n'y a donc pas de raison valable pour lui laisser le droit de retourner sur des serveurs "ranked" pour l'instant.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby benau » 29 Nov 2020, 14:07

Even a child has the abliity / needs to know the difference between right and wrong

You don't understand / cannot teach him that, you are not even a damn father Image
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 29 Nov 2020, 14:25

Re bonjour,

Bien, Wax, je vais être franc et pragmatique. Pour être un minimum mature, il faut déjà savoir ce qu'est un enfant (et à mon avis tu n'as pas d'enfant aux vues de tes réflexions incantatoires, comportements et impressions) ... Bannir sans prévenir, et même carrément supprimer un compte sans prévenir et hautement immature et arbitraire. Si tu n'arrives pas a comprendre ça, c'est grave.
C'est dommage car STK est un beau jeu libre et bien développé ... ce qui manque manifestement dans vos équipes c'est de la maturité, et de l'empathie vis à vis des enfants (des non-adultes en général).
Bref, faut savoir discerner les choses.

Mon fils aime tout comme toi, et la plupart des autres, les serveurs ranked et le challange ... sinon ça n'a guère d'intérêt.

J'espère qu'un francophone est capable d'être plus compréhensif et juste ... je verrai bien ... wait&see.
PS: Apparemment même les adultes ragent dans les courses )

Sinon, bonne continuation quand même, et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à tous.

(sinon la notion simpliste, de bien et de mal de benau ci-dessus, c'est hautement manichéen/binaire ... et immature aussi, ça confirme mes impressions) tu lui expliqueras si tu en as envie.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby kimden » 29 Nov 2020, 15:09

oops66 {l Wrote}:Bannir sans prévenir

Seems like you trust only one side in this conversation because you were already told there were plenty of warnings. So why appealing then to the devs and the community if you don't trust what they say?
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby wax » 29 Nov 2020, 15:14

Bannir sans prévenir.... Pas comme si je lui avais demandé d'arrêter de sauter les pistes une bonne dizaine de fois (en français) (et même menacé de demander un ban). Et au lieu de ça qu'est-ce qu'il fait il crée un deuxième compte pour tricher.
J'avais probablement son âge il y a peu, j'ai des parents enseignants, je connais le sujet. Je suis sûr qu'un enfant est capable de comprendre que quand on lui dit ne pas faire quelque chose il ne faut pas le faire. Il va falloir l'écouter un peu moins et être un peu plus ouvert d'esprit :) .
Et effectivement, la communauté de stk n'est pas particulièrement empathique envers les enfants (le fait que l'anglais est parlé à 99%, le fait que la plupart des joueurs sont adultes...), mais ça on ne peut rien y faire malheuresement.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 29 Nov 2020, 15:40

... Bref, tu confirmes que tu n'as pas d'enfants ... donc que tu crois savoir, alors que tu n'en sais rien.
C'est bien de l'avouer en filigrane.

... Bref si supprimer un compte sans prévenir, ce n''est pas immature pour toi (et tes compères) ... C'est que vous êtes encore des enfants, et que vous vous comportez encore comme des enfants. A ce stade c'est pathétique.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby wax » 29 Nov 2020, 16:09

Le fait que je n'ai pas d'enfants n'est pas le problème. Je connais le sujet et je vous ai dit pourquoi dans mon précédent post.
Sur ce, je vous laisse penser que nous sommes tous des enfants immatures, que vous êtes le dieu de la maturité/grand spécialiste des enfants et que votre fils est le roi du monde. Et je vous laisse ignorer le fait que votre fils à été prévenu de nombreuses fois avant d'être bannit.
Et je m'arrêterai là.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 29 Nov 2020, 16:16

wax {l Wrote}:Le fait que je n'ai pas d'enfants n'est pas le problème.

... Oh que si.
Bon je laisse tomber, vous êtes trop bornés et immatures ici. (que dans le déni des réalités)
Des vrais bébés ... au raz des pâquerettes ... C'est triste.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby McRavenINDo » 29 Nov 2020, 16:31

Take this sample carefully.

If your child playing League Of Legend from Riot Games or Arena Of Valor from Tencent, then your child's account got banned due to his behavior or cheating during play online, Sure he should deserve that. Are you going to demand a bunch of a company just only for your child's sake?. That is the real consequence. You should teach him well as a really good parent.

Just remember, you are only a man that stand against a bunch of a company.

Yes, the game is for fun but there are rules and you cannot against it.
Included are real life that has rules (of government)

The ranked game is for competitive, not for a cheater.

Behave like a customer, not a king.

Playing is the process, no one just won first place instantly but a cheater.
There will always competitors who will reach the best.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby FabianF » 29 Nov 2020, 16:34

I think it'd be fine allowing nascar to play on ranked again, but please tell your son not to do:
- cheating with an alternate account
- using alternate accounts in general
- skipping tracks without reason
Basically as a "last chance". You as his father know about the things nascar is doing and which he should not do, so in case something bad happens again with nascar, he should be banned from ranked again. You now know what made your son banned in the past so there won't be any problems with understanding what is allowed and why he was banned.
Basically, imo giving him a last chance is fine but if something bad happens again a permanent ban from ranked wouldn't be wrong.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby oops66 » 29 Nov 2020, 16:49

FabianF {l Wrote}:I think it'd be fine allowing nascar to play on ranked again, but please tell your son not to do:
- cheating with an alternate account
- using alternate accounts in general
- skipping tracks without reason
Basically as a "last chance". You as his father know about the things nascar is doing and which he should not do, so in case something bad happens again with nascar, he should be banned from ranked again. You now know what made your son banned in the past so there won't be any problems with understanding what is allowed and why he was banned.
Basically, imo giving him a last chance is fine but if something bad happens again a permanent ban from ranked wouldn't be wrong.

Good news,

Thank you for this explained proposal.
I just explained these rules to my son ... and he 's aware.
Have a nice day.
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Re: arbitrary STK banishment subject

Postby FabianF » 29 Nov 2020, 16:58

Note that this is only my personal opinion and I cannot do anything since I'm not an online moderator/dev
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